Proof please.

It may not be friendly to you, Dooku but it's friendly to any passer by who might mistake you for a Christian. Tell us how concerned you are for Persephone66's soul? 2 Cor 5:11.
And it would seem that SD
still has difficulty in the concept of providing proof for her
own assertions and accusations in regards to other members. Still, hardly surprising from someone who claims it's better for certain children to die before *accountability*, denies the claim and then slinks off when proof
is provided for such a....."position"....

On a more positive note I've made the friendship of many a genuine person here and miss the place when technical issues such as 'the bue screen of death' signals the virtual funeral of yet another laptop...

lain: People who have changed me (hopefully) for the better....
Thunders Muse for her understanding, empathy and friendship, along with a fine intellect. Also honest enough to say I can be a bit too full of myself at times...
Fellow Servant for being a good friend.
TH for proving that mockery can be done with wit and finesse as well as providing challenging arguments. (ASC take note, if you're capable that is...)
zoo22 for his honesty and "gently" acerbic dismantling of extremism, the substance of which often seems to sail waaaay above the opponents....
SoJ for being a kind and thoughtful person even if his sense of 'humour' does suck....
Granite for his avatar and witty one liners....
Vegascowboy for being a poster worthy of debate and could give many here a lesson in civil disagreement and constructive dialogue. Can also be quite funny on rare occasion.

Rusha for her absolute honesty and no nonsense and intelligent debate.
Many many more have influenced my tenure here and a final nod has to go to ASC, without which I would have been deprived of many a LOL where the good folk here have handed him his head on a platter...
I doubt I've changed too much either politically or theologically but I do find myself looking at the opposing view more through many of the exchanges here.