3. The Designer, being competent, frugal, and efficient, applied similar features to tetrapods because they work, and why reinvent the wheel when you've made a working one already in use?
If it looks like design to you then you have already made a judgement about how good it is as biological engineering. It's not the optimum design if even us mere humans can see how it could have been done better. In fact corrective surgery is commonplace, right?
You seem to forget that even software engineers reuse code not because they're incompetent, but because copy/pasting is simply more efficient. It's why we find similar (if not exact) strings of genetic code in animals that, according to evolutionists, are completely unrelated, like bats and dolphins.
I'm sure you understand that Leviticus 11:13-19 is wrong: bats are not birds. Bats and dolphins are quite closely related. As mammals they share a common ancestor about 80 million years ago, which is towards the very last stages of the time of the dinosaurs.
Dolphins don't have legs. Why did your designer give them hip bones?
Bats don't have bird wings, they fly using adapted hands with skin webbing between the fingers. Why didn't your god reuse the bird wing code for bats?
Our eyes are wired with the light-sensitive retina cells facing the back of the eye, with the blood supply running across the front side, where the light is coming through. If you stare at a bright cloud long enough you can even see the individual blood cells moving in little arcs in time with your heart beat. Octopus eyes are wired the 'right way' round. The blood supply comes into the cells at the back. Why didn't your god use octopus eye wiring in mammals?
So you see you can't have it both ways. Is it a principle that the code was copied for the same purpose in different species, or was it just sometimes?
Would you say this god the highest ideal in anything, the most impressive possible? If so then I recommend the amusing philosophy of the Australian Douglas Gasking:
Gasking asserted that the creation of the world is the most marvellous achievement imaginable. The merit of such an achievement is the product of its quality and the creator's disability: the greater the disability of the creator, the more impressive the achievement. Non-existence, Gasking asserts, would be the greatest handicap. Therefore, if the universe is the product of an existent creator, we could conceive of a greater being—one which does not exist. A non-existent creator is greater than one which exists, so God does not exist.
God made man perfect. Then man sinned, and fell from perfection.
Off topic question, but what was the flood all about then? Did that not fix the problem? I'd question this engineer, or at least think twice about hiring it in the future.
Is this an attempt at a gish gallop?
Yes, it is. And I acknowledge your criticism of the Gish Gallop. But the difference is that I would accept you taking them one at a time. Or even just pick one to criticise.
[On male nipples] No idea. Never really thought about it. Apparently, Stuu thinks God couldn't make different things different while still using his toolbox full of features that are used in many different creatures.
Stuu believes that 'no idea' is a completely acceptable answer, with no judgement to be made on a person answering that way. Stuu also believes that good explanations make testable predictions. Therefore Stuu thinks that the above statement is actually saying maybe this god did use the same code or it didn't, which is an attempt to have things both ways.
I don't mind if you address me in the second person. Call me 'you', unless you feel you are in preaching mode to the gathered brethren, in which case preach away!
[On the plantaris muscle]Which is perfectly inline with a perfect creation subject to a few thousand years of mutations causing loss of or damage to information in the genes, which may or may not result in features being missing or deformed.
I acknowledge your acceptance of the Gish Gallop challenge, unreasonable though it always was!
Unfortunately, it's a bit more complicated with the plantaris muscle because it does have an important function in the other apes and in monkeys to aid in the grasping of tree branches. Since it was a long time ago that our ancestors lived in trees, it has been a long time since we needed to grasp branches in the same way. Humans who have them can very weakly achieve a kind of grasping of the feet by it, but it's essentially useless. To be honest, I don't actually know whether I have plantaris muscles or not; I don't know how much of a difference it makes to have them.
Natural selection is in the last stages of eliminating this tissue as an unnecessary waste of energy, er...I mean because a human female ate literal or metaphorical taboo fruit a few thousand years ago somehow that means genetic information has been changed in a way that has atrophied the plantaris.
But whichever it is, maybe there is a further part to your answer that explains why a perfectly engineering god would give us a muscle that never did anything useful.
