Boy Scouts execs vote to allow homo scout leaders


New member
From them, outside of marriage, all sex is abhorrent. So it really, really doesn't make difference to them what manner of sexual activity is being talked about--ultimately, they seem to think it's all pretty much the same (or at the very least equally bad). Preference, attraction, and consent make absolutely no difference to these people.

Sounds judgmental to me....


Pedophilia is not Macaroon's concern here (He could care less for real-life, specific acts of pedophlia), rather his objections are more abstract/idealistic .....The Boy Scouts is just one more American icon currently lock-stepped in legitimizing homosexuality. And that burns his brisket. Correct?


When was the last time someone asked a Scout leader about his/her sexual orientation and wouldn't they be well within their constitutional rights to refuse to answer questions concerning their sexual orientation?

Jose Fly

New member
I hated the Boy Scouts. But that was because I grew up out in the country and our troop leader was an urbanite who had us do things like build little popsicle stick houses and pick up trash by the road. That, and I always got dinged for having dirty fingernails.


New member
I hated the Boy Scouts. But that was because I grew up out in the country and our troop leader was an urbanite who had us do things like build little popsicle stick houses and pick up trash by the road. That, and I always got dinged for having dirty fingernails.

You'll pick up a lot of hot babes with those:

