Creation vs. Evolution

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Hi Michael,
I don't live in London any more and don't really want to, so I haven't really much more idea than you what it's like atm.
It's turning out quite nice here however if a bit chilly.

I wonder why anyone needs to turn to any particular religion, but then I don't get angels coming to me to take away all doubt?

Dear alwight,

I don't blame you for not wanting to live there. Sounds way too expensive for me. I just thought you would know what's going on there by your TV news. Sounds like you've got good weather. It's quite nice here however a bit chilly. In a couple days (Sunday) we will have the Superbowl here in Phoenix. It's hard to believe that our city was chosen to host it.

You don't have to turn to a specific religion. And also, the first one Who spoke to me was the Lord, not an angel. He speaks clearly, commandingly, firmly loud. The first words He spoke to me were, "Calm yourself, and think of those you love."

Well, will close for now. I went to Him. Then He came to me.

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Couple of quick questions to you Michael:

(1) How did God speak the address to you?

(2) How did the Lord tell you that your mum had all 12 tribes in her blood?

Dear Repentance,

He spoke it through my thoughts like telepathy. He also told me that my Mom had all 12 tribes in her blood. It doesn't behoove me to question Him. So you are Muslim eh?? Without Jesus, you're going nowhere fast.

Asalaamu Aleikum,




New member
Dear alwight,

I don't blame you for not wanting to live there. Sounds way too expensive for me. I just thought you would know what's going on there by your TV news. Sounds like you've got good weather. It's quite nice here however a bit chilly. In a couple days (Sunday) we will have the Superbowl here in Phoenix. It's hard to believe that our city was chosen to host it.

You don't have to turn to a specific religion. And also, the first one Who spoke to me was the Lord, not an angel. He speaks clearly, commandingly, firmly loud. The first words He spoke to me were, "Calm yourself, and this of those you love."

Well, will close for now. I went to Him. Then He came to me.

Hi Michael,
This is a link to my now only blog entry on ToL or use the blog link on my profile panel, you may find it interesting.

All for now, I've had a long eventful and sad day, please don't read too much into it.


Michael, thanks.

I am of the opinion that there is much more to happen before all of the prophecies in the Bible are fulfilled.

For one, there is this important task of reaching all of the ethnic tribes:

"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." - Matthew 24:14

It will also be a very happy event when this depiction of peace is fulfilled:

And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD’S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they study war any more. - Isaiah 2:2-4

Dear nodelink,

Matt. 24:14 has been fulfilled as good as it's going to get. The latter of your statements occurs after Jesus' Return. Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you. I must mention to you that you can get a free read of my book, "What Your Eyes Have Not Seen" by Michael W. Cadry by going to my signature line below: ( Once there, on the left side you will see 'Book Copy'. Click there and then click on SKU-text2.pdf and my book will come up. You can leaf through the pages using your up and down arrow cursor keys. The first two pages of the book are blank (for autographing, notes, etc.). It is my most recent, only out for a month so far. It is my 7th Edition. It doesn't take too long to read it. It's 100% free. It will answer many of your questions. Chat with you later!!

No One Is Perfect!!



Hi Michael,
This is a link to my now only blog entry on ToL or use the blog link on my profile panel, you may find it interesting.

All for now, I've had a long eventful and sad day, please don't read too much into it.

Dear Alwight,

Thanks for sharing your blog with me!! I found it to be extremely interesting and insightful. I won't read too much into it. Do you have any brothers or sisters, Al?? May God give you inner strength and also peace and comfort! May He also Bless Your Life And Outcome!!



Dear Alwight,

It's 2:20 a.m. here (02:20), right? So it's dark. Is it still light outside where you are at?? Is it maybe morning or early afternoon there. We're suppose to have another overcast, rainy day 2morrow. I have this feeling we may not get any more rain though. Just clouds. It rained all day today (yesterday). It's suppose to be nice and sunny, 69 degrees, on Superbowl Sunday here in Phoenix. Everyone is going to converge on this city because of the game being here. Lots of traffic. Lots of money being poured into the city's economy. I'm not driving anywhere until Monday. It's just not worth it. I don't want to get into an auto accident. People from out of town will have trouble with the way we drive and vice versa.

Al, I'm very sorry to hear about your Mom. I know how close the bond must have been indeed. When they are gone is when you miss them most!! Know that she is in a better place, please! If you loved her, how much more do you think she was loved by her Creator?? So be happy, if you can. Bless her heart!! And bless you too, Alwight!!!

