Best Friends Not Allowed


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And you think that one comment addresses the entire article? It sounds like there is a "policy" and that is but one example.
Maybe I misunderstood your post then. I thought you were talking about the party invitations.


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Public education was instrumental in providing America with the literate population, the comparative needed to compete in a modern world and to participate in a functioning democracy.

What "JudgeRightly" advocates is a return to "the good old days" - The Middle/Dark Ages!

Our education system has dumbed down our youth. It used to be that kids in grade school would learn what today's college level students would learn. Now we have kids who can't even read or write, let alone spell graduating from schools.

It has been shown through studies that homeschoolers perform 15-30 percentile points above public school students on standardized achievement tests. (Public school average is the 50 percentile.)

You should do your homework before making such statements as you did.


New member
Our education system has dumbed down our youth. It used to be that kids in grade school would learn what today's college level students would learn. Now we have kids who can't even read or write, let alone spell graduating from schools.

It has been shown through studies that homeschoolers perform 15-30 percentile points above public school students on standardized achievement tests. (Public school average is the 50 percentile.)

You should do your homework before making such statements as you did.

That research was not based on representative samples, was carried or by a home school advocacy organisation, and doesn't correct for background differences like socioeconomic background or marital status. How can you trust research that gets its data by advertising for home school parents to sends in their results to show how good home schooling is? Of course the stable middle class families are going to do better the the working class urban kids in the public school. But that doesn't tell you that YOUR loss will do better when homeschooled.

You should read research before posting the summaries pushed by advocates.

The Barbarian

That research was not based on representative samples, was carried or by a home school advocacy organisation, and doesn't correct for background differences like socioeconomic background or marital status. How can you trust research that gets its data by advertising for home school parents to sends in their results to show how good home schooling is? Of course the stable middle class families are going to do better the the working class urban kids in the public school. But that doesn't tell you that YOUR loss will do better when homeschooled.

You should read research before posting the summaries pushed by advocates.

Yes, if you match kids by socioeconomic factors, and remove the sort of special ed kids that private schools don't (and shouldn't) take, the difference goes away or even reverses.

That being said, there are many truly excellent private schools, which do a great job of education. And there are many, many private schools that are appallingly deficient.

Usually but not always, it's money that matters. And great leadership at the top.


New member
Yes, if you match kids by socioeconomic factors, and remove the sort of special ed kids that private schools don't (and shouldn't) take, the difference goes away or even reverses.

That being said, there are many truly excellent private schools, which do a great job of education. And there are many, many private schools that are appallingly deficient.

Usually but not always, it's money that matters. And great leadership at the top.

Yes, that's very true. I currently work for a private Christian school (a school in the old British 'public school' tradition), which I enjoy very much. It is a nice change from the state schools which suffer from every change in government minister with new policies.


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Passing a buddy a note is different that passing out 15 envelopes to a select group of classmates.

Children will have their feelings hurt as they grow older, and as the article stated, it's an important part of growing up. That being said:

Why would a parent purposely want to hurt a child's feelings?

That kind of thinking is why there are so many snowflakes.

They never learned these life skills:

1) Suck it up
2) The world isnt all about you
3) The world doesnt care that youre disapointed or have your feelings hurt if you arent number one.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Why would a parent purposely want to hurt a child's feelings?

That kind of thinking is why there are so many snowflakes.

They never learned these life skills:

1) Suck it up
2) The world isnt all about you
3) The world doesnt care that youre disapointed or have your feelings hurt if you arent number one.

If your answer as to why a parent would purposely choose to hurt a child's feeling was in your post somewhere, I must have missed it.

That being said: We are in the age of Donald Trump where encouraging words aren't spoken to anyone.


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Hall of Fame
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Why would a parent purposely want to hurt a child's feelings?

If your answer as to why a parent would purposely choose to hurt a child's feeling was in your post somewhere, I must have missed it.

That being said: We are in the age of Donald Trump where encouraging words aren't spoken to anyone.

Where did i say anything about trump, hint i didnt. I said kids need to learn suck it up, before they become snowflakes, which means its ok that they arent number one all the time.

Liberals like you, want little clones, instead of kids, no room for you all to see individuals. You all want the Borg.


Where did i say anything about trump, hint i didnt. I said kids need to learn suck it up, before they become snowflakes, which means its ok that they arent number one all the time.

Liberals like you, want little clones, instead of kids, no room for you all to see individuals. You all want the Borg.


Why would a parent purposely want to hurt a child's feelings?




Well-known member
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a child inviting his friends to his happy birthday party anywhere he is.

Anywhere? Really?

Come on, that's not what school is for. The kid can call his friends. His parents can teach him to address envelopes and how to mail invitations. He can even go to his friends' houses in person and invite his friends.

He doesn't need to use class time to hand out invitations.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Anywhere? Really?

Come on, that's not what school is for. The kid can call his friends. His parents can teach him to address envelopes and how to mail invitations. He can even go to his friends' houses in person and invite his friends.

He doesn't need to use class time to hand out invitations.

Do you see what this is doing?
It's telling little children that they are bad if they [now pay close attention] invite a friend at school to their happy birthday party [let that sink in real good].

Why on earth would you allow anyone to demonize little children for that ?
Why would you give in to that kind of insanity?