The appendix is not a vestigial organ, and has function, despite the darwinists' claim otherwise. The appendix (in addition to tonsils) helps the immune system.
I think it is important to appreciate the definition of the term
vestigial. Vestigial does not necessarily mean the part has no function, it can mean that the part has a changed function.
It is the tissue that performs the immune function. Why would the tissue need to be a little bag, shaped like a finger? Other species have finger-shaped bags that perform a different function, and it has been retained in us because it was adapted to a different function. But, again, it is not necessary because you can live without it, and indeed there are perfectly healthy people born without appendices.
Meantime, since the little bag can get dangerously infected, you would have to question an engineer that put a biological time bomb in your abdomen.
[On dangerous childbirth]The answer to this lies in Genesis 3, specifically verse 16.
So it's not all beneficial engineering by a loving god. Some of it is about altering the common code so it makes medieval-style torture devices. Would that cover the appendix time-bomb as well?
[Human back]You have a better solution that allows a nervous system trunk to remain protected, while still allowing the creature to which it belongs to be flexible, rather than rigid? ...Perfect design subjected to decay.
It works very well in animals that don't walk upright. It is curved like a bow to suspend the internal organs below it. It is poor engineering to bend it in reverse in the lower half without changing the geometry of the vertibrae and strengthening it against the more direct weight force. Up to 80% of humans get lower back pain, not to mention the curvature of the spine in scoliosis.
The 'design' had the wrong-sized nerve holes for the material used for the discs. We have synthetic materials that would make much better discs. Were those things beyond this designer? Of course if you look at the real reason, it is that walking upright is relatively recent and natural selection is still working on it. Back problems hit people more after reproductive age so there might not be as much selection pressure to fix it.
[On routing the plumbing through the prostate] No idea. However...[enlargement blocking the flow] would be the result of disease, which is the natural consequence of man's fall.
...if in doubt, blame Eve. I would have accepted 'no idea'. Of course, as you know I'll say, it's exactly the kind of thing natural selection would do: without any ability to plan it uses whatever 'design' it stumbles upon that will just do the job of allowing survival as far as successful reproduction, and that's it. I know some of the solutions look genius, but it's not genius it's just an inconceivably vast amount of accumulated trial and error, with mutation and sexual recombination providing the slightly altered options from which to select. Route the plumbing through the playground? No problem, it'll get us through somehow. The result? A profession called consulting urologist.
[Foetuses die of being strangled by their very long umbilical cords because] See answer to 6.
More medieval torture. Eve's fault again. Why are other mammals punished as well?
Stuu: That's 10 examples of stupid design that could easily have been fixed.
Rather, that's 10 examples of what used to be perfect design but has been subjected to degradation.
That's not what you said in each case. You gave several different answers, from functional tissue to the utility of the design, all the way to intentionally malicious engineering blamed on a mythical event involving a mythical snake (some of which, by the way, also have hip bones, but at least that one
is actually described in Genesis even if it is another example of attempted cruelty.). The Judeo-christian scriptures don't mention genetics so I don't know how you can claim that degraded genomes and so forth is scriptural. It is all vague speculation.
You have honestly, and most respectably claimed in some cases you don't know. But on the other hand, with this wild level of speculation I'm afraid I won't be able to take from you any accusation of wild speculation on abiogenesis, what you call 'molecules to man', should you wish to lay that on me!
Not as long as needed. Only a few billion years, tops. Nowhere near enough time.
Well I admire your bullishness, but while I know at least one person who has lived over 100 years, I know no one who really comprehends what 10,000 years means, let alone a billion. If you could please lay out your working for how long biochemical evolution takes, that would be very interesting for many I'm sure. I recommend not forgetting to include the accumulating power of natural selection, which is like the difference between saving with simple interest and saving with compounding interest. Compounding interest could make you rich but simple interest never will.
If you don't have a theory for the origin of something, you don't have a theory at all.
If you don't have an explanation for how a human accepting knowledge from a serpent causes genetic degradation and decay then you don't have an explanation at all.