Denver Bible Church


Obsolete53 -

Are you stating that any church that is 501c3 status CANNOT discuss politics, even in a Biblical context?

Where does it state that in the code???


New member
Obsolete53 -

Are you stating that any church that is 501c3 status CANNOT discuss politics, even in a Biblical context?

Where does it state that in the code???
I appreciate your question. I am not saying that a 501c3 church may not discuss politics, what I am saying is that according to IRS pub. 1828 [which you can reference at the IRS website] states that IRS code section 501c3 does have restrictions on political speech and behavior by a 501c3 church, on pages 7 - 10 in pub 1828 [ which I have in printed form ] there are examples of permitted and not permitted political activity by 501c3 churches. Therefore DBC better toe the line, if they want to keep their integrity with the IRS and God.