Are Glamour Models Immoral?

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Thank you for not contributing to that circus or lynching. I was proud to have that girlfriend and her style of dress was no ones business.

She lives in crimea and she was exiled in Moscow on business for those in Russia for the sochi Olympics. She was stuck there during the invasion of Ukraine and due to complications of being annexed by Russia, making a life with her in the states was not feasible, especially considering my own circumstances.

She dressed in a style that was not modest but strictly for magazines. I don't condone it but I temporarily accepted it due to her poverty.

This is nothing in comparison to what goes on in America.

If she was your girlfriend then what was stopping you from taking a photo of her yourself and putting it in your profile? One that didn't look like it was pulled from Playboy by way of? It's not so much that you had the pic exactly, it's the way you've gone on about the immorality of women who pose in such a manner and what they can 'deserve' for it in subsequent threads.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm not chuckling at myself, Artie.
I'll leave you to guess who I am chuckling at. :chew:

Letsargue? Else who just look daft when you use the smiley so often at the end of your own posts but carry on if you want.

I might "berate" him or I might just ignore him. I've seen lots of pics posted on this site that I don't personally approve of. Most times I simply mind my own business....or I might mention it's not fit for a Christian forum.

Rusha's pointed out the glaring double standard even if you didn't happen to see the pic.

For what lies? He hasn't lied to me, and I certainly wouldn't trust a word you and Rusha said about him. You two have lied and twisted my words so much I'm left slack jawed at your audacity.

Oh please. Nobody's lied about you and your words are twisted enough as it is without any additional aid...

Happy new year.


Hall of Fame
If she was your girlfriend then what was stopping you from taking a photo of her yourself and putting it in your profile? One that didn't look like it was pulled from Playboy by way of? It's not so much that you had the pic exactly, it's the way you've gone on about the immorality of women who pose in such a manner and what they can 'deserve' for it in subsequent threads.

Eh, most pics that contain someone's family members, significant other or close friends are taken with a person's own camera equipment and in a personal setting, such as a home or night out on the town.

The photo was too staged. However, back to the point of immorality, it seems to be selectively chosen in this case. There was nothing modest or innocent about the clothing as well as the posing from the pic. Something about certain comments in the thread formerly known as "deservedness" comes to mind.

patrick jane

For what lies? He hasn't lied to me, and I certainly wouldn't trust a word you and Rusha said about him. You two have lied and twisted my words

Wow, everybody who disagrees with the Judge is somehow a liar and a word twister. Takes one to know one they always say . . . :devil:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Eh, most pics that contain someone's family members, significant other or close friends are taken with a person's own camera equipment and in a personal setting, such as a home or night out on the town.

The photo was too staged. However, back to the point of immorality, it seems to be selectively chosen in this case. There was nothing modest or innocent about the clothing as well as the posing from the pic. Something about certain comments in the thread formerly known as "deservedness" comes to mind.

Oh, that was a professionally taken photograph and no mistake. High definition, set backdrop, glamorous makeup, deliberately posed and staged. In other words typical playboy photo shoot material. So why use a photo like that if the woman in question is your actual girlfriend, why not a personal snap and especially if you frown on being 'dressed immodestly'?


Hall of Fame
Oh, that was a professionally taken photograph and no mistake. High definition, set backdrop, glamorous makeup, deliberately posed and staged. In other words typical playboy photo shoot material. So why use a photo like that if the woman in question is your actual girlfriend, why not a personal snap and especially if you frown on being 'dressed immodestly'?

Good question. Why indeed.

patrick jane

Here's another question:

Since we all know that glamour models dress provocatively in order to sell their products, what do they deserve?

To be paid. It's the same with department store models etc. It's a job not an invitation to rape, like stripping.
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