Warmest Regards,



New member
Dear Alwight,

It's 2:20 a.m. here (02:20), right? So it's dark. Is it still light outside where you are at?? Is it maybe morning or early afternoon there. We're suppose to have another overcast, rainy day 2morrow. I have this feeling we may not get any more rain though. Just clouds. It rained all day today (yesterday). It's suppose to be nice and sunny, 69 degrees, on Superbowl Sunday here in Phoenix. Everyone is going to converge on this city because of the game being here. Lots of traffic. Lots of money being poured into the city's economy. I'm not driving anywhere until Monday. It's just not worth it. I don't want to get into an auto accident. People from out of town will have trouble with the way we drive and vice versa.

Al, I'm very sorry to hear about your Mom. I know how close the bond must have been indeed. When they are gone is when you miss them most!! Know that she is in a better place, please! If you loved her, how much more do you think she was loved by her Creator?? So be happy, if you can. Bless her heart!! And bless you too, Alwight!!!

Warmest Regards,

Thanks Michael, you seem like a nicer caring person than most.
Presumably you all (y'all?) at least drive on the same side of the road in Phoenix as the rest of the country and stop at red lights?

There seems to be so many things for me to think about atm that I don't want to think about. It's hard to tell what are true feelings from simply emotion right now, but my dad died close to 9/11 so I have some previous experience. ;)

However, to be on topic, despite the slightly greater possibility that something/body up there actually does give a damn for us that I now have, I remain totally convinced that Darwinian evolution is fact and is how things actually did come about.
Not by spontaneous generation supernaturally or because an ancient scripture says so and must be adhered to. It's to do with the actual evidence, not doctrine or dogma but evidence.



New member

Yes, the source in Institute for Creation Research but mention is not a full endorsement.

Others could do the same testing.

It has been observed for multiple decades that radiometric dating methods generate inconsistent and therefore unreliable results. Radiometric data methods make assumptions about the absence of decay isotopes in the original sample and are therefore biased towards older ages.

The Barbarian

Yes, the source in Institute for Creation Research but mention is not a full endorsement.

Others could do the same testing.

It's easy to do, because the dacite that Gentry used for a sample was loaded with xenocrysts, unmelted (and therefore ancient) rock particles along with the recently solidified lava. He agreed that the xenocrysts were present, but said (without providing documentation) that he had carefully removed all of them before submitting the sample.

Problem is, no one can duplicate his results if the xenocrysts are removed.

It has been observed for multiple decades that radiometric dating methods generate inconsistent and therefore unreliable results.

Can, if you are careless in sampling. This is a great example of such a goof.

Radiometric data methods make assumptions about the absence of decay isotopes in the original sample

No. Argon gases, for example, are driven off from lava when melted, so the clock resets only when the lava hardens. So it's easy to account for that. The Argon/Argon testing method was shown to be effective in dating the eruption that buried Pompeii, for example:

Precise dating of the destruction of Pompeii proves argon-argon method can reliably date rocks as young as 2,000 years

Here's a site where you can play with the method and see why isochrons can remove spurious results:
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Thanks Michael, you seem like a nicer caring person than most.
Presumably you all (y'all?) at least drive on the same side of the road in Phoenix as the rest of the country and stop at red lights?

There seems to be so many things for me to think about atm that I don't want to think about. It's hard to tell what are true feelings from simply emotion right now, but my dad died close to 9/11 so I have some previous experience. ;)

Yes, we drive on the same side of the road and most stop at red lights. I can understand how you must be emotional now. That's expected. My Mom died before my Dad, so it was quite difficult. She was only 61, Al. My Dad died when he was 83. I was very close to my Mom, but I became closer to Dad once Mom passed away. It was a good thing. I'm sure Mom is glad about it. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad also. I can imagine that it must have been hardest on your Mom.

However, to be on topic, despite the slightly greater possibility that something/body up there actually does give a damn for us that I now have, I remain totally convinced that Darwinian evolution is fact and is how things actually did come about.
Not by spontaneous generation supernaturally or because an ancient scripture says so and must be adhered to. It's to do with the actual evidence, not doctrine or dogma but evidence.


You see Al, I remain totally convinced that Darwinian evolution isn't fact and I think he even had trouble believing it all. You will get your evidence, however it will come at the end of things, but He will prove to you that He exists. First He grabs those who believe in Him by Faith. You want to know why He doesn't go to everyone and tell Him He's God?? Because everyone would choose Him instead of the devil, Satan. Then the devil would say, hey that's not fair, everyone believes in and wants you because they've seen you. Now none will want to go with me.

That's what's going on.

