Creation vs. Evolution

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Well-known member
I've found that being theist, believing in God and Jesus, a whole other meaning of love that lasts forever. Can't help myself. I'm not alone, either.

Is that what you mean, noguru?

To A Caring Friend,

Michael :thumb:


I am not sure why short term (one life time) vs long term (eternity) should have any effect in this regard. But yes, I have heard people make such claims. Though they never logically and consistently explain why that would be, or demonstrate it to be universal.


I am not sure why short term (one life time) vs long term (eternity) should have any effect in this regard. But yes, I have heard people make such claims. Though they never logically and consistently explain why that would be, or demonstrate it to be universal.

Dear noguru,

I am talking about one earthly lifetime of close friendship. I'm sure it can exist through eternity also, since God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost do that way though too! Love is unconditional with God and that is how it is with me. I have a very high capacity for love. I know sometimes you can't tell. Seems like I'm always chiding someone for something, but I mean well. Even Jesus said, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten..." (Rev. 3:19). Does that sound right, noguru?

God's Goodness Upon You!!





Well why didn't you say?

Welcome to the human-friendly world of atheism!

Or as I call it, just being a normal person.



Who said you were normal?? Every once in a while, you cross the line. You are going to be so very FULL of REGRETTTTTTTTTT!! You'll wish you never chose the path you took, especially when it was best and easier to just love God instead.





New member
Who said you were normal?? Every once in a while, you cross the line. You are going to be so very FULL of REGRETTTTTTTTTT!! You'll wish you never chose the path you took, especially when it was best and easier to just love God instead.
Well then, don't hold back. Give me all the details on this threat you make on behalf of your supposedly murderous Imaginary Friend!

What will it do to me that should inspire so much regret in me? Will it violently destroy me with burning sulfur? Will it pass high and impressive judgement on me? Will the 'saved' watch the torture of the damned with great excitement and joy, as Tertullian wrote?

This is not a healthy belief system. It's not normal. No matter how eccentric I might or might not be, this christian belief system is a perversion.



Well then, don't hold back. Give me all the details on this threat you make on behalf of your supposedly murderous Imaginary Friend!

What will it do to me that should inspire so much regret in me? Will it violently destroy me with burning sulfur? Will it pass high and impressive judgement on me? Will the 'saved' watch the torture of the damned with great excitement and joy, as Tertullian wrote?

This is not a healthy belief system. It's not normal. No matter how eccentric I might or might not be, this christian belief system is a perversion.

Dear Stuart,

You'll just never understand. I can't expound on your belief system right now. Not enough time. Have to get going for now.





Dear Thunder's Muse,

I think it really is a bit of both, so I will see what I can do tonight. I just got on a minute ago.

Much Love In Christ,



Well then, don't hold back. Give me all the details on this threat you make on behalf of your supposedly murderous Imaginary Friend!

He is not a murderous Imaginary Friend. Any more than you are a father and his child, and you are trying to teach that child something so he/she will not cross the street at the wrong time and get hit by a car, or walk against a STOP sign. You can call Him a murderous Imaginary Friend to make it sound worse than Who He actually is. The way it is right now is that if you refuse Him, then His enemy gets to keep you, as a prisoner of war. But you choose to be that prisoner of war by yourself. So His enemy gets to keep you. Well He is going to burn His enemies house and all of his prisoners in order to win a war and live in Peace. Do you understand yet? It's all a matter of Free Choice/Will. He is not forcing you to side with Him. It's just, if you side with His Enemy, then you receive His enemies reward also.

What will it do to me that should inspire so much regret in me? Will it violently destroy me with burning sulfur? Will it pass high and impressive judgement on me? Will the 'saved' watch the torture of the damned with great excitement and joy, as Tertullian wrote?

No, Stu, there will not be any gloating or glee by others because you are burning in sulfur. No judgement will be passed upon you except you chose to be on the enemy's side instead of His, so you then get caught up with the fate of His enemy by default.

This is not a healthy belief system. It's not normal. No matter how eccentric I might or might not be, this christian belief system is a perversion.

