As you might see from my several recent posts in the "Jesus is Jehovah" thread I do see the Son as Elohim from the beginning. However, if you will notice, the Father, (which would be Kurios in Greek), is not even mentioned in John 1:1. In other words, strictly sticking to texts, contexts, and the usage and meanings of words, the equivalent word for the Tetragrammaton, (Kurios), is nowhere to be found in John 1:1. IMO Elohim is the Son, "the Elohim" are the Elohim-Angels. YHWH Elohim is the Father, (and is not even mentioned in John 1:1). It is actually even possible that the definite article has been removed from Elohim in all places of Genesis chapter one in the Hebrew text, (which, if so, would have read "ha Elohim" like the Septuagint reads "ho Theos"). In Hebrew the article is not tolerated with personal pronouns and therefore ha-Elohim is not a name but "the Elohim", (Angels). I'm not dead set on all this but leaning closer to this understanding the more I learn.