Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Well if Jesus is coming love to meet him and maybe have a beer. But as far as the creationist part goes, I don't believe your wrong. I further more don't believe your right either. We are speaking about a subject abstractly, a subject with infinite depth. Now how would anyone assume to know the truth. Even science is re worked all the time with new discoveries. Maybe one day you'll have your proof, I hope you get it. But I'm still stuck on one thing, which is why does it matter. Everything that will be will be. The past present and future were put into motion along time ago. How, why, when or where is irrelevant because we exist now. And since we exist now, a now that is saturated with fixable problems. I wish science and religious people would start for real actually improving the planet and not just justifying there existence. We've all heard both sides and it's all very fascinating. But tell me this, why is the most advanced civilization we have ever known alongside the greatest public centers, churches, why are they not solving our problems. We don't need people to starve, we solved that decades ago and it's globally possible. The tech is there and so are the churches to distribute it. This is one example of many. Let's just face facts. Religion is self serving and so is science, hey it's human nature. But if I have to listen to one side make anymore proclamations about irrelevant issues I'm gonna laugh. Because nothing is funnier than watching idiots argue. With all do respect.


New member
Even if you are correct science works on pretty rigorously mapped out guidelines. The evolution of thought in terms of evolving works on the same principles. Now you have the Bible, which is in its own right a masterpiece. But is does not influence science, it has no place there as far as the scientific process. So evolution can be presumed to be the best answer. I say presumed because I've never claimed anything to be absolutely true, nothing is.


New member
Michael not only is it highly inappropriate to release the private messages of someone else but to do so of someone who has died for your own petty ends is disrespectful.

To then also misrepresent what he said... :(

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Hear hear!


New member
Yes... it may be vague, because we don't know exactly how God did it. However we do know that in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them.
Already known observations admit that the one way speed of light can't be measured. Einstein called it a convention, suggesting it could be almost anything providing the 2 way speed is consistent with 'already known observations'.

A constant one-way speed of light has been demonstrated by the success of Special Relativity. The constancy of the speed of light is one of two postulates of the theory which affects every known physical phenomenon, and since SR has been rigorously tested through hundreds of high precision experiments covering a wide range of physical systems, it seems pretty clear that the one-way speed of light is the same as the two-way one. The measurement is indirect, but no less convincing for that. So far I know of no one who has come up with ANY theory that has anisotropic speeds of light that is so thoroughly "consistent with 'already known observations'", but parhaps you could propose the one that has convinced you? (I won't be holding my breath, though …

The 'ridiculously large UNIVERSE' may be even ridiculously largely than you think...a testimony / witness to the 'ridiculously' awesome majesty of its creator.* As I said earlier "Apparently some Oxford researchers now think the universe could be 250 times bigger than current estimates. And, they are suggesting that galaxies at the outer edges of the observable universe are too "well formed" to have occurred right after the Big Bang (Falsely assuming the 'Big Bang' as their starting point). It will be interesting over the next while to see how this changes evolutionary explanations of the age of the universe and other beliefs."

And as I demonstrated earlier by referring to what the scientists ACTUALLY SAID, that your (underlined) claim is thoroughly untrue. Repeating it now the error has been shown to you is dishonest. By saying "they are suggesting that galaxies …" when referring to the scientists, is another dishonest paraphrase, since the scientists never said that either, only the (rather poor and unreferenced) popular article.

You seem to be doubling down on the false claim now. Time to withdraw your assertions.

Essentially though, the answer is that space expanded faster than the speed of light.
How fast God spread the universe, we don't know.... 1 minute? 24 hour?

Yup, but did you know that nothing can travel faster then light, and that was true even during what you refer to as faster-than-light expansion? I.e, galaxies can (and still do) get farther apart at relative speeds greater than that of light, without actually moving?

Think about it. :think:

Amusing how *evolutionists demand rigorous explanations from creationists, when they themselves are satisfied with vague and often psuuedo scientific just so stories. If you wish answers from Biblical astronomers and astrophysicists, you can find them at sites like ICR,, AIG, etc.

I have read lots of articles on all of these sites, and they are the vaguest and unclear tracts, aimed only at rhetorical argument to persuade those who already believe. There are no critically peer-reviewed articled, just a lot of love-in fawning over each others persuasive efforts.


Who's dead?

