Are Tattoos Sinful?


Well-known member
Hey guys!

It’s been quite some time since I posted here, and firstly I’d just like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas!

I’ve recently got two tattoos - one is a version of the eagle found on the coat of arms of Poland, and the other is a lynx cat. I really like them, but it’s sparked a big debate between me and my parents. They are adamant that tattoos are sinful and Christians shouldn’t get one, but I can’t see any justification for their stance.

So, what do you guys think?


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It’s been quite some time since I posted here
Strike one!
I’ve recently got two tattoos
Strike two! (Or, strikes two and three!)
So, what do you guys think?
Well, it depends: are you going to go all the way and convert your face into something like a lizard, or cat, or something?

Seriously, though: I'm really sorry, but I don't really know what to say in reply to your query in a vein of trying to offer wise counsel. Myself, I've never been the least bit interested in doing things like getting tattooed and getting piercings, and it's never been clear to me why the draw so many people seem to have toward doing so. So, right or wrong, I've just never been all too motivated to look into the question of whether I'd be sinning by doing something I'd not be tempted to do in the first place.

It appears you took a "Get tatooed first, and ask questions later!" approach to a decision of (I imagine, at least) a considerable degree of permanence.


Well-known member
Hey guys!

It’s been quite some time since I posted here, and firstly I’d just like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas!

I’ve recently got two tattoos - one is a version of the eagle found on the coat of arms of Poland, and the other is a lynx cat. I really like them, but it’s sparked a big debate between me and my parents. They are adamant that tattoos are sinful and Christians shouldn’t get one, but I can’t see any justification for their stance.

So, what do you guys think?
Why would you want to mar the image of God?


Well-known member
Hey guys!

It’s been quite some time since I posted here, and firstly I’d just like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas!

I’ve recently got two tattoos - one is a version of the eagle found on the coat of arms of Poland, and the other is a lynx cat. I really like them, but it’s sparked a big debate between me and my parents. They are adamant that tattoos are sinful and Christians shouldn’t get one, but I can’t see any justification for their stance.

So, what do you guys think?
Hello old friend. No, tattoos are not sinful in and of themselves. I think this would fit under what Paul said in Romans 14.
Just don’t go on a guilt trip. Nothing would suit the enemy more. Besides, too late now. 😉


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Besides, too late now.
Unless, of course, you're someone of that (I would hope, pretty small) extreme, hardcore, modern subset of body-modificationist culture who are into what they call "elective amputation". Don't like that ugly "White Lion" tattoo you once had installed on your right forearm to commemorate your passion for the now largely-forgotten 80s rock group? No problem: "It's not too late! I've been thinking how I would look better without that arm, anyway. In fact, I can't feel content with my self-image until I have that healthy limb removed altogether!"

Right Divider

Body part
I'm really not sure about the results of this for today, but God forbade Israel from marking their bodies.

Lev 19:28 (AKJV/PCE)​
(19:28) Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I [am] the LORD.​


Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
I'm really not sure about the results of this for today, but God forbade Israel from marking their bodies.

Lev 19:28 (AKJV/PCE)​
(19:28) Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I [am] the LORD.​

Romans 12:1 comes to mind...

But we should be careful to not place ourselves under any law.

There's no specific prohibition (in the Bible) against markings, etc

Make of that what you will.

Right Divider

Body part

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
They are ugly. How does it even enter into your mind. Unless you have one that says USS Indianapolis...and you get it removed.

On a more serious note, everything outside of Christ is sinful. The apostle Paul used a much more vulgar term that people have a hard time accepting. The word filter will block it, so I will just let you think about it since you know what he said now.


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I was not saying that we should place ourselves under any law. But I am saying that God did tell His people not to mark themselves.

Yes, there was. Lev 19:28

I kind of approach the question in a (for lack of a better term) "Pascal's Wager" sort of way (not that I believe anything like that all tattooed people are going to the lake of fire, of course). And, because of Bible data like what you presented from Leviticus -- even though it's expressly commandments for Israel -- I've always felt it's just the best way to go, to just not get tattoos, piercings, etc. In other words, if in doubt, why do (especially for no reason other than desire of cosmetic effect) something God sternly commanded Israel, at least, to not do? Especially because, so far as I know, we do not find anything in the Bible that would seem to go in an opposite direction and expressly recommend such practices as somehow profitable, beneficial, or God-pleasing.

Right Divider

Body part
I kind of approach the question in a (for lack of a better term) "Pascal's Wager" sort of way (not that I believe anything like that all tattooed people are going to the lake of fire, of course). And, because of Bible data like what you presented from Leviticus -- even though it's expressly commandments for Israel -- I've always felt it's just the best way to go, to just not get tattoos, piercings, etc. In other words, if in doubt, why do (especially for no reason other than desire of cosmetic effect) something God sternly commanded Israel, at least, to not do? Especially because, so far as I know, we do not find anything in the Bible that would seem to go in an opposite direction and expressly recommend such practices as somehow profitable, beneficial, or God-pleasing.
That's pretty much my point.
If God commanded Israel not to do it, it's probably a generally good idea to follow in that direction.


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They are ugly.
Usually. In some instances, the designs themselves might be aesthetically-pleasant enough. But I don't see why any such designs need to be installed into human skin, when plenty of other art mediums are available for the same purpose, like paper, canvas, computer screens, etc.

I did once read of the idea of secret couriers in olden times having their heads shaved down to the scalp, on which surface an important, sensitive message would be tattooed, and then, when the hair was grown back in long and thick enough, it would serve to conceal the message. The agent could then travel to the intended recipient of the message and be reshaved to reveal it. Though not without severe weaknesses as a means of cryptography, still, it seems like a pretty clever idea, and would probably work well wherever the intelligence agents of hostile forces had no inkling of such a method of clandestine operations.


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I'm really not sure about the results of this for today, but God forbade Israel from marking their bodies.

Lev 19:28 (AKJV/PCE)​
(19:28) Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I [am] the LORD.​
Were it practical for him to do so, I wouldn't put it past the Antichrist to require the Tribulation earth-dwellers to have that verse tattooed on their foreheads, as the height of blasphemous absurdity.


Well-known member
Hey guys!

It’s been quite some time since I posted here, and firstly I’d just like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas!

I’ve recently got two tattoos - one is a version of the eagle found on the coat of arms of Poland, and the other is a lynx cat. I really like them, but it’s sparked a big debate between me and my parents. They are adamant that tattoos are sinful and Christians shouldn’t get one, but I can’t see any justification for their stance.

So, what do you guys think?
Welcome back. There are prohibitions for Jews but didn't keep them from having them as marks they were under another's authority (several scriptures come to mind). In a word, "no" not in and of itself. I've a good many art works, would dread being stuck with any particular one for all of my life on earth so no tattoos for me, I'd get bored with them. If my actions don't write my obituary, I'm behind the eight-ball.