The Bible does indeed teach that women, without men, are without direction morally. Even St. Augustine stated that the only real purpose women have is to bear children.
And that's all they have done- men built up the world, created law, order, art, philosophy, and science- mankind was a patriarchy BECAUSE men were SUPERIOR.
Watching feminized men sit there and reject that reality is a pitiful thing. It's also pitiful that women themselves even demonstrated this WHEN THEY WANTED EMANCIPATION ONLY AFTER THE WORLD INDUSTRIALIZED.
It's like building a house, someone coming along and forcing you to let them live there- and then, as time went on, they now have more of a right then yourself to be in it!
These men have Stockholm's Syndrome, every last one of them:
What a funny way to say one is 'burying' there self- with what exactly, facts? Are you pro-life? Then guess what, you sound like areal moron calling abortion murder while you support a movement that hinged on birth control- it was outright the perceived 'solution' to female problems- what does that tell you, folks? READ AGAIN FROM TOP.
So, with those who agree with me, let the ignorant be ignorant. They look for anybody to say one thing about women and then they sink their teeth in and hum every ad hominem, accusation, and vitriol they can because they don't like something called REALITY