Conspiracy - Are Some Theories Accurate?

patrick jane

[h=3]This is why some people believe the world is flat, according to an ... [MENTION=10403]Arthur Brain[/MENTION][/h] › News › Science

[h=3]America's flat-Earth movement appears to be growing - Daily chart[/h]

More Americans are starting to believe Earth is flat - AOL News
Six Celebrities Who Honestly Believe The Earth Is Flat | IFLScience


patrick jane


From video description: I was intrigued by the illuminati cards and how many events they've depicted have actually came true. There were some cards that I thought were too crazy and would never happen. However, new evidence is pointing toward the fact that these cards might also be revealing the next part of the illuminati's plan.

7 Minutes

patrick jane

CAPE CANAVERAL, FLA. — Remains of the space shuttle Challenger`s crew members have been found inside wreckage of the shuttle`s crew compartment 100 feet below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean, NASA officials announced Sunday.
A search ship using sonar about 25 miles northeast of Cape Canaveral made a possible identification of the compartment late Friday, and Navy divers Saturday positively identified compartment debris and crew remains, a NASA statement said.



Most relatives of the crew members, many of whom had only begun in recent weeks to emerge from their grieving and resume routine activities, were informed of the discovery Friday, officials said.
But NASA officials could not give them any specific information on the condition of the bodies found, some of the relatives said. Recovery of compartment wreckage and remains could take several days, depending on the weather and sea conditions, NASA officials said.
``We`ve been through a lot and now it looks like we will be going through something again,`` said Tony Smith, brother of shuttle pilot Michael Smith.
``They found the crew cabin, but who was in the cabin and whose remains they found we just don`t know. There might not be anything of my brother in that cabin.``
``This just reopens the grieving process,`` said a relative of mission specialist Ron McNair who asked not to be named. ``We just have to wait to see what they find.``
Until Sunday`s announcement, NASA officials repeatedly insisted they had not found any parts of the crew cabin despite six weeks of search efforts for Challenger debris.
Soon after the Jan. 28 explosion that killed the crew of seven, however, there was widespread speculation that Challenger`s cabin might be found reasonably intact because of its sturdy construction. NASA officials at that time confirmed privately that searchers had located several large objects on the ocean floor that might be the cabin, but they refused to give details.
A Navy spokeswoman, Lt. Commander Deborah Burnette, said Sunday she was told the crew cabin was not intact. She had no further details.
Finding the crew cabin could be a significant development in determining the cause of Challenger`s explosion. Autopsies on the crew members` bodies might indicate precisely how and when they died, while the cabin itself might contain other clues.
Challenger exploded 73 seconds after launch, with failure of a seal on the right solid-fuel booster rocket a prime suspect.
NASA spokesman Hugh Harris, who stressed that he did not know how many of the shuttle`s crew members may be inside the wreckage, said the cabin was found Friday by sonar at a depth of about 100 feet.


At that time, Harris said, family members of the dead astronauts, including New Hampshire high schoolteacher Christa McAuliffe, were notified. But at least one family member, the father of astronaut McNair, apparently did not find out until Sunday.

Yeah right.

Challenger Cabin, Crew Found - tribunedigital-chicagotribune


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patrick jane

One of the most notable achievements of the Soviet Union's Vega spacecraft, apart from knowledge about Halley's comet, is the demonstration that Soviet and American scientists can set aside political differences and work together in space exploration.
''The international cooperation is unparalleled,'' said Dr. Donald K. Yeomans, an astronomer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. ''The Soviets have been very forthcoming. Politics hasn't gotten in the way at all.''
This ability to cooperate will not surprise observers of joint Soviet and American space efforts in the past. With far less fanfare and little of the official recognition that has accompanied the Halley observations, scientists from the two countries have quietly worked together on space projects through freeze as well as thaw. This mission, too, required a bit of subterfuge and quiet diplomacy to achieve the American involvement in experiments aboard the two Vega spacecraft.
American scientists and Congressional leaders have expressed the hope that the success of the Halley cooperation would encourage the Reagan Administration to revive bilateral agreements with the Soviet Union to expand joint endeavors in space research and other scientific pursuits. The previous agreement, signed in 1972 in the flush of President Nixon's era of detente with the Soviet Union, was allowed by the Reagan Administration to lapse in 1982 in response to the declaration of martial law in Poland. Steady Soviet Progress
A joint resolution of Congress, passed in 1984 and signed by President Reagan, committed the Administration to seek to renew the agreement at the earliest practical date. So far, a Congressional source said, this has led to ''nothing substantive.''
Dr. Bernard F. Burke, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told Congress in 1984 that the lack of agreements had been a ''clear impediment'' to cooperative science ventures. With the steady progress in the Soviet space program, he said, ''We may now have more to gain from the Soviets than they from us.''
In a sense, this was the situation when American scientists began unofficial negotiations with Soviet scientists to take part in the Vega missions. The United States, citing budgetary restrictions, had decided by 1981 against mounting expeditions to Halley's comet. American scientists desiring to examine the comet up close had to deal with the Western Europeans for a role in the Giotto project or with the Russians. They did both.

Yeah right.


patrick jane

The Dinosaur Hoax is an Absurd Fallacy

From video description: No one has to date put forward an argument that is accepatble in favour of the Dinosaur myth. All they have are insults.
11 Minutes

patrick jane

FULL SERMON - Pastor Dean Odle lays out the Flat Earth to his congregation ✅

This Pastor is really good once he gets going.

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Well-known member
[MENTION=16629]patrick jane[/MENTION] are you at 100% FE now? You unfriended me and I said that would happen when you get to 100%. Your days here are numbered. FE'ers always run away. :wave:

patrick jane

@patrick jane are you at 100% FE now? You unfriended me and I said that would happen when you get to 100%. Your days here are numbered. FE'ers always run away. :wave:
At least they don't always turn into false prophets and accusers of the brethren. Remember when you TOLD ME you unfriended me because I thanked another poster? Your days here ended with your prophetic lies, but you're too dumb to leave. :e4e:

patrick jane

Great. Another pastor attempts to make the case for those who believe that religion is the enemy of reason. :sigh:
Did you decide that without listening to a word he says? I'm not surprised. Try again with reason and honesty this time. Somebody at the top of the class would normally do that. I'm feeling another moment here.

FULL SERMON - Pastor Dean Odle lays out the Flat Earth to his congregation ✅

This Pastor is really good once he gets going.



Well-known member
At least they don't always turn into false prophets and accusers of the brethren. Remember when you TOLD ME you unfriended me because I thanked another poster? Your days here ended with your prophetic lies, but you're too dumb to leave. :e4e:

You thanked posters who attack others personally, not just me, and I found that unchristian but I forgave you because that's what Christians do. Also I have not accused anyone, other than point out their non-scriptural beliefs. There are many here who believe in a works based religion based on their pride. I think you fall into that category too but I still forgive you as it is just your ignorance of scripture. :)

patrick jane

You thanked posters who attack others personally, not just me, and I found that unchristian but I forgave you because that's what Christians do. Also I have not accused anyone, other than point out their non-scriptural beliefs. There are many here who believe in a works based religion based on their pride. I think you fall into that category too but I still forgive you as it is just your ignorance of scripture. :)
Where do you get that? I am Pauline - the gospel of grace. I've never preach works in my life. Your awareness is pitiful.


There are many here who believe in a works based religion based on their pride.
based on their pride?

Why is it pride to spread "strive to follow Jesus' teachings are essential for salvation"?

You are way off, friend.

It is so anti-Christ comment.

Your comment is not narrow way because that's what most churches agree.

Even PJ agrees with you.