Let's talk about the hypocrisy of the cult of "Meshak"


New member

•When Meshak first arrived on TOL, "she" immediately started charging all trinitarians with being secret sex perverts and lovers of divorce
•Meshak also said God does not like the military, military people or anyone who supports the military
•Meshak draws a clear line between "herself" and all "traditional" or "mainstream Christians," which ends up being anyone who disagrees with her on ANY point, no matter how minor
•Sooner or later, everyone who has been kind to Meshak has posted something that caused "her" to attack and denounce them as just another mainstreamer
•Whenever sound Biblical correction is offered - usually in response to threads or posts that Mehsak has made - "she" posts something completely irrelevant, or ignores it as if the correction wasn't even offered. [This, in my opinion, is the surest sign of dishonesty and falseness from any purported Bible believer, as it is with God's Truth, as just one example of the same thing]

So why this thread?

Because Meshak had the gall to create a thread (not the first) on "her" perception of the hypocrisy of others.

However, others and myself have studied Meshak's posts since "she" arrived on TOL. We have noticed odd but indisputable variances in syntax, content and vocabulary. It appears beyond question that at least two different people are posting at various times under the same Meshak login (which is why I wrote "she" above). In brief:

1. First it was "Meshak Prime," the supposed little old lady with ("she" said) very limited English skills, and possibly mildly demented.

2. After Meshak Prime began getting swamped with pushback and couldn't respond intelligently, then "Meshak 2.0" began posting. These were somewhat longer, more verbose and relatively more cogent posts which absolutely did not fit the posting style of Meshak Prime.

This discrepancy has tapered off but can still be seen in Meshak's post from time to time. It has led some of us to conclude that there must be at least two "Meshaks" posting on TOL.

Every time this discrepancy has been pointed out to whichever Meshak is online -- and it has been, many times -- it gets ignored or "she" whines that "she" is being attacked by "mainstreamers" for her "love of Jesus," so "good day, friend."

Whoever Meshak is, it is at minimum a judgmental defender of a false gospel very close if not identical to that believed by Jehovah's Witnesses, which Meshak admitted early on was a big influence in "her" religious thinking. At worst, Meshak is actually a composite of at least two people posting for who knows what reason. Deliberate trolling is the simplest and most reasonable explanation, in my opinion.

Either way, Meshak is a hypocrite.

My money is on troll.

How unkind and mean to say such things about a person and on top of that form a whole thread about her! I ask, is that Christ-like? If you don't like what she says, why amplify it, and why not just go your merry way? It is God who judges whether or not a person is a hypocrite, not you.

Right Divider

Body part
How unkind and mean to say such things about a person and on top of that form a whole thread about her! I ask, is that Christ-like? If you don't like what she says, why amplify it, and why not just go your merry way? It is God who judges whether or not a person is a hypocrite, not you.
And yet here you are judging musterion!

You don't think that God gives us the discernment to know a hypocrite when we see one?

You don't even know who Christ is and you're asking about being Christ-like!

Got lost you hypocrite!
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
How unkind and mean to say such things about a person and on top of that form a whole thread about her! I ask, is that Christ-like? If you don't like what she says, why amplify it, and why not just go your merry way? It is God who judges whether or not a person is a hypocrite, not you.

Acts 13:10 KJV And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?

Acts 23:3 KJV Then said Paul unto him, God shall smite thee, thou whited wall: for sittest thou to judge me after the law, and commandest me to be smitten contrary to the law?

KingdomRascule, to Paul:

How unkind and mean to say such things about a person!!!! Stop it Paul, you meanie!!!!!!!!!Stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The bible is a rough book; War is rough, sweetie. Accept it, or get out of the way of the troops.

Can you dig it?

Lazy afternoon

What's wrong with LA? She hasn't made any "Death Predictions, concerning her fellow posters lately?

2Pe 3:2 That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:
2Pe 3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
2Pe 3:4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
2Pe 3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
2Pe 3:6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
2Pe 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.


Well-known member
One of the best examples posted in some time...


I understand the new earth to be peaceful and loving world like Isaiah says. It is only logical and reasonable to me.

That was so strong and clear description that I dont have to look for anything else.

No doubt about it, there are at least two Meshaks. Neither has absolutely perfect grammar (who does?) but the syntax, vocab and depth of thought of this Meshak is much stronger than the first Meshak that still idiotically parrots itself post after post.


I think JW.

Not even one enemy poster of yours here has anything to hide.

why do you guys insinuating as if they are ashamed of their faith?

It seems you people are so insecure of your faith.

