Can Anyone Explain 'Why gay marriage?'


Well-known member
1) Why do you see the Pope as the only representative of Christ?

I don't. For example, priests represent Christ when they hear confessions. Fathers represent Christ in their homes, the domestic church.

Maybe you mean the more specific papal title of "Vicar of Christ."
That title is a reference to the Pope's primacy as the successor of Peter.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Perhaps. He has free will. And he chose to reject God.

Anyway, I don't think Satan entered Heaven. He was created there, already. Right?

That's my understanding

So man loses his free will when he enters heaven?


Is free will unclean?


Well-known member
Tell me, what's a mother to do when being real don't appeal in the brother in you

You gotta operate the easy way

'I made a G today'

But you made it it in a sleazy way

Sellin' crack to the kids ~I gotta get paid

Well hey, ~that's the way it is

In West Philadelphia, born and raised...

Yeah, that's probably the only rap I know.


Yep. And?
And? Why wouldn't you think it important to explain to non-Catholics the distinction between a gravely immoral trespass, and a mortal sin? Most of them don't have the slightest clue as to this distinction. :idunno: When they hear or read Catholics mentioning mortal sins, they think one thing, when the truth is more nuanced.


Well-known member
And? Why wouldn't you think it important to explain to non-Catholics the distinction between a gravely immoral trespass, and a mortal sin? Most of them don't have the slightest clue as to this distinction. :idunno: When they hear or read Catholics mentioning mortal sins, they think one thing, when the truth is more nuanced.

You saw that they don't think any sin can be a rejection of sanctifying grace. They think salvation cannot be lost no matter what.

They reject the very notion of mortal sin.


Well-known member
One thing I give Roman Catholics credit for is that they don't deal wit the gay or transsexual thin- it's not going to happen, you see- you cannot be either and be a Christian :thumb:

Hello High Cherub and [MENTION=6445]glassjester[/MENTION] and dosey :) ( [MENTION=17501]ok doser[/MENTION] )and [MENTION=83]Nihilo[/MENTION] and all.....

Morning News:-

In the UK a retired Army Officer has won a High Court Petition to obtain Equality for Gay Marriages. The widowers of Gay spouses will, in future, be eligible for the Pensions of their late partners. This right had somehow slipped through the legal sieve, but now it is supported here.

Catholic Malta has voted to accept and support Gay Marriage by 66 votes to 1 vote. The vast majority of people and leaders in Malta are Catholics, and it could be that recent kind words from the Vatican have been heard as a discreet 'go ahead' in this matter?


Well-known member
The vast majority of people and leaders in Malta are Catholics, and it could be that recent kind words from the Vatican have been heard as a discreet 'go ahead' in this matter?

Pope Francis gave no such "go ahead."

He has never once spoken in support of homosexual "marriage."


Well-known member
The archbishop there was speaking against that legislation before it even passed.

Well then, the ArchBishop there was a single voice, clearly unheard by the thousands of Islanders who mostly happen to be Catholic.

I don't expect that there will be any excommunications.... surely?


Well-known member
Well then, the ArchBishop there was a single voice, clearly unheard by the thousands of Islanders who mostly happen to be Catholic.

I don't expect that there will be any excommunications.... surely?

Do you know what excommunication is?

My question sounds condescending - I don't mean it to be.