Canada bans 1500 kinds of military style weapons.


Well-known member
So we just proved that you're a retard :chuckle:

poor poor eider, the retarded brit :(

Your first posts told on you.
A 'Got money...duh, ....gimme a big gun..... shoots lots of bullets, yeah..... looks good... duh' gun nut.

Pretending to be the all-American wise guy with guns........ not.
You looked a bit foolish.
I know you better now.

Now off you go and play....... you got nothing to say.


Well-known member
Oh! I've just arrived at the above gem!
Wonderful! So let's get this right, if a Democrat President would be elected then folks like you would turn your guns on to the police officers, sheriffs, US militia soldiers and American servicemen and women who serve your country at present? You'd kill your own people??

I've heard it all now. Some members on here think that about half the American people are retarded mentals, and you would like to kill your own countrymen and women if they are responding to a democratically elected President who you don't like?

D'you know..... on a mental health check questionnaire I think that could be the very good question.

You're being ridiculous, but it seems everything you post either is that or borders on insanity. It's your mental health I'd call into question, first. We (colonists) revolted against tyranny to start this country, but we have elected a President who believes that the tyrants in our government need to be removed and we're behind him 100%. Should our government turn into tyranny: yes, we will defend our freedoms, but the police, military and many, many like-minded free-thinking Americans will be the Minute-men of that scenario. I can tell you (prophetically) that it won't have to happen. God has this country in the Palm of His Hand and He ain't lettin' go. :thumb:

Those who have a problem thinking that the talking heads on American news or the shallow-minded nonsense that is spewed in TV shows represents the United States of America are simple-mined sheep. Our country is made up of a mostly-silent minority who are just now beginning to find their voice. More importantly, though: God is beginning to awaken this entire world with a spiritual revival that will sweep the lost into His Kingdom! That's what this country is about: bringing the Holy Spirit to a world full of dry bones. :salute:


Well-known member
You're being ridiculous, but it seems everything you post either is that or borders on insanity. It's your mental health I'd call into question, first. We (colonists) revolted against tyranny to start this country, but we have elected a President who believes that the tyrants in our government need to be removed and we're behind him 100%. Should our government turn into tyranny: yes, we will defend our freedoms, but the police, military and many, many like-minded free-thinking Americans will be the Minute-men of that scenario. I can tell you (prophetically) that it won't have to happen. God has this country in the Palm of His Hand and He ain't lettin' go. :thumb:

Those who have a problem thinking that the talking heads on American news or the shallow-minded nonsense that is spewed in TV shows represents the United States of America are simple-mined sheep. Our country is made up of a mostly-silent minority who are just now beginning to find their voice. More importantly, though: God is beginning to awaken this entire world with a spiritual revival that will sweep the lost into His Kingdom! That's what this country is about: bringing the Holy Spirit to a world full of dry bones. :salute:

So all that nonsense you wrote about using your gun against your countrymen and women was mental rubbish, am I right?

Further, if what you say is true you won't be needing your military style gun, will you! Duh!


Well-known member
Actually: no. I'd be on the front lines, being a military veteran and loving my constitutional rights and freedoms. Yes, I need my Assault Rifle and there won't be anyone taking it from my hands while they're still warm. Do you have anything that you'd fight and die for? I know I do: my family, neighbors, fellow Americans and the freedoms and rights God gave to us and our Constitution upholds.


Well-known member
Actually: no. I'd be on the front lines, being a military veteran and loving my constitutional rights and freedoms. Yes, I need my Assault Rifle and there won't be anyone taking it from my hands while they're still warm. Do you have anything that you'd fight and die for? I know I do: my family, neighbors, fellow Americans and the freedoms and rights God gave to us and our Constitution upholds.

No you wouldn't.
You'd be shooting government forces acting under the lawful authority of the elected US President! That's murder.
We already know that....... because you've already told us........ read it again! :-

The guns we own are to protect us from government tyranny, were people like Bernie Sanders to ever be elected.

And now we know that you would go out, prepared to kill lawful people carrying out lawful orders of a lawfully democratically elected President and government.
Your Constitution provides for Democratic Elections, but you would go killing if you didn't like the actions of the elected government.
We know that because of what you have written...... above. You would be fighting against your Constitution!

In my country the average reasonable person would therefore be within reason if they considered that to be the opinion of a 'Right Wing Extremist' and if you fired the gun at anybody you would probably (almost definitely) become a 'Right Wing Terrorist'. If you were British, and if our authorities knew the above about you I don't think you'd even get a shotgun licence. I feel sure they would refuse you as a risk.

