Ukrainian president Zelensky


"Foundation of the World" Dispensationalist χρ
Biden goes to church every Sunday and receives communion. By the measure of the world he is a "good" Christian.

And he supports the murder of the most innocent among us.
Not by going to Mass he doesn't.


"Foundation of the World" Dispensationalist χρ
Where did you ever get the idea Putin was a Christian?:ROFLMAO:
Maybe his own words.
And where did you ever get the idea that any man reborn of God's seed would commit murder?:cry:
Maybe his vision is obstructed, like yours is; in such case, he hasn't truly given his informed consent on the matter, so it's not truly murder, since that requires your informed consent, like, lying in wait, malice aforethought----you know, murder.


Well-known member
Maybe his own words.
I'm surprised he would ever say that, but not that he was, again, lying.
Maybe his vision is obstructed, like yours is; in such case, he hasn't truly given his informed consent on the matter, so it's not truly murder, since that requires your informed consent, like, lying in wait, malice aforethought----you know, murder.
As those who walk in the light see things clearly, perhaps you should come up with a better excuse for allegedly Christian assassins.


"Foundation of the World" Dispensationalist χρ
I'm surprised he would ever say that, but not that he was, again, lying.

As those who walk in the light see things clearly, perhaps you should come up with a better excuse for allegedly Christian assassins.
Go right ahead now and tell me on the record that assassinating Hitler would have been sin.

We'll wait....

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Maybe his own words.

Maybe his vision is obstructed, like yours is; in such case, he hasn't truly given his informed consent on the matter, so it's not truly murder, since that requires your informed consent, like, lying in wait, malice aforethought----you know, murder.
Trouble is, Putin's words are worth as much in the truth stakes as any other psychopath. He supposedly has ties with the Russian orthodox church and has even prattled on about how the Ukraine has spiritual history with Russia.

He is a war criminal, as simple as that. He's invaded a sovereign, independent country, bombarded its populace with continual shelling forcing over a million to flee from their homes and killing untold civilians in the process. He knows exactly what he's doing and is happy to carry on with it no matter what the cost and to who knows where. He doesn't give a damn about the Russian people, lying to them with state media and jailing those who dare speak out in public about the atrocity.


"Foundation of the World" Dispensationalist χρ
Trouble is, Putin's words are worth as much in the truth stakes as any other psychopath. He supposedly has ties with the Russian orthodox church and has even prattled on about how the Ukraine has spiritual history with Russia.

He is a war criminal, as simple as that. He's invaded a sovereign, independent country, bombarded its populace with continual shelling forcing over a million to flee from their homes and killing untold civilians in the process. He knows exactly what he's doing and is happy to carry on with no matter what the cost and to who knows where. He doesn't give a damn about the Russian people, lying to them with state media and jailing those who dare speak out in public about the atrocity.
My point was, it doesn't matter whether that's true or not. He's got to go, by hook, or by crook. Assassination, popular uprising, whatever.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
My point was, it doesn't matter whether that's true or not. He's got to go, by hook, or by crook. Assassination, popular uprising, whatever.
Oh, I'm not averse to the guy being taken out of the picture, it needs to happen. He's the most dangerous despot in the world right now. But lets not mince words over exactly what he is either, a mass murdering thug no matter what he claims to be.


"Foundation of the World" Dispensationalist χρ
Oh, I'm not averse to the guy being taken out of the picture, it needs to happen. He's the most dangerous despot in the world right now. But lets not mince words over exactly what he is either, a mass murdering thug no matter what he claims to be.
The difference between justified and unjustified homicide is a matter for law courts, they're very good at sifting facts from fiction, and that's what's needed to positively convict a man of true murder. I don't know Putin. He might just be under the influence of one thing or another. But the problem is that the Russian constitution /regime doesn't stop him from getting the whole world one step closer to the dawn of the end of time, aka WWIII.

President Trump couldn't do that, even though many of his enemies would say that he would have if he could have. The Russian constitution doesn't protect the rest of the world, the American Constitution does.

