anticatholics: please list the "false doctrines of Catholicism"


New member
How about answering ALL of them? I have a friend I've known
for 40 some years and she was a Catholic for MANY years.
So, I believe what she's told me. She's been a Grace Believer
now, for years. She left the Catholic Church years ago.

i dont trust anyone who has left the Catholic Church.

a grace believer.

That sounds so hokey

worst part of that hokey sounding stuff is... it says NOTHING... nothing about her reasons (so called) or anything.. it tells us NOTHING at all

which is so typical of you anticatholics.

you are really anticatholic b/c you don't like God restraining your base desires



New member
Not interested. We'll just accept that my posts were true. It's
easier that way.

i believe you are on your way to Hell

your mind is obviously corrupt and you will not hear reason...

that happens when the devil takes over... when you no longer rsist him... no longer resist YOUR OWN fallen ways... God says "My ways are not your ways, My thoughts are not your thoughts"

t if you do not repent, you are on your way to the netherworld... where most people end up..


New member
She's been a Grace Believer now, for years. though Catholics are NOT "grace believers"? Try again.

1996 Our justification comes from the grace of God. Grace is favor, the free and undeserved help that God gives us to respond to his call to become children of god, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature and eternal life [Jn. 1:12-18; 17:3; Rom. 8:14-17; 2 Pet. 1:3-4].

Gaudium de veritate,

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New member
i dont trust anyone who has left the Catholic Church.

a grace believer.

That sounds so hokey

worst part of that hokey sounding stuff is... it says NOTHING... nothing about her reasons (so called) or anything.. it tells us NOTHING at all

which is so typical of you anticatholics.

you are really anticatholic b/c you don't like God restraining your base desires


Sounds hokey does it? those aren't my words those are Gods words.

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.



New member
There's your error (one of many). An imprimatur is not the seal of approval "of the RCC." Rather, it is the statement of a SINGLE bishop that a particular document is free from doctrinal or moral error. The imprimatur has no formal authority in the Catholic Church. Sorry for your confusion.

Oh, so only a SINGLE bishop approves that a document is free from doctrinal or moral error? Thank you for the info.

And whom might it be that SINGLE bishop that APPROVED that St. Alphonsus Liguori stating in his The Glories of Mary that MARY is the Savior of the world and NOT Jesus is free from doctrinal or moral error and is the doctrine of the RCC?

You mean to say that a SINGLE bishop invented the doctrine that Mary is the SAVIOR of the world and NOT Jesus. One SINGLE bishop? Really?

Was that with the approval or disapproval of one SINGLE infallible pope?

Which one of the many SINGLE infallible pope(s) approved such disaster?

Which SINGLE approving bishop of the RCC invented such doctrine WITHOUT the approval of the SINGLE highest infallible approving bishop of the RCC - the pope(s)?

Cruciform: The imprimatur has no formal authority in the Catholic Church.
And that is why it is one of the SINGLE approval mechanisms of the RCC that information coming out of the RCC is free of doctrinal and moral error.

Jeremiah say: “Come out of her, my people! Run for your lives! Run from the fierce anger of the LORD."

The One in Revelation confirms it: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”

Religion kills.
Jesus Christ and what He did gives life.
Run to HIM and not to Mary and He will give you rest.


New member
Oh, so only a SINGLE bishop approves that a document is free from doctrinal or moral error? Thank you for the info.
You're very welcome.

And whom might it be that SINGLE bishop that APPROVED that St. Alphonsus Liguori stating in his The Glories of Mary that MARY is the Savior of the world and NOT Jesus is free from doctrinal or moral error and is the doctrine of the RCC?
Again, this is not a necessary purpose of an imprimatur. Try again.

You mean to say that a SINGLE bishop invented the doctrine that Mary is the SAVIOR of the world...

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Again, this is not a necessary purpose of an imprimatur. Try again.

The imprimatur is the seal of approval that what is being expounded by any RCC member using the pen conforms with RCC doctrine.

That is why The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori stating that Mary is the Savior of the world and NOT Jesus received the imprimatur. Being that he agrees with the RCC doctrine and it with him that Mary is the Savior of the world and NOT Jesus, otherwise, his book would never have received the RCC imprimatur seal of approval.

Mary must be turning over in her grave seeing the RCC making her the Savior of the world when she herself said she needed a Savior.

I see you ran away from SINGLE bishop.


New member
That is why The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori stating that Mary is the Savior of the world and NOT Jesus received the imprimatur.
Now go ahead and quote the section of The Glories of Mary that states that "Jesus is not the Savior of the world." Don't forget to cite your internet source.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So you have to understand that if group a believes only x as authoritative, but group b believes x+y as authoritative... that there will never be agreement.

Why believe something in y when x doesnt mention it at all?

Referring to scripture and then the writings made by the catholic church.

People bring up mary as a big one. Scripture doesnt idolize her, but catholic writings do. For me its very strange to even think of mary apart from when I am reading about her in the beginning of the gospels. Apart from that its all Jesus focused

Republican Chick, when are you going to start refuting.


New member
I'm not anti catholic, I'm anti RCC...BIG difference.

Here's a few;

Priests hearing confession and forgiving sins
Mandatory celibacy of the priesthood
Itself being the one true church.
Peter was the first pope.


Well-known member
"Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff."
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New member
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Now please-in your own words---explain the literary and doctrinal context of the single isolated sentence you carefully selected for quotation. (Also, unless you intend to plagiarize, you need to cite your internet source for the quotation.)