Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear 6days,

Left click on my name MichaelCadry above the Jesus avatar. That will underline my name. It will bring up a little box saying Send Private Message to Michael. Left click on that. And then you should be able to figure it out from there. Any probs., let me know.

God Be With You,



Well-known member
Dear 6days,

Left click on my name MichaelCadry above the Jesus avatar. That will underline my name. It will bring up a little box saying Send Private Message to Michael. Left click on that. And then you should be able to figure it out from there. Any probs., let me know.

God Be With You,


He probably won't be able to send private messages yet.


New member
It wasn't T-rex material inside a T-rex bone? Somebody must have slipped some more recent DNA in trying to fool evolutionists? :)
Where did I ever imply any such thing? :idunno:

There has been soft tissue found in iguanadon bones dated at 120 million years. Without doing a search, I think there has been soft tissue, and DNA found in fossils that evolutionists dated even older than that. But in any case... the half life of DNA is only a little more than 500 years. REAL science suggests that when DNA is found in things dated millions of years..... that there dates are whacked. Its impossible. But evolutionists MUST maintain the dating to maintain their theory.
This is just one of many many things in recent years that is causing some hard core evolutionists to look for alternative explanations to ToE.
If you wish, I should be able to provide you citations on decay rates etc, and where Schweitzer and others claim the soft tissue is genuine
I see you have a few misgivings and opinions that peer reviewed science and all scientists are somehow inherently dishonest?
A global scientific conspiracy perhaps to feed misinformation to the general public because, of course, Darwinian evolution must never be allowed to be wrong, oh no? ...Really? :sherlock:

Palaeontologist Mary Schweitzer, a devout Christian btw (not a young earth creationist), did not find "soft tissue", she found the residue of some by chance sealed inside a large bone that had to be cut in two to transport it. It became soft only after she had hydrated it in a mild acid solution. I have no reason to doubt that what she found is genuine and didn't suggest otherwise.
If indeed DNA can be successfully extracted from such ancient fossil remains then that would be very interesting which in no way causes a problem for the ToE, even if, as it seems, you might like it to be. Unfortunately, in my understanding, so far no such DNA has apparently yet been successfully extracted.

Not recently... I have looked it over before though.
I assume you mention it because of the Dissent from Darwin thing?
I didn't bring that up... but it is impressive that over 700 scientists all with PhD have stuck their necks out signing that statement. I know of some PhD creationists who can't be bothered as it exposes them to risk.
I think it helps put into proper proportion the general acceptance of science that Darwinian evolution is regarded overwhelmingly by mainstream scientists as fact whether they believe in gods or not.


New member
Dear Hedshaker,

Oh, I could make a prediction about you alright, but you wouldn't like it. And I don't want to get banned for saying such a thing, which I don't plan on doing. Where you go after this life of yours ends is God's guess, you know, my invisible Friend?? I don't need the wind to blow to let me know it exists, even though I can't see it with my eyes. You won't read my book so why should I suffer your videos??

I'm crushed Michael. And there's me thinking so highly of you... ;)

Incidentally how come your angel missed the biggest storm in recorded history:

Philippines: thousands evacuated as Typhoon Haiyan strikes

Perhaps he/she/it was having a siesta when your invisible friend got the heads up on that one. :doh:


Dear Hedshaker,

My angel did not forget the typhoon that hit the Philippines. I already know it is the worst. I knew it yesterday. I feel sorry for them all because their structures aren't able to withstand winds that strong. I fear for Vietnam too, because I have Vietnamese friends here and they often go back to the old country. My invisible friend let them have it alright. He reaps the wheat and leaves the tares. That's how He works. That's why I don't let it get to me. He takes some people home with the storms. All the time!

Are you wheat? Or a tare?



New member
My invisible friend let them have it alright. He reaps the wheat and leaves the tares. That's how He works. That's why I don't let it get to me. He takes some people home with the storms. All the time!
No that's just the daft spin that people like you invent to attempt to explain away the apparently god forsaken, and thereby comfort themselves while others suffer.

Are you wheat? Or a tare?

Typhoons don't care Michael and neither do imaginary beings.


Dear Alwight,

No that's just the daft spin that people like you invent to attempt to explain away the apparently god forsaken, and thereby comfort themselves while others suffer.