Much Love, In Christ,




New member
Yes, we drive on the same side of the road and most stop at red lights. I can understand how you must be emotional now. That's expected. My Mom died before my Dad, so it was quite difficult. She was only 61, Al. My Dad died when he was 83. I was very close to my Mom, but I became closer to Dad once Mom passed away. It was a good thing. I'm sure Mom is glad about it. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad also. I can imagine that it must have been hardest on your Mom.
Thanks Michael. :)

You see Al, I remain totally convinced that Darwinian evolution isn't fact and I think he even had trouble believing it all. You will get your evidence, however it will come at the end of things, but He will prove to you that He exists. First He grabs those who believe in Him by Faith. You want to know why He doesn't go to everyone and tell Him He's God?? Because everyone would choose Him instead of the devil, Satan. Then the devil would say, hey that's not fair, everyone believes in and wants you because they've seen you. Now none will want to go with me.

That's what's going on.

Much Love, In Christ,


Potential presidents and prime ministers, left or right, are both there to be seen as real people and trusted or not. People chose which one from the evidence not by faith, so I see no reason why that shouldn't be true for both God and Satan or for whichever god/creator is actually true.
I do see every reason for religions to insist on faith when clearly imo there is no specific evidence for any of theirs gods, and then again if a god evidentially existed religion would probably not be needed anyway.
The only argument for faith I can come up with is that faith is ultimately personal, not religious. A real god may perhaps not want any religion to represent him/her/it, nor for religions to try to influence or mislead.
Whatever is the theistic truth Michael, as I see it, Earthly religions are all man-made inventions, not just Christianity, regardless of whether a god exists or not.


New member
Thanks Michael. :)

Potential presidents and prime ministers, left or right, are both there to be seen as real people and trusted or not. People chose which one from the evidence not by faith, so I see no reason why that shouldn't be true for both God and Satan or for whichever god/creator is actually true.
I do see every reason for religions to insist on faith when clearly imo there is no specific evidence for any of theirs gods, and then again if a god evidentially existed religion would probably not be needed anyway.
The only argument for faith I can come up with is that faith is ultimately personal, not religious. A real god may perhaps not want any religion to represent him/her/it, nor for religions to try to influence or mislead.
Whatever is the theistic truth Michael, as I see it, Earthly religions are all man-made inventions, not just Christianity, regardless of whether a god exists or not.

Praise-worthy design is a better explanation for the observable cosmos than "a universe from nothing".

Breath that free air that our planet enjoys. I thank God for it.

Divinity has been acknowledged since the earliest parts of recorded human history. Atheism has been relatively rare until recently in human history.

We need patience, kindness, self-control, law, order, justice, mercy and more for a viable and healthy society. Well-functioning Christianity promotes these for the good of all.

Man didn't invent Jesus Christ. Jesus is the exceptional person in all of human history. His first coming was prophesied and His second coming will satisfy the unfulfilled prophecies. No one spoke or performed wonders like Jesus Christ.

It's a shame that people die and we lose them. Jesus rose from the dead first. The rest of us shall also rise but different fates await us. Lord, have mercy.


New member
Praise-worthy design is a better explanation for the observable cosmos than "a universe from nothing".
That's one opinion but the expanding universe looks more like having all the design of an ongoing explosion to me.

Breath that free air that our planet enjoys. I thank God for it.
Breath the air that happens to be here on this tiny speck of rock, since we wouldn't be here otherwise.

Divinity has been acknowledged since the earliest parts of recorded human history. Atheism has been relatively rare until recently in human history.
I'd say that having a theistic belief has perhaps evolved in humans since the earliest times, who are only too well aware of their own mortality and perhaps the apparent ultimate futility of this life with all its pain, death and disease.

We need patience, kindness, self-control, law, order, justice, mercy and more for a viable and healthy society. Well-functioning Christianity promotes these for the good of all.
Such ideals have been around long before Christianity and currently in those who are not Christian today.

Man didn't invent Jesus Christ. Jesus is the exceptional person in all of human history. His first coming was prophesied and His second coming will satisfy the unfulfilled prophecies. No one spoke or performed wonders like Jesus Christ.
Man probably invented the miracles if not the actual person of Jesus.

It's a shame that people die and we lose them. Jesus rose from the dead first. The rest of us shall also rise but different fates await us. Lord, have mercy.
People evidentially at least don't come back from the dead except in the realm of fantasy perhaps.
I suggest that only a blind faith or perhaps an evolved human theistic tendency tells you that any of that is true.
But not from physical evidence, whether a god of some kind exists or not. :nono:


Praise-worthy design is a better explanation for the observable cosmos than "a universe from nothing".

Breath that free air that our planet enjoys. I thank God for it.

Divinity has been acknowledged since the earliest parts of recorded human history. Atheism has been relatively rare until recently in human history.

We need patience, kindness, self-control, law, order, justice, mercy and more for a viable and healthy society. Well-functioning Christianity promotes these for the good of all.

Man didn't invent Jesus Christ. Jesus is the exceptional person in all of human history. His first coming was prophesied and His second coming will satisfy the unfulfilled prophecies. No one spoke or performed wonders like Jesus Christ.

