Christ’s gift, - conversion and cure of my atheist parents and uncle.



Christ’s gift, - conversion and cure of my atheist parents and uncle.
When I had surrendered my life to Christ completely 52 years ago, I had no idea what unimaginable gifts he will give me even in this life. Some of these gifts are my parent’s and uncle’ healing of body and soul.
I came to Christ at 18 years age. Tasting his salvation I surrendered to him fully and he began to regenerate me through these 53 years. This was an inspired, invigorating process through orphan care and ministry among refugees and erstwhile enemy Bengali Muslims. I did not marry but got many spiritual children fulfilling my emotional and spiritual needs. Through them I have the glimpse of my Heavenly home promised by Christ. But I had an abiding sorrow for my atheist parents and dear elder uncle.
But after 50 years of prayers for them Christ granted faith and healing to parents 4 years ago through a great crisis. Then old parents were hospitalized in sick and demented state. Both had to be deeply sedated and tied. Later doctors returned them saying that they are incurable. Back home they were under constant medication. I ministered to them with the help of a house maid. But she left suddenly being unable to cope. Now in dark despair I turned to Christ and fasted for next two days. In fact I had no appetite. Next morning after two days I heard clearly “don’t fear. I am with you.” Hearing this I jumped out of bed miraculously energized. Breaking fast I started house work and caring for parents.
At night as usual I prayed by the bedside of my mother. She suddenly said “I believe in Christ. Make arrangement for baptism”. Father in the next room hearing this also said so. I was stunned, but from my mouth this issued “now you no longer need medicines as you are cured by your faith.” It was as if Christ spoke through me. I completely stopped all 10 medicines for pressure, heart trouble, acidity, insomnia etc. from then on. But that night they had the best sleep of years. In the morning miraculously cured mother rose from the bed and started housework. 95 year old immobilized father also sat up in bed regaining sanity. Neighbors were amazed. Then I was attacked by very painful harpies and mother served me and father.
It must be mentioned that for three years father was bedridden. He often cried for death and had temptation of suicide. When I told him to pray to Christ for deliverance he scoffed in unbelief. But now he started to pray to Christ for that. So he was granted that after praying for three months. I have the assurance that he is now with Christ. Sometimes he visits me as he loved me dearly to the end. When we pray together he is satisfied and returns. Mother is living and consolidating her faith.
Two years later my patron 90years old elder uncle’s kidneys failed. He was in coma and passing blood. The urologist doctor treating him long gave up hope. He advised to stop all medicines and let him die in peace. His caring daughter phoned me “what to do?” I said “Stop all medicines as doctor instructed. I am praying and coming.”
I asked intimate ones to pray for him and started fasting-prayer. I arrived in the night and saw that he is regaining consciousness. After two days he sat up. Within a week he was walking and regained normal activity. Most amazing cure was that his atheism gave away to faith in Christ. He began to pray to him. All tests on him failed to detect any defect. Three months he lived normal life without medicine.
But his elder son failed to see this and attributed his sickness to wrong treatment. I had told them to avoid medicines and rely on Christ. But he administered medicine for his pain probably due to overeating. It damaged his heart. But his kidneys remained good. So he succumbed due to heart attack. I have the consolation that he died in faith.
There are some other instances when Christ healed hearing my prayers. But these are most consoling. It must be mentioned that I always inspired them, as I do to all, to repent for our original sin of rejecting Love-God and killing Love (Christ) in us when we were in heaven. We also continue killing Christ (Love) here too. But when we or any dear ones in our behalf confess and repent (as in comatose uncle’s case), forgiveness of Christ enters our soul to heal. So they were healed. But proud humanity repulses repentance. If you seek the holy spirit of repentance then you can repent and be healed.
Still I take no medicines for my temporary sicknesses and never use painkillers when in pain. I pray "Take me to you or give the strength to carry on your work fully in the Muslim mission entrusted to me." I never pray for my own healing but pray "If it is needed for me or others, increase my pain as you know what is best, but let me be fully active" If that brings little response, I just fast and get answer. I have seen the efficacy of fasting prayer for self and others. So far I had fasted only with water even for 7 days. But there are others who did more. But for fasting, prayer for power to fast is needed. But repentance must be first.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Welcome aboard. A friendly word of advice, I see you've posted 23 times since joining the community and 17 of those posts are thread starters. You might consider contributing more to other threads or staying with one or two of your own for a bit to give people an idea of who you are. It's hard for a new guy to draw interest to multiple posts when he isn't known to the board. And if you start a great many in short order and don't appear to do anything with them it will work against you in terms of the board perception.

Good luck. :e4e:


Welcome aboard. A friendly word of advice, I see you've posted 23 times since joining the community and 17 of those posts are thread starters. You might consider contributing more to other threads or staying with one or two of your own for a bit to give people an idea of who you are. It's hard for a new guy to draw interest to multiple posts when he isn't known to the board. And if you start a great many in short order and don't appear to do anything with them it will work against you in terms of the board perception.

Good luck. :e4e:
Greetings from another heretic. Jesus was killed as heretic too.
I am more interested and busy in face to face conversion. Though i use internet, there is little oppurtunity for that.So
I give small time for it. My 52 years Christ-following have changed my conceptions. So i have discarded OT, Revelation and some anti-love portions of Gospel as President Jefferson had. You u r interested enough u can see from my other posts. I am always on the run in my extensive mission. Love


New member

Still I take no medicines for my temporary sicknesses and never use painkillers when in pain. I pray "Take me to you or give the strength to carry on your work fully in the Muslim mission entrusted to me." I never pray for my own healing but pray "If it is needed for me or others, increase my pain as you know what is best, but let me be fully active" If that brings little response, I just fast and get answer. I have seen the efficacy of fasting prayer for self and others. So far I had fasted only with water even for 7 days. But there are others who did more. But for fasting, prayer for power to fast is needed. But repentance must be first.

I believe Christ is working through you. You obviously have great devotion to him and to the basic principles of his ministry. Are you able to convert many Muslims?


I believe Christ is working through you. You obviously have great devotion to him and to the basic principles of his ministry. Are you able to convert many Muslims?
I, knowing myself worse than Judas, is still far from Jesus. How shall i convert others? That is the work of Holy Spirit. I am just obeying his commands.
Certainly there are many ritual outward conversions. But they are failing under the test