Creation vs. Evolution

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"Organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts are "believed" to have originated by endosymbiosis."

It's great to believe. Jesus said that if you have faith like a mustard seed, you can move mountains.

One organism can ingest another organism. Yes, it's true. But, having the properties of one organism get integrated into the properties of another organism is a stretch. Then, having an organism with new properties from ingestation pass those properties along into a next generation is a further stretch.

I see that there's evidence for such a belief that became eukoryotic cells but not proof.

God is glorified in man's dependence said Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) but I see some who appear to be drawn to an imagined glory of independence from God. God is an exalted being. Men do well to humble themselves under the Mighty Hand of God.

OK, endosymbiosis describes a relationship that is more like parasite-host than ingestation. Endosymbiosis seems to describe a process akin to the Biblical description of marriage: the two shall become one. But, I still don't accept it yet as a proven means of evolution.

"Now if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation." (2 Corinthians 5:17). Christ makes us a new type of creature when we are born of the Spirit and united to Christ. I do accept that as an essential form of spiritual "evolution".

I do accept a symbiotic relationship with Jesus Christ. He doesn't need me but I am dependent upon Him to become a new type of creature.


New member
Dear Barbarian,

Well, as a matter of fact, I had a vision on April 3rd,1974, when this all began, in which I saw an angel standing upon a white cloud, and he cast his sickle into the earth and I saw a white tornado on the earth; and then I saw in the vision an angel upon a black cloud, and he did the same thing. Before that, I had no idea that a white tornado even existed. And in the vision, I was told that this was also a vision that John of Patmos had. My vision ended after an angel said that even the horses died in the tornadoes. See Rev. 14:14. And I found out later in Oct. '74 Reader's Digest that the tornadoes were highly unusual and that they had ran a path from Brandenburg, KY through Xenia, OH and northeast for a path of 200 miles. The Bible said they went a path of 1,600 furlongs. I looked in the dictionary and found that there were 8 furlongs in one mile. Thus 1,600 furlongs equaled 200 miles. Now you tell me? You want me to call it "nature."


Inferno (Dante's) is a visionary 14th century epic poem describing multiple levels of hell. Hell is a generally unpopular topic in our culture and century.

Visions of hell haven't been selling lately but visions of heaven have been bestsellers.

Visions can be a great way to sell books but famously one such tome of published "malarkey" or "mularkey" recently needed to be recalled by the publisher.

Story: The boy who didn’t go to heaven — and how ‘heaven tourism’ conquered the publishing world -

I am happy for you and your memorable vision but Scripture has instructed us to be careful and discerning with such things.

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. - 1 John 4:1

Discernment can require some time.

The Barbarian

"Organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts are "believed" to have originated by endosymbiosis."

It's great to believe. Jesus said that if you have faith like a mustard seed, you can move mountains.

It's careful not to conflate "scientists believe that mitochondria evolved by endosymbiosis, because of the following evidence..." with "I believe in God" or "I believe I'll have another Guinness."

That's guaranteed to take one down a blind alley.

You might want to take a look at the details of mitochondria and chloroplasts to see why they are so very much like specific types of bacteria.

One organism can ingest another organism. Yes, it's true. But, having the properties of one organism get integrated into the properties of another organism is a stretch.

Such a stretch was recently observed to evolve. Hard to deny direct observation.

Then, having an organism with new properties from ingestation pass those properties along into a next generation is a further stretch.

It took a good number of generations to move from tolerating each other to obligate endosymbiosis. Neither can now survive without the other. As we and our mitochondria are now unable to survive without each other, or plants and chloroplasts are now unable to survive without each other.

I see that there's evidence for such a belief that became eukoryotic cells but not proof.

Science never provides proof. That's only possible when we have all the rules. In science, we must observe the particulars and infer the rules.


Inferno (Dante's) is a visionary 14th century epic poem describing multiple levels of hell. Hell is a generally unpopular topic in our culture and century.

Visions of hell haven't been selling lately but visions of heaven have been bestsellers.

Visions can be a great way to sell books but famously one such tome of published "malarkey" or "mularkey" recently needed to be recalled by the publisher.

Story: The boy who didn’t go to heaven — and how ‘heaven tourism’ conquered the publishing world -

I am happy for you and your memorable vision but Scripture has instructed us to be careful and discerning with such things.

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. - 1 John 4:1

Discernment can require some time.

Dear nodelink,

Well, bless your heart. Yes, you are extremely wise to be very careful. I've done my share of sins in the past, to say the least. But God has slowly changed me over the years. There are many false prophets who've come and gone up in smoke. I would think more than twice about believing someone who told me that they had a vision or they were a prophet. I would examine them very closely and most likely, not believe them. So, I do figure that no one will believe me, but the Lord Jesus will return anyway and vouch for me then. I'm saying that Jesus is returning extremely soon. I don't expect you to believe me. Just hear me beforehand and find out later if I told you the truth. You can't know I'm right beforehand. Look at all of the whackos who've come before saying kool-aid is good for you. God will uphold my testimony, not me. I already am aware of that. Thanks nodelink!!

