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  • Hi Kat, I agree, sometimes people get on a mission and lose sight of the big picture. Dialogue can help those who wish to be informed. Too often, people merely wish to inform! Hope things are as well with you as possible. Happy New Year! Blessings, pat
    It is perfectly normal and the old law does not apply today.

    That's what I think too but I'm not going to argue with them.
    Merry Christmas, Ktoyou! Bountiful blessings of health, restoration, peace and joy from the LORD!
    Are you weak? Is that what happens for the most part? I dislike the cold, I have to take hot baths twice a day.

    Did you see my post about Sean's hep c progress?
    Hiya cutie!
    Actually, even though I am 57, I have been retired since 2001 because of permanent disability. I am not worried about my own benefits; I have spent my whole life fighting for the good of others. One thing that has angered me is the repression of labor history from our textbooks. Historian Howard Zinn agreed. He said that he had to do intensive digging after he realized that most labor history was absent from even his graduate level textbooks. Europeans are baffled when they hear American workers parroting the arguments of management to their own detriment.
    About my post in the five most hateful thread. There are a lot things in the past about me that would surprise a lot of people. My time of trying to hateful was short lived, especially when Mrs Psalmist, Violet, told to my face that I wasn't a tough guy, that I didn't have what it takes; and as for being hateful, just give it up. My last hold out was my beer drinking which was no small amount, and my automobile racing, that lasted for about ten years, but the Lord with a kind and gentle hand removed the desire for such, Praise the Lord!

    I truly thank the Lord that I'm not as such, the world has a enough of that all ready. We could do with more honest truth smacking, and sincere encouraging of the body of Christ.
    Ktoyou, I vaguely remember something somewhat harsh....and I think I wondered about it. Since I really don't know you and haven't really engaged in any debates with you. Nevertheless, thanks for wanting to make sure :e4e: No hard feelings...esp since I can't even remember :duh:
    I would like to comply, but... I'm afraid I don't know which quote you would like me to delete! Just let me know and I will remove it. Sorry if I have offended you in anyway. PH
    I'm finished arguing with the serpents. Thank you for your encouragement. I am only here to share what I know with people willing to hear. Thanks again
    Happy Thanksgiving TH, to you and all. It is a family day, we settled on that last year. This year it will be ham, no wild bird, just a bit and the southern variety if sides, Don't forget those sides my friends. Pie and some biscuits. I will have to be careful and not eat much today.
    Drink lemon water, it works for me.
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