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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Nazi Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels is credited for saying: "If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth." That's what's happening with this, so-called Russian Hacking, etc.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Hey, AB, if at any time you feel uncomfortable with the subject of this thread, feel free to exile yourself from it. I wouldn't want you to feel overburdened.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
TH and I differ on, what constitutes WIT, as well.
My understanding is that wit occurs with the use of inventive, intelligent, and somewhat novel use of language toward a humorous conclusion. I don't know of any other understanding. And I can't see wit in calling someone a baby. I'd ask how you find it but:

Hence, I have decided to place TH on Ignore.
Ignore is a solid function. I'm only using it on one person, but not because he differed with me.

I feel, by doing this, it will help to keep the peace on this thread and others.
I wasn't attempting to break the peace.

Apparently GM likes offering insult but is a wee bit sensitive to having his notions challenged with a barb.

Anyone surprised?

I've stopped taking you seriously.
Well, taking yourself as seriously as you do there likely wasn't enough left to go around.

I'm afraid due to political differences, Town Heretic and I will no longer be cordial to one another.
What are you, an only child?

He's a Lib and I'm a Conservative. Never the twain shall meet.
Well, you got it half right and that's progress.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Since the "So-called Hackings" did nothing to sway the votes to President-Elect Trump, why is the Left continuing to attack Trump's victory? It's also been said that they also blamed the so-called Alt News, You-Tube, and other venues, which they say the Russians played a part in, as well. The Left seem to be throwing everything at the proverbial wall to see what sticks. The Libs appear to accuse the Russians of everything except, the last eight years of Obama's reign and at the doorstep of Hillary's disastrous campaign. Evidently, Hillary and her cronies thought, "The Fix was in" and were caught, blindsided by, Trump winning the election.

Clinton was a bad choice, to begin with. She came with so much baggage, there wasn't room for any passengers on her plane. Hillary took for granted that she had enough clout to win. Everybody around her (The Media, Hollywood, The Attorney General, CIA etc.) didn't think Donald Trump had a chance against, "Queen Hillary." She bought into all the hype. She stated: "When they go low, we go high." Whereas that might resonate as a good "Soundbite", it didn't come to fruition. She went so low if she were to raise her hand she could tickle the belly of a one-celled animal.


More unsubstantiated wisdom surrounds you at this point. I question your lack of reason.

Just another question for you to evade? :idunno:

Too bad you didn't apply those grand powers of inquisitiveness ....on Trump's?

Or perhaps you did! :chuckle:


Clinton was a bad choice, to begin with.

Really sport...aren't you actually mad that Good ol' Trump is making you foot the bill for a wall the Mexicans were pledged to fund?

This thread seems to be a rationalization of your voting booth credulity bought the bridge, now you're trying to pawn it on us ....a distinct POTUS-esque buyer's-remorse!



Really sport...aren't you actually mad that Good ol' Trump is making you foot the bill for a wall the Mexicans were pledged to fund?

There's an estimated 20 million illegal immigrants in this country, we're happy something real is finally being done about it- Trump stated that nobody would even be talking about it if it weren't himself bringing it up, and he was right. People are tired of things they want and need done going ignored.

But that was the whole liberal/cuckservative shtick altogether- the plan was to throw half the country under the bus and move forward with your so called 'progressivism' and 'globalization'.

It's hilarious how it was stated the entire time that Trump has the 'silent majority'- to not be surprised on election day- and you all didn't heed it at all. It thoroughly evidences what I'm saying here, the fact that you all were so shocked tells all :rolleyes:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
ya know, the israelis live right next door to a whole buncha palies who keep electing leaders who are recognized as terrorists

they built a wall, and i believe they find it quite effective at stopping much of the terrorism that would otherwise be free to run rampant


Oh yeah, it's just been smooth sailing since they put that thing up!

reread my bolded part

it was never expected to be a sole solution to the problem of terrorism

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Really sport...aren't you actually mad that Good ol' Trump is making you foot the bill for a wall the Mexicans were pledged to fund?

This thread seems to be a rationalization of your voting booth credulity bought the bridge, now you're trying to pawn it on us ....a distinct POTUS-esque buyer's-remorse!


Huh? I didn't even understand what you tried to say?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Just another question for you to evade? :idunno:

Too bad you didn't apply those grand powers of inquisitiveness ....on Trump's?

Or perhaps you did! :chuckle:

I'm beginning to think you're not communicating with Buddha enough. He'll help you to understand what's going on. In between dozens of boxes of Twinkies he devours, that is.
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