Enough said......

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You're being ridiculous, but it seems everything you post either is that or borders on insanity. It's your mental health I'd call into question, first.

Everything he posts lately is chuck full of strawmen - that's why I gave up on him last night - too many retarded strawmen to care responding to


Well-known member
Well Clete seems to be of the opinion that you are a lying hypocritical lunatic. Amateur armchair mental health assessments seem to be worth less than the paper they're printed on around here.

Yep......... that's true.
And after a while one gets shocked less and less by such attacks.
But I wonder what happens when they get turned around and sent back? :chuckle:


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So, in brief, you think I love PM Trudeau and that I am a 'God despising Satanist'? I do love your posts.

Well, your admiration of Castreau and your being one of his fellow, God-despising, thievery-approving Satanists, is not really a brief of what my post was mainly about. Oh, yeah, I said those things in it, but both were merely incidental to, and neither was, one of my main points. As usual, you've been silent regarding my main points.


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Don't forget the whole pillaging and raping doormats and the like.

Now, how could I forget the works of your fellow, self-righteous, God-despising Satanists?

Otherwise, seriously, grow up and educate yourself some more, a lot more in fact...


Ah. More sloganizing, eh? Here's another one for you: "Milk. It does a body good.":bowser::luigi:


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Hard to forget something that hasn't actually taken place but hey, knock yourself out!

Your preceptor-uncles, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Hitler, would be pleased to find you trying to whitewash history on their behalf, as you're doing.


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Wow, even without the lockdown measures in place with public transport there's [sic] not many buses running where you live are there?

Too many buses. Far too many.

Describe some particular thing you call a "lockdown measure".


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
In a similar reaction to that of New Zealand, Canada has decided that military-type weapons are no longer fit for any civilian use.
[h=3]Trudeau announces ban on 1,500 kinds of assault weapons ...[/h] › news › world-us-canada-52505765
2 days ago - Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has introduced a long-promised ban on assault-style weapons following the country's worst gun ... [h=3]Canada Bans Assault Weapons in Wake of Deadly Mass ...[/h] › 2020/05/01 › world › canada-bans-a...
2 days ago - The ban means that Canadians will no longer be able to own rifles like the AR-15, the military-style weapon used in several mass shootings in the ...
Here are two lists of weapons that Americans ought to be able to own and to carry publicly, if their constitution's second amendment were taken literally. This is the beginning of the list of weapons that amendment specifically entrusts to the public.

Instead though American gun control laws have limited American civilians to partially disabled weapons that all things being equal would be irresponsible for military commanders to arm their own troops with, because they'd always be outgunned in combat or in any skirmish or altercation.

My position though is not primarily legal, even though gun control is flagrantly repugnant to the Constitution. It's moral. I believe the right to bear arms is like our other individual basic human rights, and that it should not be censored, and that all censorship is not only illegal but is immoral, it is evil and wicked.

So those lists are a start, but there are other weapons (arms), large enough that you have to build a vehicle around them because they're so big that you couldn't move them unless they were integrated with a vehicle of some sort, like a jet or a helicopter, or a tank or ship. Those are all basically guns with vehicles attached. They're not primarily the vehicle, they're primarily their guns. And the United States Constitution specifically says that the right to bear arms shall not be censored, and that means arms of all sizes.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Here are two lists of weapons that Americans ought to be able to own and to carry publicly, if their constitution's second amendment were taken literally. This is the beginning of the list of weapons that amendment specifically entrusts to the public.

Instead though American gun control laws have limited American civilians to partially disabled weapons that all things being equal would be irresponsible for military commanders to arm their own troops with, because they'd always be outgunned in combat or in any skirmish or altercation.

My position though is not primarily legal, even though gun control is flagrantly repugnant to the Constitution. It's moral. I believe the right to bear arms is like our other individual basic human rights, and that it should not be censored, and that all censorship is not only illegal but is immoral, it is evil and wicked.

So those lists are a start, but there are other weapons (arms), large enough that you have to build a vehicle around them because they're so big that you couldn't move them unless they were integrated with a vehicle of some sort, like a jet or a helicopter, or a tank or ship. Those are all basically guns with vehicles attached. They're not primarily the vehicle, they're primarily their guns. And the United States Constitution specifically says that the right to bear arms shall not be censored, and that means arms of all sizes.

The 18th century equivalent of a WMD or a nuclear bomb was the fully armed man of war, loaded with cannon, which could destroy an entire town in minutes.

And the Second Amendment did not ban it.