I've had it up to my ears with suffering, Alwight! Life is not a party all of the time. You have to suffer to grow a strong, God-loving spirit inside your soul. There is extreme intense good and there is extreme intense bad. You grow, like exercising with weights to strengthen your soul's spirit. I'll bet many of those who survived have turned to God because of it. Just like you would probably do if you were there.

(QUOTE by Alwight)Typhoons don't care Michael and neither do imaginary beings.(QUOTE)

It's the imaginary (REAL) being orchestrating the Typhoon. You need to learn more about God and His Son. That's all.

Much Love Coming Your Way!!


P.S. I tried to use the Quote feature on this, so I hope it turns out okay. We'll see, eh?





Dear Hedshaker,

Don't you wonder why there are so many RECORD-BREAKING catastrophes happening during the past 39 years. It gets worse. There's much more to come. Record-breakers. You'll see. Mark my words! It is God doing it and Jesus also. You know, my invisible Friends). You ninny!

God Help You If He So Chooses,



New member
I've had it up to my ears with suffering, Alwight! Life is not a party all of the time. You have to suffer to grow a strong, God-loving spirit inside your soul. There is extreme intense good and there is extreme intense bad. You grow, like exercising with weights to strengthen your soul's spirit. I'll bet many of those who survived have turned to God because of it. Just like you would probably do if you were there.

Typhoons don't care Michael and neither do imaginary beings.

It's the imaginary (REAL) being orchestrating the Typhoon. You need to learn more about God and His Son. That's all.

Much Love Coming Your Way!!


P.S. I tried to use the Quote feature on this, so I hope it turns out okay. We'll see, eh?




Michael well done for trying to use the quotes. Your second attempt in your post shouldn't have a "/" before "QUOTE" at the start of the quote but is correct at the end of the selection. Try editing it out in your post. I had to correct it to make your post come out right in my reply and it isn't easy to demonstrate without it actually putting in a quote.

An "E" instead of the blank space below will turn "Blahblahblah" into a quote.
[QUOT ]Blahblahblah[/QUOTE]


New member
Dear Hedshaker,

Don't you wonder why there are so many RECORD-BREAKING catastrophes happening during the past 39 years. It gets worse. There's much more to come. Record-breakers. You'll see. Mark my words! It is God doing it and Jesus also. You know, my invisible Friends). You ninny!

God Help You If He So Chooses,


No I don't wonder. About what should I wonder? It's not like nature gives a flying toss whether anyone wonders about it or not, including your invisible friend, which is actually you, as everyone but yourself is acutely aware of :dunce:

By the way, you use the square brackets [ - ] for quotes not the round ones ( - ) :dunce:


New member
No I don't wonder. About what should I wonder? It's not like nature gives a flying toss whether anyone wonders about it or not, including your invisible friend, which is actually you, as everyone but yourself is acutely aware of :dunce:

By the way, you use the square brackets [ - ] for quotes not the round ones ( - ) :dunce:

Michael had square ones originally but the "/" in the first one was causing the main problem, he's had another go since (bless 'im).

If you want some more help Michael, just ask, though I may be a poor substitute for God.


New member
Michael had square ones originally but the "/" in the first one was causing the main problem, he's had another go since (bless 'im).

If you want some more help Michael, just ask, though I may be a poor substitute for God.

Lol! You would think Michael's angel would be right on it.

Thing is, all the information is right there every time you open up the quote editor. All you need do is copy and paste... like this:

test here
Last edited:


Eclectic Theosophist
life is a canvas, be the artist.......

life is a canvas, be the artist.......

Dear Alwight,

I've had it up to my ears with suffering, Alwight! Life is not a party all of the time. You have to suffer to grow a strong, God-loving spirit inside your soul. There is extreme intense good and there is extreme intense bad. You grow, like exercising with weights to strengthen your soul's spirit. I'll bet many of those who survived have turned to God because of it. Just like you would probably do if you were there.

(QUOTE by Alwight)Typhoons don't care Michael and neither do imaginary beings.(QUOTE)

It's the imaginary (REAL) being orchestrating the Typhoon. You need to learn more about God and His Son. That's all.

Much Love Coming Your Way!!


P.S. I tried to use the Quote feature on this, so I hope it turns out okay. We'll see, eh?





I suggest using the 'Preview Post' feature when responding so you can see what your post will look like, (if all the quotes, responses and structure of your response) are to your specifications, before you 'Submit Reply'. Thats what this feature is for. Obviously you still need some practice :) - good luck in honing your craft here.