It's a shame that people die and we lose them. Jesus rose from the dead first. The rest of us shall also rise but different fates await us. Lord, have mercy.

Dear nodelink,

I am impressed!! Where have you been hiding? Why have you only posted 55 times since 2006?! I guess you must have come and gone a few times. Yes, you say some insightful and true things. But none will really KNOW them until after the two witnesses rise. That will touch things off. But a great earthquake shall happen after they are killed, so that perhaps communication will not be easily possible after they do rise to heaven. God knows!



That's one opinion but the expanding universe looks more like having all the design of an ongoing explosion to me.

Breath the air that happens to be here on this tiny speck of rock, since we wouldn't be here otherwise.

I'd say that having a theistic belief has perhaps evolved in humans since the earliest times, who are only too well aware of their own mortality and perhaps the apparent ultimate futility of this life with all its pain, death and disease.

Such ideals have been around long before Christianity and currently in those who are not Christian today.

Man probably invented the miracles if not the actual person of Jesus.

People evidentially at least don't come back from the dead except in the realm of fantasy perhaps.
I suggest that only a blind faith or perhaps an evolved human theistic tendency tells you that any of that is true.
But not from physical evidence, whether a god of some kind exists or not. :nono:

Dear Alwight,

Ah, but as highly improbable as it might seem, because of Jesus rising from the dead after He raised two others from the dead (Tabitha and Lazarus, and then Himself), we will see many of the Faithful also rise again in the Last Days. And I feel something in the air that tells me that it is soon. You can't know these things Al, because you don't have a Bible to read. That's why you don't learn about these things. You've never had Sunday School as a child, which is where you begin to learn about God and Jesus, and the Holy Ghost, and start believing. It's simple enough. You just didn't get the same upbringing that we did. I think that's the same with most atheists.

Warmest Regards,



Mark SeaSigh

Somebody else tell me that they just watched Katy Purry ride the Monopoly Cat/Lion through Fire; at the Super Purry Party half-time show!!!

: D

I know I did.


It was hilarious!


Here's a Good article on the Purry/Beach-Themed Half-Time Party;










Waking Up, Katy?


I'll bet you are, Now
; I like the Blue, but I'm Lovin' the Red.





Waking Up - Katy Purry



Please Take Me Home - Blink 182 ( For Katy Purry, and Our Beach Party )

Don't Worry, Purry; we will always have Johnny Cash, and Frankie!!! : P
{ Oh, and of Course! That Jesus Guy you have tattooed on your Wrist; Nice Strawpurry. }

Play Crack the Sky Purry!!! - Brand New

The Good Times are Killing Me - Modest Mouse
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Somebody else tell me that they just watched Katy Purry ride the Monopoly Cat/Lion through Fire at the Super Bowl half time show!!!

: D

I know I did.


It was hilarious!


Here's a Good article on the Purry/Beach Themed Half-Time show;

Hey Marcus!!

So very excellent to hear from you. I've been missing you quite a bit, but I figure you've got your own thing to do, so I try 2 b cool about it. I can't believe the Superbowl was 3 miles from my home. I would have driven there, but traffic would be horrendous. I can imagine there are many parties still going on. I'd like to be at a party with Lady Gaga. I think she sings so dang good. And in my opinion, she is one hot, sexy girl. If God didn't have me in the way that I am, I would love to make love to Gaga. I love her tits and ***. Don't you know her *** is famous?? I have never seen any other singer get as naked as she has gotten, and I mean even more than Cher.

She really makes me bedazzled and I can't help but keep my eyes on to her every move. She is SO TALENTED and BUILT!! Plus she can SING like an angel. Well, Mark, I've got to get going for now. Thank you so VERY MUCH for thinking of me and dropping me a line. I have GOT 2 hit the sack. Much Love For You And Yours!!




Dear Mark,

Things could not be going ANY BETTER!! You know the Superbowl was like 3 miles from my house. I live in Phoenix, near the Glendale border. Glendale is a suburb. That is where the game took place. It was quite a night last night. Oh course I got to check out Katy Perry. She did pretty darn good. You think she would have been scared to be so high up in the air. Eeeeek!! Don't lose your balance, whatever you do. It's good to have you back.



New member
Dear Mark,

Things could not be going ANY BETTER!! You know the Superbowl was like 3 miles from my house. I live in Phoenix, near the Glendale border. Glendale is a suburb. That is where the game took place. It was quite a night last night. Oh course I got to check out Katy Perry. She did pretty darn good. You think she would have been scared to be so high up in the air. Eeeeek!! Don't lose your balance, whatever you do. It's good to have you back.

I found out who Katy Perry is anyway, good game though. :)
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