If you have confidence in Jesus, you can get rid of your fear of your enemy, dear.


New member
If your idle is Mary and your Pope, it is not such highest faith in God. It is your god, not the God of Jesus.

just my friendly advise:)


The last person to post on this thread was on March 19th and then you brought it to the forefront again 10 days later lol. This thread was off the front page and you just brought it back you must love it lol.

But just like you gave Jansford some "friendly advise" I will give you some...
*"adviCe is spelled Advice NOT advise


One of the best examples posted in some time...


No doubt about it, there are at least two Meshaks. Neither has absolutely perfect grammar (who does?) but the syntax, vocab and depth of thought of this Meshak is much stronger than the first Meshak that still idiotically parrots itself post after post.

I think I solved the mystery!!!

Meshak is the Filipino mail-order bride of a Jehovah's Witness Man that is high in the NY, Watchtower Headquarters!



The last person to post on this thread was on March 19th and then you brought it to the forefront again 10 days later lol. This thread was off the front page and you just brought it back you must love it lol.

But just like you gave Jansford some "friendly advise" I will give you some...
*"adviCe is spelled Advice NOT advise

Hello, Tnk:)


New member
This thread's name is called "the hypocrisy of meshak" and I noticed some more of it so I will put it here.

note*** I am only bringing this up because she replied RUDELY to a post I made to SOMEONE ELSE that WAS NOT to her. But she had to for some reason (which you will see in my reply below) be rude for no reason. So I will post it here.

So Meshak replied to me (again to a post not made to her) and then my thoughts about her are as follows.....

suit yourself.

I have read your posts, and your faith seems to be superficial, like the churches I have served.

I will suit myself lol. Because I have absolutely nothing to learn from you and your Godless Christianity. If you claim to be a Christian but do not believe Jesus is God then you have a Godless Christianity and your faith is nothing but a delusion and a lie. I feel very sad for you because you have no faith in Jesus as God Almighty.

Of course you don't know if you are saved because you don't believe the words of the God who saved you from your sins! If you follow Jesus, as you claim you do and do not believe He is God Almighty you are placing your faith and trust in a mere mortal!

You speak of following JESUS' word but never speak of following God's word..... if you do not believe Jesus is God but you place Him above God you are guilty of idol worship!!!!

I pray that you will repent of your sins of idol worship and place your trust in the true living God instead.

You go around telling people "Jesus loves you" but how could you POSSIBLY HAVE A CLUE!? This is the BIGGEST DELUSION OF ALL!

You have ZERO CLUE who Jesus is so how on earth can you call tell people that Jesus loves them!? You do not know Jesus so please stop putting words in His mouth because you have NO IDEA who He is, or what he thinks!!!!!!

You are EXACTLY like the Pharisees who studied the scriptures all day long. They knew the words of the Bible like the back of their hand but when the Author of the Bible HIMSELF came to be with them, they rejected Him! You say you know Jesus' words but you are completely blind to who he is! This is very sad indeed and if you would ask God to open your eyes to the truth and to reveal Himself to you He will! But as of right now you are completely blind.

and this IS TRUE because the Bible says in Matthew 7:15-20
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them."

and of course you know this verse because you go around using it AGAINST TRUE CHRISTIANS!

Meshak, because all you do is deny your Savior as your God and refuse Jesus your worship your life and your words reflect this very sad truth. All you do is go around TEARING CHRISTIANS DOWN, spread lies about them and spread lies about God! You degrade real Christians while pushing your false religion as truth. You are RUDE and just a COMPLETELY NASTY person. You are a RAENOUS WOLF!!! It is a terrible sin and YOUR FRUITS reflect this. YOUR FRUIT IS ROTTEN TO THE CORE!


New member
Does anyone else on here believe that Meshak is actually AN ATHEIST or some other form of non-believer who is just on here to try to tear true Christians down? who IS ACTUALLY just piling up sins against herself for being rude to and attempting to hurt believers? But she does not even realize the damage she is doing to her soul that will live for eternity EITHER with or WITHOUT GOD ALMIGHTY?

patrick jane

Does anyone else on here believe that Meshak is actually AN ATHEIST or some other form of non-believer who is just on here to try to tear true Christians down? who IS ACTUALLY just piling up sins against herself for being rude to and attempting to hurt believers? But she does not even realize the damage she is doing to her soul that will live for eternity EITHER with or WITHOUT GOD ALMIGHTY?
She denies the revelations from Jesus Christ to Paul. In fact, I have never seen her use the word Christ. She says she doesn't know yet if she's saved !!!