ECT As a Christian - is there any area you fail in?


No need to name where you fail, just do you? If you do does that mean it is possible or does it mean you are not truly saved even if you think you are?

Some differentiate between failure and sin.

We know Christians do not practice sin.

If you keep the whole law and yet stumble in one point you are guilty of all.

But does this just mean that all have sinned? For God saves sinners in Jesus Christ. Saves from sin to obedience.

So if a person says they have not sinned they are a liar. But if a person has repented and believes they have been born again, what then do we say of sin? And if a person cannot as a believer say they have sinned would they maybe say they have failed?

Where is security and assurance of salvation without a false conversion? How can a person know if they are truly saved?

To be born again is a work of God by His Spirit. That is what I believe. The one who is born of God does not sin. I believe this is more than talking about Jesus, but talking about believers.

So do you fail? And what does that mean for you? Can you get along, pick yourself up after a failure, and still follow Christ?

What does it mean to be saved by grace and not by works?

If you are saved by grace does that mean it is impossible to sin? Impossible in what way? For temptation may come, and we can be victorious over it. Or impossible in a way of saying that since you are obedient or since you are saved you do not sin or cannot sin?

I personally know I am not invincible. But I do have success and overcome. We should walk blamelessly. God can and will help us. We ought to call on Him to rescue us out if there is an area that feels too deep to get out of.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I obey all of Jesus' teachings."-God's UNTruth

According to this habitual liar, she does not.


I stay on topic-according to this habitual liar, she does not:

I obey all of Jesus' teachings.” -God's UNTruth

Here is a question: Do you like "Rice Crispies?"

So there.

I do, but I have no reason to buy them.

You are talking about another poster on this forum.

I am talking about the serious issue of whether or not we obey God. If a person does not obey God they are likely not saved.


New member
All real Christians fail and sin from time to time. This doesn't mean that they have lost their salvation or weren't saved to begin with. This simply means that they aren't perfect like Jesus Christ. Only Jesus Christ lived without sin in His life.


All real Christians fail and sin from time to time. This doesn't mean that they have lost their salvation or weren't saved to begin with. This simply means that they aren't perfect like Jesus Christ. Only Jesus Christ lived without sin in His life.
Do you believe it is possible to be born again and not be obedient to God?


New member
Here is a question. Do you obey God?
Wrong question. The question is "Have you obeyed God?"

Either you have and you are the righteousness of God in Christ (saved)


You haven't obeyed God and you are unrighteous and dead.

To obey Him is to believe what He says concerning His Son.

To disobey Him is any attempt to be righteous by observing the Law.


i really really really don't like snakes

won't handle them without gloves on, even after i've put a bunch of holes in 'em ** :idunno:

** the snakes, not the gloves

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

I do, but I have no reason to buy them.

You are talking about another poster on this forum.

I am talking about the serious issue of whether or not we obey God. If a person does not obey God they are likely not saved.

Sober up-pay attention:

"I am talking about the serious issue of whether or not we obey God"-you

I stay on topic-according to this habitual liar, who is part of the "we", she does-always:

I obey all of Jesus' teachings.” -God's UNTruth

Here is a question: Do you like marsh mellows?

So there.


Wrong question. The question is "Have you obeyed God?"

Either you have and you are the righteousness of God in Christ (saved)


You haven't obeyed God and you are unrighteous and dead.

To obey Him is to believe what He says concerning His Son.

To disobey Him is any attempt to be righteous by observing the Law.
You teach not to attempt to be righteous by observing the Law. But do you believe you should be obedient (to God's instruction or commands) rather than have you obeyed God in the past?


Sober up-pay attention:

"I am talking about the serious issue of whether or not we obey God"-you

I stay on topic-according to this habitual liar, who is part of the "we", she does not:

I obey all of Jesus' teachings.” -God's UNTruth

Here is a question: Do you like marsh mellows?

So there.
No, I don't like marsh mellows. Why are you talking about someone who hasn't even posted in this thread?


Well-known member
Every Christian's love-walk needs work, or we'd already be in Heaven. Enoch perfected his love-walk, because he found fellowship with God more important than anything else. He walked in love so close to God that God took him home.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No, I don't like marsh mellows. Why are you talking about someone who hasn't even posted in this thread?

Sober up:

"I am talking about the serious issue of whether or not we obey God"-you

I stay on topic-according to this habitual liar, who is part of the "we", she does-always:

I obey all of Jesus' teachings.” -God's UNTruth
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Every Christian's love-walk needs work, or we'd already be in Heaven. Enoch perfected his love-walk, because he found fellowship with God more important than anything else. He walked in love so close to God that God took him home.
I believe you are saying it is possible to be closer to God. Do you see value in God's commands for you?


Sober up:

"I am talking about the serious issue of whether or not we obey God"-you

I stay on topic-according to this habitual liar, who is part of the "we", she does-always:

I obey all of Jesus' teachings.” -God's UNTruth
No. We being you and I or anyone as Christians. What should we do? Obey God or not obey God?