BRXII Battle talk

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He preaches a false gospel of comfort. Christ took stripes for you. He died for you! Why? So you could keep your false hope of maybe repenting when you get around to it? He died to keep you with Him. He told you what being without Him is going to be like. Stop with the false gospel of eternal repentance. It's a another lie.

he died for everyone, he came to save the world, the saviour of all men especially of those who believe, i believe he can be 100% sucessful in his mission, to accomplish all that he wills including restoring the entirety of his own creation, I wont stop believing that God can achieve his will even if you think that he cannot.....


Merely Christian
he died for everyone, he came to save the world, the saviour of all men especially of those who believe, i believe he can be 100% sucessful in his mission, to accomplish all that he wills including restoring the entirety of his own creation, I wont stop believing that God can achieve his will even if you think that he cannot.....

“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

"...anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire."

"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."


New member
Yes it is. Because those who are saved no longer fear the second death.

People question it for other reasons than their own fear of experiencing it

You just wrote a paragraph on how people shouldn't fear God. So it's another case of who is right, red or God.

I wrote a paragraph on not just fear but the debilitating fear that ET can instill, people can still fear God without having eternal agony thrust in their face, and btw - perfect love casts out fear.....
God says he is the saviour of the world, I just happen to believe that he is, so its up to you if you think that God is 'right' on that one....


New member
“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

All of us didnt believe at one point unless you were born a believer?

"...anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire."

And the lake of fire has been under debate for this entire thread, its pataently obvious that its metaphor as Logos has already amptly demonstrated and is neither eternal

"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."

Yes, and most probably wont find it in this one life, either way this passage mentions nothing about eternal torment and is only construed as such by those who cling onto it.....


Merely Christian
People question it for other reasons than their own fear of experiencing it

People come up with all sorts of reasons to reject Christ. Those who have repented and accepted Him as Lord do not fear the second death and try to lead others to Christ so they too can be saved.

I wrote a paragraph on not just fear but the debilitating fear that ET can instill, people can still fear God without having eternal agony thrust in their face, and btw - perfect love casts out fear.....

That fear saved me. It lead me straight to Christ. His perfect Love not only cast out that healthy fear, but washed away my sins and baptised me into the Body.

God says he is the saviour of the world, I just happen to believe that he is, so its up to you if you think that God is 'right' on that one....

God does not say He will force people to love Him. The Bible is witness against you that most of the world throughout most of history has rejected Him. He testifies to that fact, whether you agree or not.


Merely Christian
All of us didnt believe at one point unless you were born a believer?

And the lake of fire has been under debate for this entire thread, its pataently obvious that its metaphor as Logos has already amptly demonstrated and is neither eternal

Yes, and most probably wont find it in this one life, either way this passage mentions nothing about eternal torment and is only construed as such by those who cling onto it.....

And none of this bluster proves God forces people to repent and obey Him.


New member
And none of this bluster proves God forces people to repent and obey Him.

None of your own bluster can prevent God from achieving his own will and being 100% sucessful in restoring all that he creates, I 've never said that God would 'force' anyone to repent either, neither has anyone else as far as I'm aware....


Merely Christian
None of your own bluster can prevent God from achieving his own will and being 100% sucessful in restoring all that he creates, I 've never said that God would 'force' anyone to repent either, neither has anyone else as far as I'm aware....

Even when the Word is quoted to you that God states the exact opposite do you realize you are exercising that very freewill to disagree with Him about it. Just like others do when they reject Him.


New member
People come up with all sorts of reasons to reject Christ. Those who have repented and accepted Him as Lord do not fear the second death and try to lead others to Christ so they too can be saved.

People are fallible and we arent perfect, God seems to know this when he answered his disciples regarding the salvation of people...

That fear saved me. It lead me straight to Christ. His perfect Love not only cast out that healthy fear, but washed away my sins and baptised me into the Body.

Then it was love that worked within you and not fear ultimately, I've noticed that fear itself can only hold power for so long...

God does not say He will force people to love Him. The Bible is witness against you that most of the world throughout most of history has rejected Him. He testifies to that fact, whether you agree or not.

I dont believe that God will force people to love him either, rather that when people all come to the truth they will do so willingly, 'every knee will bow and every tongue confess' - unless you believe that to be 'forced'...


New member
Even when the Word is quoted to you that God states the exact opposite do you realize you are exercising that very freewill to disagree with Him about it. Just like others do when they reject Him.

I'm sorry you cant believe that God himself can accomplish his will, I dont disagree that God is the saviour of the world and I'm sorry that the word when quoted to you is not enough to believe that he can restore his own handiwork....