Nukes changed everything, and we hoped 1991 ended the threat of WWIII but we were wrong, so now we have to act. Something has to change.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The difference between justified and unjustified homicide is a matter for law courts, they're very good at sifting facts from fiction, and that's what's needed to positively convict a man of true murder. I don't know Putin. He might just be under the influence of one thing or another. But the problem is that the Russian constitution /regime doesn't stop him from getting the whole world one step closer to the dawn of the end of time, aka WWIII.

President Trump couldn't do that, even though many of his enemies would say that he would have if he could have. The Russian constitution doesn't protect the rest of the world, the American Constitution does.

Nukes changed everything, and we hoped 1991 ended the threat of WWIII but we were wrong, so now we have to act. Something has to change.
He invaded a sovereign, independent country with no provocation and is responsible not only for the deaths of Ukrainian people but his own troops for such a reprehensible, calculated act. He's not the only one guilty of war crimes and mass murder in this event, those like Lavrov and all in this abhorrent regime share responsibility for this atrocity. There's nothing "justified" about this invasion whatsoever or any of the killing. It's murder as simple as that.

Sure, nukes changed the theater of war and have been the most dangerous threat of global annihilation since their inception, no disagreement there. The American constitution doesn't protect the rest of the world either. The NATO alliance does or tries at least. Don't make excuses for this despots actions however, he knows fine well what he's doing, he's been planning it long enough. He and those associated are mass murdering thugs who deliberately lie to their own people.


"Foundation of the World" Dispensationalist χρ
He invaded a sovereign, independent country with no provocation and is responsible not only for the deaths of Ukrainian people but his own troops for such a reprehensible, calculated act. He's not the only one guilty of war crimes and mass murder in this event, those like Lavrov and all in this abhorrent regime share responsibility for this atrocity. There's nothing "justified" about this invasion whatsoever or any of the killing. It's murder as simple as that.
The problem with the above is that Putin himself says all that about the US invasion of Iraq.

But we were NEVER 'one step closer' to WWIII. That's the difference.
Sure, nukes changed the theater of war and have been the most dangerous threat of global annihilation since their inception, no disagreement there.
Don't 'undersell' them, they are THE threat of global annihilation.
The American constitution doesn't protect the rest of the world either. The NATO alliance does or tries at least.
How about the UN?

The problem with the UN and NATO and with the US before the Civil War is that you don't have to be in it. Once it's 'for keeps', then that's a nation with a single regime, that's the One World Order. People 'want it both ways'. But 'both ways' has now provided us being once again, 'one step closer' to nuclear WWIII. We thought we had 'fixed' it in 1991 with the Soviet regime's collapse, but we were wrong.
Don't make excuses for this despots actions however, he knows fine well what he's doing, he's been planning it long enough. He and those associated are mass murdering thugs who deliberately lie to their own people.
Whether that's true or not doesn't alter our plan. I don't want emotions to cloud our judgment. We don't need them anyway in order to do what we need to do, it's 'cut and dried', plain as day. We need a 'one world order' so that nukes are always under democratic control----somehow, we must do this. Nukes = not playing around.

Nukes are a threat because of enemies. With one world order there will be no more enemies, so there will be no more threat of nukes. We can just use them to defend our planet from like asteroids or aliens or whatever, but we'll never again have to deal with the threat of any human using nukes against other humans, ever again for as long as humans exist.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The problem with the above is that Putin himself says all that about the US invasion of Iraq.

But we were NEVER 'one step closer' to WWIII. That's the difference.

Don't 'undersell' them, they are THE threat of global annihilation.

How about the UN?

The problem with the UN and NATO and with the US before the Civil War is that you don't have to be in it. Once it's 'for keeps', then that's a nation with a single regime, that's the One World Order. People 'want it both ways'. But 'both ways' has now provided us being once again, 'one step closer' to nuclear WWIII. We thought we had 'fixed' it in 1991 with the Soviet regime's collapse, but we were wrong.