May God Comfort You Until Your Residence Is Heaven,



Mark SeaSigh


Did you see that article in Six Days thread; Which Said: "there was a Parrot found with Dinosaur Fossils"?

You know what that Means!!!

Modern Animal Species, have been found in the Same Earth layers as the Dinosaurs; which means that Evolutionists are Wrong about bird Evolution!!!

Yippie for us Creationists!!!


patrick jane

but the birdman of alcatraz begs to differ. the difference is negligible. you would have been a real groovy hippie ! ! ! or a real "hepcat". hipster dufus ?

Mark SeaSigh

Patrick Jane;

Is that what you are Calling yourself These Days: "the birdman of alcatraz"?

: D


Remember back when; the Atheists here, used to believe in the Obviously False "Theory of Evolution"?

Oh, those were the Days...



Did you see that article in Six Days thread; Which Said: "there was a Parrot found with Dinosaur Fossils"?

You know what that Means!!!

Modern Animal Species, have been found in the Same Earth layers as the Dinosaurs; which means that Evolutionists are Wrong about bird Evolution!!!

Yippie for us Creationists!!!


Dear Mark,

No, I did not see it yet. Wonderful news though!! Especially coming from you. What will Barbarian say now? Hey, it's good to hear from you, dude!! All is going well here. I plan on taking the new edition of my book to the Library soon, so they can put it on their shelves, next to a couple other editions. Cool eh? They will read it first though and make sure everything is kosher! My first edition was a challenge. It's in the downtown Phoenix Main Library since 1993.

Hey, God Loves You!! What More Do You Need??




but the birdman of alcatraz begs to differ. the difference is negligible. you would have been a real groovy hippie ! ! ! or a real "hepcat". hipster dufus ?

Hey patrick,

It's good to find that you've posted on my thread. All I have is one thread. Looks like some good news from us regular ol' Christians!! Yippee hippie!!

Praise God Always,





Patrick Jane;

Is that what you are Calling yourself These Days: "the birdman of alcatraz"?

: D


Remember back when; the Atheists here, used to believe in the Obviously False "Theory of Evolution"?

Oh, those were the Days...

Dear Mark,

Yes, I remember! Wasn't long ago. Maybe a month? You're the best, dude!! Thanks for the news!! Good to hear from you.




Dear All,

Once Again, Proof That God Exists:
Anyone with a brain can understand this!


What’s so amazing about water is that it is colorless, odorless, even tasteless but no living thing can exist without it. On Earth, there is a constant system of purification that recycles and reuses water, sustaining every living thing on our planet. How could God not play a role in this complex but amazing process?

The Human Brain

Did you know that the human brain processes more than a million messages a second, constantly deciding what’s important and what isn’t? According to Scientific American, across nearly seven million years, the human brain has tripled in size, with the most growth occurring in the past two million years. Through each phase, human intelligence evolves and we develop more important functions that help us communicate and create mind-blowing things that continue to amaze the generations before us. The evolution and complexity of our brain proves that there is a deliberate designer, who continues to deliver astonishing surprises.

The Complexity of Birth and Life

Life continues to be one of the greatest miracles. It’s hard to deny God’s reality when you think about the process of birth – that two beings can come together and create life, a process that is complex from the moment of conception. While there are over seven billion people living in this world, no person has the same finger print. While identical twins share the same genetic components, they are unique individuals. How can their not be a unique designer?


Look all around you –The animals, the flowers, the plants, the trees. Everything in nature has a purpose. Think about it. When one animal is removed from nature and the food chain, it disrupts something else in the chain. On the other hand, think about the flowers. While there are hundreds of thousands of flower species in the world, most of them cannot be eaten. God clearly placed certain things on Earth for necessity and other things for our own wonder and enjoyment.


While there are a number of religious books, the Bible is unlike any other. Isn’t it amazing how 40 unrelated authors over a 2000 year period could create a book about God’s love for humanity, with a consistent voice and message? Author Tim Chaffey in the article “Unity of the Bible: Seven Compelling Evidences” writes it perfectly, explaining “[the Bible’s] words point unerringly to Christ, who works on the cross was ordained by God – the true author of the Bible – before the world began.” God worked through each of these authors from different walks of life to create one of the most beautiful books ever written.


Many skeptics will try to tell you that Jesus didn’t exist. But Jesus’ crucifixion is historical fact and his resurrection was documented by hundreds of witnesses. God, who sent down his only Son to save us from ourselves, continues to marvel and inspire billions. And after centuries of the Gospel’s message being questioned, even ridiculed, Christianity remains the dominant world religion and continues to grow in many parts of the world. This is no accident. Any believer can attest to how they’ve been changed by the Bible, prayer and their faith in God, a love no non-believer can ever take away.

In conclusion, I hope this has possibly helped those who are atheists to think twice. Open you brains. They are like close scales jammed together on a fish, that nothing can permeate them, not even the truth. Think about this post thoroughly, with feeling.

For the Spirit of God Inside Us All,



New member

Did you see that article in Six Days thread; Which Said: "there was a Parrot found with Dinosaur Fossils"?

You know what that Means!!!

Modern Animal Species, have been found in the Same Earth layers as the Dinosaurs; which means that Evolutionists are Wrong about bird Evolution!!!