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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Many people have had their faith broken because of the doctrine of eternal torment, is it any wonder? A message that is completely devoid of hope and filled with despair? Billions of people consigned to endless agonising pain with no hope of relief, peoples families/loved ones/wives/kids, its singularaly the most repulsive,abhorent and indescribably horiffic teaching that there could ever possibly be, a God who creates a world and is satisfied with an outcome where endless suffering awaits countless people - the doctrine is rooted soley and utterly in fear, the only reason I wouldnt hav left the church I was in was because of the fear this message can hold over people, but I knew within me that it wasnt a genuine reason for wanting to believe in the creator, that a God who creates everything and instills in us the value of love,compassion,empathy,gentlenesss and conscience would want blind devotion through morbid fear made no sense - if i had stayed it would only have been through fear for my own hide and i knew that God would know that and see the insincerity in my belief, unless God wants people to be slaves to fear then the doctrine of ECT is false as well as barbaric, it makes God out to be an absolute tyrant with no mercy except o those fallible creations who managed to stumble their way through an obstacle course onto the right path in this one short life, it limits God's love/mercy/compassion and his sacrifice to the most vile extent unimaginable, there is no 'light of truth' in it whatsoever......
I see you still cling to the gospel of the great deceiver.


New member
I see you still cling to the gospel of the great deceiver.

You cling to a 'gospel' of darkness, pain and despair, if you'd sooner believe that God is a tormentor of billions of souls and that hopelessness and blinding agony is the message behind the 'good news' of a deity then go ahead, if you want to decieve yourself into believing that God cannot restore all that he creates then go ahead, if you want to deceive yourself into thinking that God cant be sucessful in what he sets out to do then go ahead, ET is singlehandedly the most alienating and destructive doctrine there is, it goes against all values of love,compassion and mercy, the very attributes that make up God's character, carry on as you will, once the brick wall of doctrine is set up its rare for those to be able to break it down unfortunately.....


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
You cling to a 'gospel' of darkness, pain and despair, if you'd sooner believe that God is a tormentor of billions of souls and that hopelessness and blinding agony is the message behind the 'good news' of a deity then go ahead, if you want to decieve yourself into believing that God cannot restore all that he creates then go ahead, if you want to deceive yourself into thinking that God cant be sucessful in what he sets out to do then go ahead, ET is singlehandedly the most alienating and destructive doctrine there is, it goes against all values of love,compassion and mercy, the very attributes that make up God's character, carry on as you will, once the brick wall of doctrine is set up its rare for those to be able to break it down unfortunately.....

You ignore the other values that make up God. His jealousy, His wrath, His vengence. These are also part of God that cannot deny.

As for me, I have the Gospel of Christ. The Gospel that teaches there is an eternal hell whether I agree with it or not. The Gospel that teaches God has a plan to save you from that eternal fate. The Gospel of the Christ that assures me that when God pours out His wrath (read Revelations if you doubt God is wrathful and vengeful) I wil be covered by Christs blood.

It is the universalist that focuses on hell, not the believer of eternal torment. You cannot witness without talking the fear of God out of your message. We can witness that God has so much more for you in His kingdom, that God's love is about far more than avaoiding hell. Of course, we are not afraid to show people that their choices do have a consequence. Eternal hell may open their ears to what the Bible has to say. It did mine. And the moment it did, hell lost all its threat. I fear it no more.


New member
You ignore the other values that make up God. His jealousy, His wrath, His vengence. These are also part of God that cannot deny.

As for me, I have the Gospel of Christ. The Gospel that teaches there is an eternal hell whether I agree with it or not. The Gospel that teaches God has a plan to save you from that eternal fate. The Gospel of the Christ that assures me that when God pours out His wrath (read Revelations if you doubt God is wrathful and vengeful) I wil be covered by Christs blood.

It is the universalist that focuses on hell, not the believer of eternal torment. You cannot witness without talking the fear of God out of your message. We can witness that God has so much more for you in His kingdom, that God's love is about far more than avaoiding hell. Of course, we are not afraid to show people that their choices do have a consequence. Eternal hell may open their ears to what the Bible has to say. It did mine. And the moment it did, hell lost all its threat. I fear it no more.

I dont ignore the passages that speak of God's wrath, I dont deny there would be punishmen and accountability - but I do not believe that they override God's main characteristic which is love, God is love, the punishment will have a means to an end for this to be true, love does not torment with no purpose - no hope - no end to meaningless and unuterrable despair, if that were the case then god would not be love but anger, there is no reason to ET, it accomplishes absolutely nothing...
i have read revelation - and despite being almost impossible to understand most of it - the wrath is poured out in all sorts of metaphors upon the earth, not in an endless hell or fiery lake unless you somehow believe all that to be literal and still ignore the original texts that dont even have eternal as the original translations....

You believe in orthodox teaching of hell which even the ascribers to it have no end of difficulty in agreeing to what the conditions are, for something so important its shrouded in confusion,

If the believer in eternal torment doesnt focus on hell primarily then I'm surprised quite frankly, it would surely be the one main reason for preaching the message wouldnt it? Its all very well to talk about the benefits of God's kingdom but that fades into insignificance in comparison to eternal intolerable suffering.....which is sad because if you realised just how counter productive and alienating the doctrine actually is you may very well reach many many more people, noone can comprehend eternity in any form and not many would find it 'good news' that a God exists and that he's going to fry most of his creation, like i said in my earlier post, people have loved ones,families,wives/husbands/sposes, most people have lost someone close to them and this message wouldnt bring anyone any hope as has been evidenced in earlier discussions on other threads...
Its a message that goes beyond sickening and beyond any acts of barbarism that any man could inflict on another no matter how warped and evil that person could actually be, and yet this is God we're talking about, a God who is love.....go figure


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I... Its all very well to talk about the benefits of God's kingdom but that fades into insignificance in comparison to eternal intolerable suffering.....