Whether that's true or not doesn't alter our plan. I don't want emotions to cloud our judgment. We don't need them anyway in order to do what we need to do, it's 'cut and dried', plain as day. We need a 'one world order' so that nukes are always under democratic control----somehow, we must do this. Nukes = not playing around.
To be fair, the invasion of Iraq shouldn't have happened and the UK was complicit in that also. It was atrocious in itself and pretty much due to calculated politics so it's not just the likes of Putin who are guilty of the like. However, does that excuse his actions in the Ukraine? If Iraq had weapons of mass destruction then Hussein would have posed a major threat. The Ukraine doesn't, it gave them up with the supposed reassurance from Russia that the likes of what is happening now wouldn't.

Oh, I don't "undersell" nuclear war in any way. Yes, they are the biggest threat to the world and no mistake. I was growing up during the "arms race" in the 80's and to call it a scary time doesn't even begin to describe the prevailing sense of fear that was abundant in those years. I can still remember the air raid siren tests as a kid at lunchtime and suddenly losing my appetite and imploring them to stop. Of course there was the Cuban missile crisis before that.

Yes, I should have included the UN with NATO. I'd also hoped that with the emergence of less hard line leaders like Gorbachev that Russia would no longer pose such a threat but no such luck unfortunately. Regrettably, we can't ensure that all nations that have such weapons have sane and rational leaders that are in charge of using them. Once that proverbial atom had been split both figuratively and literally we were stuck with a weapon that may deter wars to some extent but could also cause nobody left to fight them anyway.


"Foundation of the World" Dispensationalist χρ
To be fair, the invasion of Iraq shouldn't have happened and the UK was complicit in that also. It was atrocious in itself and pretty much due to calculated politics so it's not just the likes of Putin who are guilty of the like. However, does that excuse his actions in the Ukraine? If Iraq had weapons of mass destruction then Hussein would have posed a major threat. The Ukraine doesn't, it gave them up with the supposed reassurance from Russia that the likes of what is happening now wouldn't.

Oh, I don't "undersell" nuclear war in any way. Yes, they are the biggest threat to the world and no mistake. I was growing up during the "arms race" in the 80's and to call it a scary time doesn't even begin to describe the prevailing sense of fear that was abundant in those years. I can still remember the air raid siren tests as a kid at lunchtime and suddenly losing my appetite and imploring them to stop. Of course there was the Cuban missile crisis before that.

Yes, I should have included the UN with NATO. I'd also hoped that with the emergence of less hard line leaders like Gorbachev that Russia would no longer pose such a threat but no such luck unfortunately. Regrettably, we can't ensure that all nations that have such weapons have sane and rational leaders that are in charge of using them. Once that proverbial atom had been split both figuratively and literally we were stuck with a weapon that may deter wars to some extent but could also cause nobody left to fight them anyway.


Well-known member
Putin is not some good guy here to save you from the NWO. It would be much more accurate to say that Putin is like the villain in every James Bond movie.
Every ungodly leader from Putin to Biden will make bad decisions and do bad things because he is divorced from the wisdom and guidance of God. Unfortunately, some bad leaders are worse than others, and that is really bad.


Well-known member
Putin might be a Christian. But that doesn't mean he shouldn't be assassinated. By Christians. The two things have nothing to do with each other, this is all about his ideology, which he is forcing upon the rest of the world right now with guns.
I am not opposed to cops and soldiers shooting someone who is a threat to others. But killing Putin may reveal that the head of the Russian empire is just one of dozens of equally bad snakes like Medussa.


Well-known member
Where did you ever get the idea Putin was a Christian?:ROFLMAO:
And where did you ever get the idea that any man reborn of God's seed would commit murder?:cry:
King David was chosen by God as a man after His own heart before he committed adultery and murder. Did God set His heart on and speak highly of wicked sinners in the OT? I don't think so.