Yippie for us Creationists!!!

It was also said that a WW2 bomber has been found on the moon! You know what that means?!


It was also said that a WW2 bomber has been found on the moon! You know what that means?!

Hi Alwight,

How things goin' with you lately!! Good to hear from you. Yes, we're finding out all kinds of things. I saw a planet in another solar system, I believe, which has tons more rings around it than our Saturn. It's going to be fun flying around Heaven for our Eternal Life and seeing all of the beautiful things there. Endless beauty and surprises.

Go For The Gusto, Alwight,





High Alwight,

How is London doing? Do you read about what's going on there in the newspaper or on TV?? I would just LOVE to visit London. Cat Stevens has a mansion there on Curzon St. I prayed to God to get the address and He spoke it to me. That was after 8 years of not being able to get a letter to him. God was my last resort. Well, I was hoping Cat would turn to Christianity, but he already got talked into Islam by his brother, and there was no reasoning with him. He does write nice calligraphy though. I wrote back and forth for a while and told my story to his male secretary (Arabic). I'm fine with the Arabs as long as they are good to Israel, and not fanatical. I mean, my grandparents and aunts were full-blown Lebanese. But my mother was Israeli, English, Irish, Scottish and Cherokee. She was quite a mutt, but the Lord told me she had all 12 tribes of Israel as some of her ancestors. Most of the Israeli's got dispersed into a lot of other countries, even including Great Britain, and Greece, etc. I'm quite a mutt!

Well, I will talk with you soon, buddy!! I will PM you soon. May God watch over you for me.



New member
High Alwight,

How is London doing? Do you read about what's going on there in the newspaper or on TV?? I would just LOVE to visit London. Cat Stevens has a mansion there on Curzon St. I prayed to God to get the address and He spoke it to me. That was after 8 years of not being able to get a letter to him. God was my last resort. Well, I was hoping Cat would turn to Christianity, but he already got talked into Islam by his brother, and there was no reasoning with him. He does write nice calligraphy though. I wrote back and forth for a while and told my story to his male secretary (Arabic). I'm fine with the Arabs as long as they are good to Israel, and not fanatical. I mean, my grandparents and aunts were full-blown Lebanese. But my mother was Israeli, English, Irish, Scottish and Cherokee. She was quite a mutt, but the Lord told me she had all 12 tribes of Israel as some of her ancestors. Most of the Israeli's got dispersed into a lot of other countries, even including Great Britain, and Greece, etc. I'm quite a mutt!

Well, I will talk with you soon, buddy!! I will PM you soon. May God watch over you for me.

Hi Michael,
I don't live in London any more and don't really want to, so I haven't really much more idea than you what it's like atm.
It's turning out quite nice here however if a bit chilly.

I wonder why anyone needs to turn to any particular religion, but then I don't get angels coming to me to take away all doubt?


High Alwight,

How is London doing? Do you read about what's going on there in the newspaper or on TV?? I would just LOVE to visit London. Cat Stevens has a mansion there on Curzon St. I prayed to God to get the address and He spoke it to me. That was after 8 years of not being able to get a letter to him. God was my last resort. Well, I was hoping Cat would turn to Christianity, but he already got talked into Islam by his brother, and there was no reasoning with him. He does write nice calligraphy though. I wrote back and forth for a while and told my story to his male secretary (Arabic). I'm fine with the Arabs as long as they are good to Israel, and not fanatical. I mean, my grandparents and aunts were full-blown Lebanese. But my mother was Israeli, English, Irish, Scottish and Cherokee. She was quite a mutt, but the Lord told me she had all 12 tribes of Israel as some of her ancestors. Most of the Israeli's got dispersed into a lot of other countries, even including Great Britain, and Greece, etc. I'm quite a mutt!

Well, I will talk with you soon, buddy!! I will PM you soon. May God watch over you for me.


Couple of quick questions to you Michael:

(1) How did God speak the address to you?

(2) How did the Lord tell you that your mum had all 12 tribes in her blood?


New member
Dear nodelink,

Well, bless your heart. Yes, you are extremely wise to be very careful. I've done my share of sins in the past, to say the least. But God has slowly changed me over the years. There are many false prophets who've come and gone up in smoke. I would think more than twice about believing someone who told me that they had a vision or they were a prophet. I would examine them very closely and most likely, not believe them. So, I do figure that no one will believe me, but the Lord Jesus will return anyway and vouch for me then. I'm saying that Jesus is returning extremely soon. I don't expect you to believe me. Just hear me beforehand and find out later if I told you the truth. You can't know I'm right beforehand. Look at all of the whackos who've come before saying kool-aid is good for you. God will uphold my testimony, not me. I already am aware of that. Thanks nodelink!!

May God Comfort You Until Your Residence Is Heaven,



Michael, thanks.

I am of the opinion that there is much more to happen before all of the prophecies in the Bible are fulfilled.

For one, there is this important task of reaching all of the ethnic tribes:

"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." - Matthew 24:14

It will also be a very happy event when this depiction of peace is fulfilled:

And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD’S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they study war any more. - Isaiah 2:2-4
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