ECT Comments from an ex-charismatic preacher

Totton Linnet

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BTW, every question TL is asking has been answered many times over. They're dodges designed to avoid the root issue here, which she won't touch.

Since you won't answer I'll answer.

Yes you DO believe that the completed canon of scripture is the perfect which Paul said is to come

It is the scripture which exhorts us to seek the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to speak in tongues and interpret that the church may be edified.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
BTW, every question TL is asking has been answered many times over. They're dodges designed to avoid the root issue here, which she won't touch.

I wonder if she's been:

1) Drunk in the spirit?
2) Been covered in gold and jewels from a ceiling?
3) Been raised from the dead?
4_ Slain in the spirit?
5) Was a midget and was healed?

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Since you won't answer I'll answer.

Yes you DO believe that the completed canon of scripture is the perfect which Paul said is to come

It is the scripture which exhorts us to seek the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to speak in tongues and interpret that the church may be edified.

If you are not sharing in the Holy Spirit what is your power? word of men's wisdom?

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
The written word is "seek earnestly after the gifts but especially that you might prophesy"

You doin that?


Well-known member
What makes it even worse is when the charismatic has Calvinistic beliefs. Then, you're not only invested in the emotional highs of "tongues" but you convince yourself God Himself gave them to you as one of His elect. So "tongues" is beyond questioning. Discussing with such is a waste of time.
This can be a contentious issue. There's no denying the power of God and the miraculous: we can't say, and many of us know, the Lord never works this way anymore. Probably everyday, in ways we don't know, and I've seen some things. But that said, as to so-called gifts some claim, the spectacular, public miracles of the Lord Jesus and early church expressly had to do with proving their power, authority, as coming from God, John 10:25. Those miracles were not even, primarily, good deeds, but demonstrative in purpose, like the visible aspect of the Lord's resurrection to root the faith, authenticate the faith by witness.

Take the gift of healing claims. If this were authentic, of New Testament power, a person should be able to empty hospitals of Christians. Jesus healed everybody as if right and left, out in the open, and empowered the apostles for a time to do such things. If that gift were for today, let's see that first century manifestation, then.

Well, what do you know? Benny Hinn, on investigation, isn't really healing anybody! And what of walking by faith, not by sight, the command of God, 2 Corinthians 5:7, John 20:29? If there were visible gifts being so manifest, everybody would be walking by sight, isn't that so? In the same vein, if there are those with some gifts, why don't we, therefore, see it? Why is it only some anecdote from somebody, and without even credible witnesses? Why is it that truly sick person, not an audience plant, who went up on stage, got smacked on the head and praised God for their healing, actually went on to die?

Most importantly, if there are these gifts manifest in some denomination, and not others, this makes God a respecter of persons, Acts 10:34. This makes a God who will not give such gifts to a good, fundamentalist, Bible believing church body that doesn't happen to roll in the aisles, or shout and jump up and down. We have a claim that only these bodies, actually manifesting a lack of emotional control, often disorderly, 2 Thessalonians 3:6, 1 Corinthians 14:40, have the Holy Spirit, because there are many congregations manifesting none of this, but while comprised of many fully believing, solid, God fearing Christians and pastors. Also, where is there a hoedown in a Bible sermon? Where did the Lord or an apostle ever prance around, babble and work up the crowd? Paul even pointed out he didn't come as some great orator, 1 Corinthians 2:1.

Some congregation claiming to be God's special creatures is usually known as a certain type of denomination, that is, a cult. What is amazing, as to those claiming the spectacular gifts, is how they are unable to see they don't really have those gifts! And the truth be told, the emotional nature is a shallow nature, shared with unregenerates, and the Lord does not do His deepest spiritual work in our shallowest nature. There is a vast difference between spiritual awareness and emotionalism.

I'm amazed by the lack of common sense, as mentioned, if healing gifts ala Benny Hinn were for today, hospitals would be emptied of Christians. You'd also have people flocking to Christ for the wrong reason, not of faith in Him, John 6:26.

There are, therefore, huge holes in the claims of some charismatics, often including emotional rashness that is not, in fact, demonstrative of any authentic spirituality, in keeping with Bible doctrine or orderly, sane, Christian behavior, manifest of the Lord Jesus and the apostles.
What makes it even worse is when the charismatic has Calvinistic beliefs. Then, you're not only invested in the emotional highs of "tongues" but you convince yourself God Himself gave them to you as one of His elect. So "tongues" is beyond questioning. Discussing with such is a waste of time.

Yes, and people who don't babble, which is not really Biblical tongues, must not have the Holy Spirit. Faith in the Lord Jesus clearly must not be enough: you also need to be Pentecostal. Problem is, you can't find this, or any cult, present in scripture, or a God that's a respecter of persons, again Acts 10:34.

Seriously, can any Christian of any knowledge of scripture picture the Lord Jesus or any apostle carrying on that way at a service, or preaching like some carnival barker on TBN? It's just a joke, a defamation of the faith, not so funny a joke.

By the way, speaking of carnival barkers, do you know what their purpose is? To whip up the crowd to buy a product. In terms of Christians, get the crowd emotionally involved, thinking those emotional spasms are the Holy Spirit moving over them, it's easier to get them to open their wallets, to pick their pockets. It's no different than a TV pitch man, "Call! Now!" Instead of selling miracle goo of some sort, they're selling Jesus, selling out Jesus. But, then again, after all, Kenneth Copeland needs those private planes, so he can stand up during flights and praise the Lord. You can't do that on commercial flights, you see. The man actually said that. You couldn't make this stuff up.
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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, and people who don't babble, which is not really Biblical tongues, must not have the Holy Spirit. Faith in the Lord Jesus clearly must not be enough: you also need to be Pentecostal. Problem is, you can't find this, or any cult, present in scripture, or a God that's a respecter of persons, again Acts 10:34.

Seriously, can any Christian of any knowledge of scripture picture the Lord Jesus or any apostle carrying on that way at a service, or preaching like some carnival barker on TBN? It's just a joke, a defamation of the faith, not so funny a joke.

By the way, speaking of carnival barkers, do you know what their purpose is? To whip up the crowd to buy a product. In terms of Christians, get the crowd emotionally involved, thinking those emotional spasms are the Holy Spirit moving over them, it's easier to get them to open their wallets, to pick their pockets. It's no different than a TV pitch man, "Call! Now!" Instead of selling miracle goo of some sort, they're selling Jesus, selling out Jesus. But, then again, after all, Kenneth Copeland needs those private planes, so he can stand up during flights and praise the Lord. You can't do that on commercial flights, you see. The man actually said that. You couldn't make this stuff up.

Copeland also said: Those regular Jets are nothing but, "tubes full of demons!"

Copeland considers himself to be a "little god." He's actually said that.