Blast from the past!


TOL Subscriber
Are you saying that things happen that God did not predestine before time began?

No, I am saying God is not the author of sin. God predestined the fate of all sinners, but the creatures caused the sin condition of corruption that kills.

Are you saying that the things that happen in the world, good or bad, were not predestined by God and that He did not plan out every event in history in advance of having created a single atom in the universe?

I am saying that omniscient God, who knows and controls all of His creation, works only in and according to the moral light of His Being and in Him there is no darkness at all.

You're a liar, Nang! This is the clearest evidence that what I say about you and your ilk is the truth. You say one thing until someone puts that same notion in terms you don't like and then you lie through your teeth and claim you don't believe it. You do believe it. You believe it in spite of its clear meaning and call that faith and piety.

Just because you do not comprehend the good attributes of God, does not make me a liar for standing for His Holiness.

When speaking of sin, death, and evil we speak of the anti-thesis of Who God IS and of conditions that are totally apart from His Being. God in His foreknowledge knew that man He created out of dust would never live up to His holy standards, and so that is why His eternal will determines to save a people, according to His great grace, through the provision and mediation of Jesus the Christ, come in the same flesh as His brethren, chosen by God to inherit His Kingdom.

Jesus Christ, born a man child, was predestined by God to be made sin, in order that all faulty and guilty creatures, might receive either divine justice in hell, or divine blessings in His promised Kingdom and everlasting life.

Why attempt to make God the blame for the acts of men? Men, made in the image of God, and gifted with the moral agency to submit to the goodness of God under His moral Law, are accountable for falling short of the glory of God.

If God just made robots, with no moral ability or accountability to choose to obey, then you would have a point. God would be to blame for their malfunctions and dysfunctions . . but man was made good and immediately given the knowledge of the sovereign will of God, and the Godly commands, and was made a responsible agent with cause/effect duties.

All these matters were ordained by God to bring glory to His name, and when you deny this Truth as revealed in the Holy Scriptures, you contradict and deny God His goodness; exhibiting nothing less than lack of faith on your part.

You must repent of your unbelief . . .

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
No, I am saying God is not the author of sin. God predestined the fate of all sinners, but the creatures caused the sin condition of corruption that kills.

You just said no, then said yes. Just like liberal democrat and re-pulbican politicians. If he predestined the fate, then he is the author of sin. Just as you declared here and will not walk back.

Well, I believe God Almighty is running the universe, down to every detail, according to His predetermined will and good pleasure.
Do you disagree?

I am saying that omniscient God, who knows and controls all of His creation, works only in and according to the moral light of His Being and in Him there is no darkness at all.

So you are back to him being the author of sin and evil.

No, I am saying God is not the author of sin.


TOL Subscriber
You just said no, then said yes. Just like liberal democrat and re-pulbican politicians. If he predestined the fate, then he is the author of sin. Just as you declared here and will not walk back.

So you are back to him being the author of sin and evil.

So you think . . .

But you are the one insisting God is the Author of Sin, not me. You will have to answer for this unbelief in the goodness of God Almighty, not me.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
It's nothing but constant, continuous and never ending double speak from Nang.

She knows full well what she's doing. In fact, she excepts what she's doing as the very definition of faith. The more contradictions she is willing to ignore, the more pious she becomes in her own eyes. There is no escape. She is doomed.

Well, while there is life, there is hope but she has her eyes so tightly and intentionally shut, the outlook for her is bleak to say the least.


TOL Subscriber
It's nothing but constant, continuous and never ending double speak from Nang.

She knows full well what she's doing. In fact, she excepts what she's doing as the very definition of faith. The more contradictions she is willing to ignore, the more pious she becomes in her own eyes. There is no escape. She is doomed.

Well, while there is life, there is hope but she has her eyes so tightly and intentionally shut, the outlook for her is bleak to say the least.

I have never accepted a contradiction to exist in the Word of God. I have studied my way through what appeared to be contradictions, and paradoxon, and always found satisfying and logical resolutions and answers through persistent bible study.

Eagles Wings

New member
All one has to do is read Job 1 and 2 to realize that God is Sovereign over the devil and yet not the author of sin.

Our Lord, Jesus Christ died on the Cross. This was the specific will of the Father. Sovereignty without authorship of evil.

How else can this be explained?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I have never accepted a contradiction to exist in the Word of God. I have studied my way through what appeared to be contradictions, and paradoxon, and always found satisfying and logical resolutions and answers through persistent bible study.

And yet you can't put two sentences together without contradicting yourself. (See above posts)

Oh wait! Let me guess. They only "appear" to be contradictions. They aren't really contradictions they just seem like it to use mere mortals.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's nothing but constant, continuous and never ending double speak from Nang.

She knows full well what she's doing. In fact, she excepts what she's doing as the very definition of faith. The more contradictions she is willing to ignore, the more pious she becomes in her own eyes. There is no escape. She is doomed.

Well, while there is life, there is hope but she has her eyes so tightly and intentionally shut, the outlook for her is bleak to say the least.

Her arrogance will see her through the dark days.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
All one has to do is read Job 1 and 2 to realize that God is Sovereign over the devil and yet not the author of sin.

Our Lord, Jesus Christ died on the Cross. This was the specific will of the Father. Sovereignty without authorship of evil.

How else can this be explained?
Was what Satan did to Job, by permission of God, evil?

Yes, God foreordains everything that comes to pass - without a doubt.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Yes, God foreordains everything that comes to pass - without a doubt.

Jeremiah 19

4 “Because they have forsaken Me and made this an alien place, because they have burned incense in it to other gods whom neither they, their fathers, nor the kings of Judah have known, and have filled this place with the blood of the innocents 5 (they have also built the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or speak, nor did it come into My mind),

You might want to rethink your opinion of God, lest you seem disqualified to the heathen.