I think the subject here has been amply 'covered' so far, as far as basics go, with so much side fluff. If things get too 'fluffy',.....try a new strategy with the more illustrious ones here. It still holds that reality includes the totality of all matter, energy, mind and spirit, and that a Holistic View is more tenable here, since considering all realms of existence and every aspect of conscious life gives us a more comprehensive view of 'reality', hence research into every dimension of existence is essential here. We might have to alter or reconsider our 'views' sometimes to consider others, so this keeps us on the crest of new discoveries, making the prospect of life more exciting.

In this context, truth has nothing to fear in any branch or area of 'science' (knowledge), for conventional science does not disprove the existence of a 'Creator', even if some contend it does not affirm it either. Life continues in all its awe and wonder, we being but specks of star-dust in a world of infinite glitter. At some point it becomes an adventure of poetry, a misty dream, with some parts definable, and the rest undefinable. While we live in an ocean of infinity, what rises as finite points and diimensions in this eternity of life, are the tracks we have to ride upon, which give hints and indications of the invisible realm from which it is all made, which includes our concept of 'God', various religious philosophies, archetypes and symbols we use to relate to it all, plus our own intimate experience within this ocean of infinite potential, which includes the 'illusions' we entertain daily, since our perception of things is 'conditioned' by so many factors of space-time, background, education, environment, predispositions, preference, etc. 'Perception' modified in any dimensional construct in space-time, always suffers 'distortion' to one degree or another, thats just the way things are wherever consciousness is conditional.

I've been in a more fluid mood lately, which has been my style here for the most part, but taking interesting dives into new forms and techniques of dialogue :) - in some instances 'less is more' as 'words' can divert or shroud the few essential points we make, or in some cases expand the strata in which our insights take flight, which I hope tends towards the latter.

In the Shekinah Light!



Dear Alwight,

Thanks for the lesson on quotes. I'm getting the hang of it. I can't wait til I can master it. It is VERY convenient!!

OK, buddy, start believing in Jesus, why don't ya'. Wouldn't life be easier and more meaningful?

In God's Love,



Dear Hedshaker,

I'm glad you finally capitalized it; your Name. Anyway, maybe the Lord will send a tornado your way. Then you might turn to God. For those who believe in God and Jesus, they make life tons easier. Help you out in a number of ways. Thanks for the tip on the parentheses!!

God Love Ya',



Dear alwight,

Thanks so much for offering to help. Of course I will ask you if I continue to have trouble. Using quotes is like making a masterpiece or puzzle. I find it very difficult but my angel helps me do it with good friends like you who know how to do it already. Just like I know about angels visiting me already. You share your knowledge of quotes with me. I share my knowledge of God, Jesus and angels with you. That's why I try to lead you to the Lord. I want you all in heaven with me when we go to the place that is veiled right now. Jesus said, 'In My Father's house are many mansions. If it were not true, I would tell you. But I will go and make a place for you, and where I go, you cannot follow me.'

I Love You Guys Whether You Like It Or Not!!



Dear Hedshaker,

My angel does help me understand how to do it, with a little help from my friends. I did pretty good since it was my first time. I just have to work on the separate quotes. I can quote one sentence, but not always more. And cutting and pasting I have to get more proficient at.

Thanks for caring,



New member
Dear Chatmaggot,

See Gen. 1:5. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Now it does not say how long the evening or the morning was. The Lord told me it was not a 24-hour day, but instead a generation or something generated, no matter how small, but the earth's morning and evening were not 24 hours.

Also see Genesis 2:4. These are the 'generations' of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the 'day' that the Lord God 'made' the earth and the heavens.

Also see Genesis 5:1. This is the book of the 'generations' of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made He him... I had this feeling that this all might be over your heads. STUDY Genesis.

In God's Love,

Hey Michael. I disagree with you on this. I think I can make a fairly good argument for 24 hour creation days if you want to make a thread about it? It could be an interesting discussion. :)
I am not usually able to be here online very long each day, but would contribute to this conversation.
(Or perhaps there already are threads about this)


New member
Dear Hedshaker,

My angel does help me understand how to do it, with a little help from my friends. I did pretty good since it was my first time. I just have to work on the separate quotes. I can quote one sentence, but not always more. And cutting and pasting I have to get more proficient at.

Thanks for caring,


Michael, it's easy. It easy-peasy lemon squesy. A nine year old could figure it out.

Open the quote editor and think about it :readthis:
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