are you a feminist?


New member
it only takes 51%
look at wisconsin a blue state
walker only needed 51% to take on the unions and win
all you have to do is show what they are doing
do you think the democratic party can survive without the unions?

Of course it can, and it will. Someone must run against the GOP. But as labor loses the ability to organize, the priorities of the party may shift away from labor, which is generally bad for people with jobs.


Well-known member
it only takes 51%
look at wisconsin a blue state
walker only needed 51% to take on the unions and win
all you have to do is show what they are doing
do you think the democratic party can survive without the unions?
When everyone in Wisconsin is working for minimum wage, and the state is having to come up with food stamps, health care, and utility money for all those people who aren't making enough to eat, pay for health care, and heat their homes; then the republican party will have 'killed itself'.

The only reason the republicans hate unions is because the unions tend to support democrats. So as they pass laws that bust unions, the worker's wages and protections vanish. Basically, the republicans are sacrificing the family wage-earner just to win elections. And you're helping them do it. But of course you're too stupid to see that. You think that a family bread-earner shouldn't be paid enough to feed, cloth, house, and heal his family. And you don't even know why you think that.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
public sector unions have now surpassed private unions
out teachers, police, firemen, etc are forced to pay dues
they have no problem getting their excessive wages, healthcare benefits, and pensions
they negotiate with the very people they support with political donations


Well-known member
public sector unions have now surpassed private unions
out teachers, police, firemen, etc are forced to pay dues
they have no problem getting their excessive wages, healthcare benefits, and pensions
they negotiate with the very people they support with political donations
Why do you think their wages are "excessive"? I don't see any teachers, cops, or firemen living like corporate CEOs or politicians, do you? Why do you care so much about what the teacher, the cop and the fireman make but you don't care at all about the excessive wages and bonuses of CEOs and politicians? At least the former DO SOMETHING for us to earn their money! All the latter do is think up endless new ways to screw us all. And yet at every turn, you want to punish the people who actually work for our well-being, while you continue to ignore and excuse those who seek to enslave and exploit us by every means possible.

What is wrong with you???


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Why do you think their wages are "excessive"? I don't see any teachers, cops, or firemen living like corporate CEOs or politicians, do you? Why do you care so much about what the teacher, the cop and the fireman make but you don't care at all about the excessive wages and bonuses of CEOs and politicians? At least the former DO SOMETHING for us to earn their money! All the latter do is think up endless new ways to screw us all. And yet at every turn, you want to punish the people who actually work for our well-being, while you continue to ignore and excuse those who seek to enslave and exploit us by every means possible.

What is wrong with you???

our taxes do not pay the salaries of corporate executives
except for
general motors and chrysler
unions forced them into bankruptcy


Well-known member
many states now face massive deficits
primarily due to excessive pension benefits
demanded by the state union employees

the worst pension shortfall in the U.S.
States are facing these deficits because the people in them aren't making enough money to live on, and the state is having to pay the difference. They are becoming welfare states because everyone's wages are so depressed that they can't survive. Busting unions and giving tax brakes to big businesses to get them to come in and bring more low-paying jobs is not a solution. It's just encouraging the economic death spiral.

Again, why are you blaming the "excessive" pensions of people who actually WORK for a living, serving their community, while you completely ignore the corporate greed and political corruption that's causing these states to fall into debt?

Why do you hate teachers, cops, and fireman so much? Why do you continue to make excuses for the greed of corporate CEOs and the politicians that they bribe to screw us all?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Again, why are you blaming the "excessive" pensions of people who actually WORK for a living, serving their community, while you completely ignore the corporate greed and political corruption that's causing these states to fall into debt?

they work for us
we pay them with our taxes
the corporate greed you talk about is providing us with real jobs
we can pay taxes
something state employees really can't do


Hall of Fame
Basically, the republicans are sacrificing the family wage-earner just to win elections. And you're helping them do it. But of course you're too stupid to see that. You think that a family bread-earner shouldn't be paid enough to feed, cloth, house, and heal his family. And you don't even know why you think that.

Odd that his argument of "what about the children" tends to be swept under the table when it's *those* children who are going without.


New member
public sector unions have now surpassed private unions
out teachers, police, firemen, etc are forced to pay dues

The problem with this right-to-work nonsense is that, while unions are obligated to defend the rights of the whole workforce, they are being prevented from collecting dues from everyone. So, essentially they are being forced to work for voluntary contributions. How much do you pay for a service that is available for free?

they have no problem getting their excessive wages, healthcare benefits, and pensions

Yeah, that's really the problem with the economy today. Excessive wages and other perks like being able to see a doctor and the ability to retire eventually.