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Dear Stripe,

Our friend alwight passed away quite recently. He was agnostic/atheist, but before he died, he spoke to me many times about sending him an angel to help him with his dying. He said he was fine with death after it was over with, but he was not fine with the actual part of dying. That's because he thinks that after he dies, he'll be done with and won't have to be conscious anymore. But, he must realize that there is a greater continuance of life after this Earthly one. Looks like I will have to look for another instance of alwight's final remarks for them. I'll see what happens.

Good to hear from you again!!

Praise The Lord God,

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New member
gcthomas said:
6days said:
...the one way speed of light can't be measured. Einstein called it a convention, suggesting it could be almost anything providing the 2 way speed is consistent with 'already known observations'. seems pretty clear that the one-way speed of light is the same as the two-way one. The measurement is indirect
Ok... we agree it seems. There is no way to measure the one way speed of light.
gcthomas said:
And as I demonstrated earlier by referring to what the scientists ACTUALLY SAID, that your*
And as I said earlier, before you move the goalposts, will you admit you were wrong what you said about the article I referred to?
gcthomas said:
Yup, but did you know that nothing can travel faster then light, and that was true even during what you refer to as faster-than-light expansion? I.e, galaxies can (and still do) get farther apart at relative speeds greater than that of light, without actually moving?
And what I said was many believe space expanded faster than the speed of light.
How fast God spread the universe, we don't know.... 1 minute? 24 hour?
gcthomas said:
6days said:
Amusing how* evolutionists demand rigorous explanations from creationists, when they themselves are satisfied with vague and often psuuedo scientific just so stories. If you wish answers from Biblical astronomers and astrophysicists, you can find them at sites like ICR,, AIG, etc.
...There are no critically peer-reviewed articled, just a lot of love-in fawning over each others persuasive efforts.
You seem to concede that evolutionists are often satisfied with vague and often pseudo scientific 'just so' stories?
(your claim about no peer reviewed articles from Biblical creationist scientists*is another false claim of yours, and an attempt at moving goalposts.)


I am just wondering friend, why would evolution be needed if God created everything ? I to think so many on both sides do not understand the creation story, but just as there is no YEC, nor is it logical, there also is no evolution.

The Hebrew language had about 4000 words compared to 500,000 in the modern English language, many words had multiple meanings, the word used for Day [YOM] has about 50 meanings, day is the most common, but the original meaning was "to be hot". it can also mean a period of time, chronicles, age, etc.

So each day is only a period of time between the first period and the starting of the next period, from Gods viewpoint, not ours. The first day was 9.2 Billion years, the second day was 3.6 billion years, the third day was 100 million years etc.... God created the universe, He said so, and all scriptures are of God, not men. Man was created 6000 years ago, during the sixth day, which last about 250 million to 300 million years. When man was created, God rested and we are now in the seventh day. Any supposed man of older origins had no imparted Spirit from God and thus was only an animal, not a human being. Just because men told you evolution was true, don't sweat it, men have been lying for centuries.

What came before us is an important part of who we are today. The cocoon is important to the Butterfly. The tadpole to the frog. God creates different things and beings in different ways on different levels of reality. It is a fact that different forms of life lived at different ages over long periods of time, man is a relatively young development on our world. This is revealed in the fossil record. Adam and Eve came from another world, they arrived on an earth that had already fallen, man had already evolved according to the will and plans of deity.

The Bible is the human word about God, it reflects mans speculations and understanding of God over time. The Biblical creation story is one of many, it was written by the Hebrew priest who wove together fragments of ancient stories while exaggerating their own history. They were on an ego trip having had their nationalist pride bruzed by the devastating loss of Jerusalem and subsiquent bondage.
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New member
You seem to concede that evolutionists are often satisfied with vague and often pseudo scientific 'just so' stories?
(your claim about no peer reviewed articles from Biblical creationist scientists*is another false claim of yours, and an attempt at moving goalposts.)

Unsurprisingly, I didn't say any such thing. But misquoting is the favourite pastime of fundy creationists. Please read what I wrote — if you think I was wrong please reference a Creationist's paper that demonstrated a creationist topic and that has been peer reviewed in a non-creationist journal.


New member
gcthomas said:
6days said:
your claim about no peer reviewed articles from Biblical creationist scientists*is another false claim of yours.
If you think I was wrong please reference a Creationist's paper that demonstrated a creationist topic and that has been peer reviewed in a non-creationist journal.
Push harder on those goalposts GC. *You were wrong.*Care to post and explain what you actually said... comparing it to your most recent 'arguement'?

patrick jane

Well if Jesus is coming love to meet him and maybe have a beer. But as far as the creationist part goes, I don't believe your wrong. I further more don't believe your right either. We are speaking about a subject abstractly, a subject with infinite depth. Now how would anyone assume to know the truth. Even science is re worked all the time with new discoveries. Maybe one day you'll have your proof, I hope you get it. But I'm still stuck on one thing, which is why does it matter. Everything that will be will be. The past present and future were put into motion along time ago. How, why, when or where is irrelevant because we exist now. And since we exist now, a now that is saturated with fixable problems. I wish science and religious people would start for real actually improving the planet and not just justifying there existence. We've all heard both sides and it's all very fascinating. But tell me this, why is the most advanced civilization we have ever known alongside the greatest public centers, churches, why are they not solving our problems. We don't need people to starve, we solved that decades ago and it's globally possible. The tech is there and so are the churches to distribute it. This is one example of many. Let's just face facts. Religion is self serving and so is science, hey it's human nature. But if I have to listen to one side make anymore proclamations about irrelevant issues I'm gonna laugh. Because nothing is funnier than watching idiots argue. With all do respect.


New member
Push harder on those goalposts GC. *You were wrong.*Care to post and explain what you actually said... comparing it to your most recent 'arguement'?

It seems that the power of reading has left you.

I said that there were no critically peer reviewed articles on those sites. You claimed (wrongly) that I said that no peer reviewed work has been published by creationists. I know that plenty of creationists have published work, but you should know that this is, in the case on non-creationist journals, not about creationism. I challenged you to find creationism articles in peer reviewed (non-creationist) journals.

You, it seems, can't find any. So that's fine. :wave:



That sucks. :(

Dear Stripe,

That is about it!! You pinned it down very well. I still can't believe it all happened so fast. His cancer was gone from his colon after his operation, but as a preventative measure, they gave him unnecessary Chemotherapy and his body couldn't fight the cancer any more because the Chemo makes it harder for the body to fight the cancer. He got screwed by his doctors and nurses. It does suck!!

May God Pour Down Many Blessings Into Your Heart And Soul,

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Did Al pass away?

Dear patrick jane,

Alan hasn't emailed to me in weeks, so I have nothing else to conclude. He was pretty bad off last time he emailed me. I can't imagine him lasting very long in a nursing home without dying, so yes, I think he passed away. He was also a landlord over one flat. The one next to him. He had bought it and rented to two guys and he had some spare money coming in every month from them. There's a lot that you all don't know about him. He would ask me to pray that an angel would come to him, so that was promising. Tyrathca and Hedshaker feel that I am wrong to publish his emails to me, but if that's what it takes to convince them of something I said, then whatever. They didn't believe and so I had to post evidence. It is their fault that I had to post the truth about the matter. Now they are upset, but it is only because I prove that Alwight/Alan believed in angels and broke down about his agnostic/atheist a bit.

Much Love, In Christ {Much Love Twin, In Jesus Christ's Example}!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :guitar: :guitar: :singer:


New member
they gave him unnecessary Chemotherapy and his body couldn't fight the cancer any more because the Chemo makes it harder for the body to fight the cancer. He got screwed by his doctors and nurses. It does suck!!

Michael, there are a very great deal of very clever doctors and consultants and university epidemiologists who fundamentally disagree with you, with actual evidence to back them up.

I really don't like you telling everyone that you think that Arthur was a fool to trust the medics, and that you know he changed his firmly held disbelief in God at the end. Your comments are offensive, and you should refrain from discussing Arthur now that you think he has left us.
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New member
Michael, there are a very great deal of very clever doctors and consultants and university epidemiologists who fundamentally disagree with you, with actual evidence to back them up.

I really don't like you telling everyone that you think that Arthur was a fool to trust the medics, and that you know he changed his firmly held disbelief in God at the end. Your comments are offensive, and you should refrain from discussing Arthur now that he has left us.

How many examples do you know of where chemotherapy or radiation treatment actually cured the cancer? As in it never came back, they died of old age 40 years later?

A properly functioning immune system destroys cancer. Chemo and radiation nuke the immune system. It doesn't destroy the reason for the cancer, which is why it typically comes back with a vengeance following those treatments.
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