What said in this sentence is exactly backwards. It is the lie of Satan that universalism embraces. Compared to God's kingdom, hell fades away into insignificant. You have no idea what the Gospel is because you are so focused on hell that you do everything in your power to change what the Bible says.

The Bible says what the lake of fire is, when it is created and who will go there, though not by name. It is there. It is umcomfortable and scary to comtgemplate but it is there. Not all truth is easy to live with but it is still true.


New member
What said in this sentence is exactly backwards. It is the lie of Satan that universalism embraces. Compared to God's kingdom, hell fades away into insignificant. You have no idea what the Gospel is because you are so focused on hell that you do everything in your power to change what the Bible says.

The Bible says what the lake of fire is, when it is created and who will go there, though not by name. It is there. It is umcomfortable and scary to comtgemplate but it is there. Not all truth is easy to live with but it is still true.

It's ET that makes it impossible for the sentence to read anything other than what it says, you cannot use the term 'eternal suffering' and insignificant in the same sentence - and I'm focussed on the subject here because its what this very thread is about! I dont need to change what the Bible says, its written all through the word as Logos X pointed a few pages ago, the good news that shall be to ALL people, Gods multitude of tender mercies, his will to see all men come to a knowledge of the truth, Its all there if you could look with eyes that arent blinded to what you stubbornly maintain is the 'truth'. I'm sorry you believe in a God whose love is outweighed by his anger and who senslessly torments his own helpless creations for an eternity,
You place such limits on God that make it impossible for him to accomplish what he wills because it would go against your 'truth'.....


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
It's ET that makes it impossible for the sentence to read anything other than what it says, you cannot use the term 'eternal suffering' and insignificant in the same sentence - and I'm focussed on the subject here because its what this very thread is about! I dont need to change what the Bible says, its written all through the word as Logos X pointed a few pages ago, the good news that shall be to ALL people, Gods multitude of tender mercies, his will to see all men come to a knowledge of the truth, Its all there if you could look with eyes that arent blinded to what you stubbornly maintain is the 'truth'. I'm sorry you believe in a God whose love is outweighed by his anger and who senslessly torments his own helpless creations for an eternity,
You place such limits on God that make it impossible for him to accomplish what he wills because it would go against your 'truth'.....

I will try one more time. God says:
Matthew 7 said:
13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Note that the speaker of these words is Jesus Himself. Since Jesus is God, we can know that the words He used were exactly the right words to convey exactly what He meant. Would you agree? Then note that the wide gate leads to destruction, not punishment, and many will enter through it.

God said what He meant and meant what He said. These are the words of God, not a greek scholar or a theologin. They are not my words, they are God's words.

When you say that God will not send people to the lake of fire you call God a liar. Are you comfortable with that? Again, the speaker in this verse is Jesus, God incarnate. Again, we can trust that the meaning of this verse is clear because God spoke them and God always chooses the words to convey exactly what he means.

Matthew 25 said:
41"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.


New member
I will try one more time. God says:

Note that the speaker of these words is Jesus Himself. Since Jesus is God, we can know that the words He used were exactly the right words to convey exactly what He meant. Would you agree? Then note that the wide gate leads to destruction, not punishment, and many will enter through it.

God said what He meant and meant what He said. These are the words of God, not a greek scholar or a theologin. They are not my words, they are God's words.

When you say that God will not send people to the lake of fire you call God a liar. Are you comfortable with that? Again, the speaker in this verse is Jesus, God incarnate. Again, we can trust that the meaning of this verse is clear because God spoke them and God always chooses the words to convey exactly what he means.

I, too, will try again

Matthew 7:13 does NOT say anything about eternal torment...

"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad the road which leads to ruin, and many there are who enter by it; because narrow is the gate and contracted the road which leads to Life, and few are those who find it.
(Mat 7:13-14 WNT)

You are right...the words He used were exactly the right words to convey exactly what He meant. He was not talking about what you think He was here...He was refering to the Kingdom Age. Not all are chosen for that kingdom, not even eventually.

He did NOT use English. The langauges used were far more precise.

We are not talking about the Kingdom Age but rather of the vivification of all mankind (1 Cor. 15:23 and 24), which occurs long after the thousand-year kingdom has run its course.

The verse you quote in Matthew 25...

"Then will He say to those at His left, "'Begone from me, with the curse resting upon you, into the Fire of the Ages, which has been prepared for the Devil and his angels.
(Mat 25:41)

...STILL does not mention eternal torment, for devil or man.


New member
For all the lines in Battle Talk
For all the times we fuss and squawk
For all the fighting false or true
This little poem is for you...
Happy Fellowship Week!!!
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