Stu, Good has been fighting Evil ever since you were a child, you were exposed to it, but you choose to be on the side of Evil instead of the side of Good. That is your choice, my friend, although an unhealthy one. You've got a brain and a heart? Use them. You can rebel against the rules all that you want. Just because you don't like the rules of the game Monopoly doesn't make them not rules. You are the one choosing your fate, not Him. And He's got deadly plans for His Enemy and all who SIDE with His Enemy. It's THAT simple. Do you understand it now, or will you ask another rhetorical question?? That is your favorite game, Stu.

I care about you irregardless. It doesn't please me to see a brother go down the tubes, but no matter what I do, I can't seem to be able to convince you otherwise. What do you want me to do then? Change all the rules so that they fit your way of how you want the war to be played?? That isn't in my capacity to deliver to you.

Open up your ears and shut your mouth for a while, and you might hear the truth instead of yourself.

Much Love To You On Your Terms,





New member
He is not a murderous Imaginary Friend. Any more than you are a father and his child, and you are trying to teach that child something so he/she will not cross the street at the wrong time and get hit by a car, or walk against a STOP sign.
Yes but the only danger I am being warned about is the one where your Imaginary Friend is threatening me with burning in sulfur. The problem is not with me, it is with the threat of burning. So all it has to do is say that it won't burn me in sulfur, then there is no need for it to warn me. If I told you I was warning you that you were in danger of me having you burned in sulfur, I would expect you would ring the police. Does your god not have the power to tell itself to stop burning people?

You can call Him a murderous Imaginary Friend to make it sound worse than Who He actually is.
Up to 20,000,000 human deaths are attributed to your Imaginary Friend in the Judeo-christian scriptures. Not sure what else you could call that but murderous.

The way it is right now is that if you refuse Him, then His enemy gets to keep you, as a prisoner of war. But you choose to be that prisoner of war by yourself. So His enemy gets to keep you. Well He is going to burn His enemies house and all of his prisoners in order to win a war and live in Peace. Do you understand yet? It's all a matter of Free Choice/Will. He is not forcing you to side with Him. It's just, if you side with His Enemy, then you receive His enemies reward also... there will not be any gloating or glee by others because you are burning in sulfur. No judgement will be passed upon you except you chose to be on the enemy's side instead of His, so you then get caught up with the fate of His enemy by default.
So your god, some say an omnipotent being, is a warlord bent on defeating its enemies, one of which it counts as me, although I don't even believe it exists. It gives me free choice but nevertheless will destroy me because it has decided to set fire to its enemies.

How dare it lecture me on loving my enemies?!

Stu, Good has been fighting Evil ever since you were a child, you were exposed to it, but you choose to be on the side of Evil instead of the side of Good. That is your choice, my friend, although an unhealthy one. You've got a brain and a heart? Use them. You can rebel against the rules all that you want. Just because you don't like the rules of the game Monopoly doesn't make them not rules. You are the one choosing your fate, not Him. And He's got deadly plans for His Enemy and all who SIDE with His Enemy. It's THAT simple. Do you understand it now, or will you ask another rhetorical question?? That is your favorite game, Stu.
It looks more and more to me like the only moral option is to oppose this violent totalitarian dictator you claim is in some celestial mortal combat with other Imaginary Beings. Maybe if your god is destroyed somehow then the game it is alleged to be playing with its pantheon of good and evil characters could come to an end, and we could try to live in peace instead.

I care about you irregardless. It doesn't please me to see a brother go down the tubes, but no matter what I do, I can't seem to be able to convince you otherwise. What do you want me to do then? Change all the rules so that they fit your way of how you want the war to be played?? That isn't in my capacity to deliver to you. Open up your ears and shut your mouth for a while, and you might hear the truth instead of yourself.
You could declare allegiance to the side of good, the one determined to overcome any Imaginary Friends that threaten any kind of violence to anyone. That means opposing the nasty plans of your god to fight, and the nasty plans of any enemy to fight. Let's stop them all from this absurd war over nothing.

Or maybe just save ourselves from the paranoia of believing conspiracy theories of cartoon book gods locked in combat for the forces of Red team vs Blue team, involving burning people in sulfur.



New member
You figgered out how physics work in a tumble dryer yet?

I've understood that since I learned how to apply vectors in high school. You clearly don't but what does your ramblings about mistaken tumble dryer physics and it's application to astrophysics have to do with mutations anyway?
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