The Word Made Flesh


A spirit or any spirit for that matter has life.
Therefore it cannot be created.
Unless you believe that God created Himself
for God is life and the origin of all life.

To be a spirit with life
you have had to be born.

So that brings me back to this question...

Is God the Father of all spirits?

If not then who else is besides God?



New member
So then you are inquiring?
We only call Him Father because we are adopted through Christ.

The word "adoption" is used in Romans 8:15 which says: "For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, 'Abba, Father.'"

However, the word adoption should have been translated as sonship. We are sons by begettal of the Spirit, not adoption. The first son of the Father was adopted, not begotten (Exodus 4:22).

Jesus said we must be born of the Spirit (John 3:3). The word "born" is the Greek gennao, which means to procreate.

In Acts 13:33 the same word (gennao) is translated begotten. The meaning of gennao must be determined by the context in which it is used.

Many people claim they are "born again" when in fact they are only spiritually begotten. Spiritual reproduction parallels physical reproduction, but without sex since the person already exists.


New member
...You didn't understand my post. Breath/Spirit/Wind are all the same word in both Hebrew and Greek. God's spirit is still the source of life. "Breathe life" is both literal and figurative.

Ok, but flesh is flesh and spirit is spirit. (Jesus)


New member
Spirits is plural is it not?

He did not write the seven Spirit of God.

He said seven Spirits.

Were there seven churches
or just one church represented by the number seven?

There are seven symbolic groups of believers. Five groups have problems which Jesus addressed and two did not have problems and had no correction.