But, if we kill of the pensions, what money will hedge fund managers steal?

they negotiate with the very people they support with political donations

Because businesses never do that sort of things. It would be wrong.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The problem with this right-to-work nonsense is that, while unions are obligated to defend the rights of the whole workforce, they are being prevented from collecting dues from everyone. So, essentially they are being forced to work for voluntary contributions. How much do you pay for a service that is available for free?

Yeah, that's really the problem with the economy today. Excessive wages and other perks like being able to see a doctor and the ability to retire eventually.

But, if we kill of the pensions, what money will hedge fund managers steal?

Because businesses never do that sort of things. It would be wrong.

you ignore the obvious

you don't have to buy their cars
the union sucks the blood out of a car company
your only option
to vote republican
the union sucks the blood out of our public schools

patrick jane

I'm reading a book right now called A Strange Stirring; The Feminine Mystique and American Women at the Dawn of the 1960s by Stephanie Coontz. I just started it a couple nights ago, and here are some relevant quotes but they're only the tip of the iceberg:

"In 1972, the New York Times carried a story about a woman who could not rent an apartment until her husband, a patient in a mental hospital, signed the lease.

In many states, a woman was obliged to take her husband's surname. In some she could not return to her maiden name after divorce unless, under the fault-based divorce system, she had proven that he was "at fault." A woman who did not change the name on her driver's license or voter registration upon marriage could have it revoked until she did....

At least five staes required women to receive court approval before opening a business in their own name. In Florida, a married woman who wished to operate a business independently of her husband had to present a petition that attested to "her character, habits, education and mental capacity for business" and explain why her "disability" to conduct a business should be removed...

... if a single woman with her own credit card got married, they insisted that her husband become the legal account holder...

In issuing a mortgage or a loan, a wife's income was taken into consideration only if she was at least forty years old or could present proof that she had been sterilized. Until 1967, if a married female veteran applied for a Veterans Administration loan, her own income was not considered in determining the couple's credit risk...

One seemingly glamorous job for women in the early 1960s was that of stewardess, but many airline companies required women to quit work upon marriage, and all insisted that they could not work after having a child. Women were expected to resign as soon as they became pregnant. When one airline discovered that a stewardess had kept her child a secret for three years while she continued working,they offered her the choice of resigning or putting her child in an orphanage...

The advertisements in the Sunday New York Times of April 7, 1963... "Secretary (attrac) ... good typ & steno; "Pretty-looking, cheerful gal for Mad Ave agcy"; Exec Secy... Attractive please!" A particularly demanding employer stipulated "you must be really beautiful."

The book goes on to describe the social stigma faced by a woman who bore a child out of wedlock: "If a woman did keep a child [not being pressured to go away to 'visit relatives' and put the baby up for adoption], she and her child faced legal as well as social discrimination. Many companies refused to hire unwed mothers. Children born out of wedlock had the word "illegitimate" stamped on their birth certificates and school records...

There was seldom justice for women who were raped. Most state penal codes permitted defense lawyers to impeach a woman's testimony by introducing evidence of previous consensual sex or claiming she had "invited" the rape by wearing "revealing clothes" or "tight" dresses. Many judges required corroboration that was almost impossible to achieve, such as having an eyewitness testify to the rape. In North Caroline, an older man could not be convicted of the statutory rape of a young girl if he could convince a judge or jury she had not been a virgin.

The law did not recognize that a married woman could be raped by her husband. Once a woman said "I do," she was assumed to have said "I will" for the rest of her married life. The courts held that the marriage vows implied consent to intercourse. Not until 1975 did the first state -South Dakota - make spousal rape a crime. North Caroline did not do so until 1993.

Many state also did not take domestic violence seriously, often requiring police officers to see a man assault his wife before they could make an arrest. In some places, the police used the "stitch rule," arresting an abusing husband only if the wife's injuries required more than a certain number of sutures. Until 1981, Pennsylvania still had a law against a husband beating his wife after 10 PM on Sunday, implying that the rest of the time she was fair game.

yes, women have come a long way since then. those statutes are absolutely pitiful - :patrol:


Hall of Fame
I thought of another definition for feminist

any woman who has lost her femininity
what may be her most valuable possession

one you lose it
can you ever get it back?

Odd how you use the words woman, femininity and possession in the same paragraph? :think: