ECT Article gets "the mystery" wrong


New member
Why don't you quit playing games and tell us about the new covenant?

Was it implemented at the cross?

Is it in place today?

Like I said, most of you MADists are embarrassed by your MAD.

It's like you guys are afraid to state what you believe because you know it can't be backed with scripture.

At what point do you quit your above oft repeated tactic, have more than one of us answer your question, only for you to take issue with our answer because it does not fit how you see things, only for us to ignore this tactic of yours the next time out, only for you to once more repeat your above assertion that we are skirting an issue when the reality is the only answer that will satisfy you is the one you hold to.

What I have just described is called a neurosis in the secular world.

There is no winning with you on this. Yours is an attempt at a double bind.

Where one is damned if he plays along and damned if he does not.

Not only are you someone who the Apostle Paul describes as one who opposes himself, but one who would that others also be straightened in their own bowls as well.

Were I Charismatic, I would say you are possessed by an evil spirit of some kind.

But I am not Charismatic; I am Mid-Acts in my perspective.

Meaning, your issue is with your self, not in us.

You need spiritual counseling. Plain and simple.

You are forever compelled to start this nonsense of yours.

That is your problem. You think the answer lies in blaming it on others.

I pity you. I really do. Yours has to be one heck of a lonely existence. Yours has to be a tall neon sign glaring out "stay away from me; you will only regret the bind I will attempt to lure you into with me."

Genesis 3 all over again - come, fall with me before the Creator.

That is the mantra of your every attempt at this pathetic attempt at some sort of a solution to your obvious delusion.

Would that all ignored you. You are in serious need of a break from yourself.

The best to you in that; though I know my words will fall on deaf ears. For you need this madness that only appears to you to be an issue with MAD.

YOU are the problem.

Consider yourself ignored. For your own good.

Prv 29:9 If a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he rage or laugh, there is no rest.


I believe in a NC - even Jesus said so - for the Jews

It wasn't just for the Jews (House of Judah)

It was also for the House of Israel.

Until you learn that all Jews are Israelites, but not all Israelites are Jews, you will never understand the Bible.


have more than one of us answer your question,

You can't have it both ways Danoh.

When I say "you guys", or "MAD claims...", etc. you go on and on about how I shouldn't lump everyone together, and lecture us on how there are differences amongst your fellow MADists.

Then I ask you personally about the NC, and your response is "haven't more than one of us answered your question".

Some MADists claim the NC was made then put on hold, others claim a different covenant was made, others claim no covenant was made at all.

I have learned that when you don't answer a question, and go on your little tirade about me personally, it tells me you either can't answer the question, or are too embarrassed to answer the question because it makes your MAD look bad.

So, the choice is yours......either explain your position on the NC, or go on one of your little immature tirades.


New member
You can't have it both ways Danoh.

When I say "you guys", or "MAD claims...", etc. you go on and on about how I shouldn't lump everyone together, and lecture us on how there are differences amongst your fellow MADists.

Then I ask you personally about the NC, and your response is "haven't more than one of us answered your question".

Some MADists claim the NC was made then put on hold, others claim a different covenant was made, others claim no covenant was made at all.

I have learned that when you don't answer a question, and go on your little tirade about me personally, it tells me you either can't answer the question, or are too embarrassed to answer the question because it makes your MAD look bad.

So, the choice is yours......either explain your position on the NC, or go on one of your little immature tirades.

His point stands. If he explains his position to you, all you will do is say it is false and demean it. You will continue to badger him about his.position until he agrees with you. You think your position is backed with scripture. He thinks so as well. He has a systematic way to interpret scripture. You don't. You patch together a bunch of verses that appear to support your position and have many of these verses come from different versions if one version is weak on one verse.

He will show how your verses don't really support your position and you will bring out the Greek to support you. He might even be able to shoot back with some Greek himself and then in desperation you will attempt to deligitimize his interpretation by saying he is just parroting Darby. Then we know you are at your end and failed.


You think your position is backed with scripture. He thinks so as well.

I hate to tell you is a theology forum.

The reason people are here is to debate theology.

If you Darby Followers want to pat each other on the back, then go to the Theology Club and do it there.

I'm here to tell you Darby Followers that the NC was put in place at the cross, by doing so the stick of Joseph was joined with the stick of Judah, that the NC is in place today, and that Paul was a minister of the NC.

Moreover, it's impossible to read Hebrews 8 and deny the NC, but that's what Darby Followers such as yourself do.

Again, if you don't like your Dispensationalism being exposed for the false teaching that it is, then go hang out with just your fellow Darby Followers.

If you think you're right, and I'm wrong then make an attempt to show where in the Bible the NC was not made and/or put on hold.

Otherwise quit crying like a little child.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Moreover, it's impossible to read Hebrews 8 and deny the NC, but that's what Darby Followers such as yourself do.
Made up, child of the devil. It is your father the devil's interpretation of Hebrews 8, due to 2 Cor. 4:4 KJV, that forces you to assert that.
Otherwise quit crying like a little child.

Oh, that's rich, Wimpy, coming from an effeminate, wining, pining punk, like you, that has no backbone, whose rep on TOL, is one who wines, and cries, about how mean others are to him on TOL, and blathers/complains/moans that others tell him, and others, that they are not saved, and blubbers that others are "personally attacking" him, insulting him, all the while, insulting, belittling, name calling others.

You actress. Again-which side of that soft cheek, do you want slapped?


New member
Oh, that's rich, Wimpy, coming from an effeminate, wining, pining punk, like you, that has no backbone, whose rep on TOL, is one who wines, and cries, about how mean others are to him on TOL, and blathers/complains/moans that others tell him, and others, that they are not saved, and blubbers that others are "personally attacking" him, insulting him, all the while, insulting, belittling, name calling others.

Go out and buy a pancake or something.


New member
His point stands. If he explains his position to you, all you will do is say it is false and demean it. You will continue to badger him about his.position until he agrees with you. You think your position is backed with scripture. He thinks so as well. He has a systematic way to interpret scripture. You don't. You patch together a bunch of verses that appear to support your position and have many of these verses come from different versions if one version is weak on one verse.

He will show how your verses don't really support your position and you will bring out the Greek to support you. He might even be able to shoot back with some Greek himself and then in desperation you will attempt to deligitimize his interpretation by saying he is just parroting Darby. Then we know you are at your end and failed.

Apparantly you have not read MY last several posts to him prior to this last post to him given his continuing nonsense despite my having attempted do what I had called for all doing regardless of our differences in understanding.

He resorted to the following once more. This EXACT description of his standard tactic once more...

"At what point do you quit your above oft repeated tactic, have more than one of us answer your question, only for you to take issue with our answer because it does not fit how you see things, only for us to ignore this tactic of yours the next time out, only for you to once more repeat your above assertion that we are skirting an issue when the reality is the only answer that will satisfy you is the one you hold to."

There is no answering the man. He is as bad as others on here - who do not care to explore differences in understanding, rather to assert their way or the highway.

I learned long ago that some people can only be loved from a distance where their tactics given their duplicity are no longer able to continue to attempt to allow them their unmerited, uncalled for, unjust; in his case nuerotic, actions.

He well knows I take issue even with my "own" where "what's right is right" where dealing fairly with others is concerned.

I am partial to no one when it comes to that.

What does he do with it. He distorts it as a result of his actual issue - the man in the mirror.

Oh, such can prop their actual issue up behind this or that passage as to why they deal as unfairly with others.

But the flock is on to that sort of a thing. The flock always ends up on to the tactics and actual issues behind such.

"Psycho-babble" such one-sided individuals right off hurl at anyone who lays out in detail who these types really are and what they are up to.

Nope. Such will have to ply their trade on some greater fool. Not this one.


Once again, Danoh goes on one of his little tirades because he can't explain why the new covenant is not in place, or if the new covenant was even put in place.

Such is life as a MADist.


Like looking in a mirror, ain't it.


Ask any question you want, I'll answer it.

It's you and Little Johnny W the Dance Director who run and hide when they don't like my questions.

Where is the Apostle Paul right now?


A sin-convicted person says to you, "What must I do to be saved?"

Word for word, what would you tell him?

I already answered this, but I will post again.

I would quote Rom 10:9 verbatim

(Rom 10:9) If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.


Well-known member
I already answered this, but I will post again.

I would quote Rom 10:9 verbatim

(Rom 10:9) If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

You wouldn't tell them Christ died for their sins and was raised for their justification? Mormons call Jesus "Lord" and believe God raised Him from the dead. Are they saved?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You need to look up the definition of "slander".

I simply stated the view of most MADists on TOL


Where's the slander?
MADists have to deny the OC, or MAD doesn't work.

You're a MAD. You know if the NC was put in place, MAD falls apart.

Why play games?

Just admit you deny the NC was put in place.

MADists are the only people I know who not only deny the history of their belief system, they are also embarrassed by what they believe.

Here is the slander, you lying punk:

"Us believers in Christ Jesus in the New Covenant (which you deny) do not know Christ Jesus in the flesh."-Tellalie

So, the punk says those who deny the NC is in effect, only "know Christ Jesus in the flesh."

And he lied about that, slandering the LORD God:

"I never said someone was saved or not saved based on whether or not they believe the NC is in place today."-Tet

Liar-and here is your further slander, accuser of the brethren,like your daddy the devil:

“They are deniers of the new covenant….. Dispensationalists deny the New Covenant.Dispensationalists claim Jesus is going to oversee animal sacrifices. Dispensationalists claim God still has a plan with certain fleshly people. These beliefs are a slap in the face to what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross[/B]….You can't deny the New Covenant, and at the same time claim to adhere to Paul's gospel.Denying the New Covenant & Adhering to Paul's Gospel are mutually exclusive…. Denying the new covenant is a MAJOR point in my career.A denial of the New Covenant is a slap in the face to what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross… If you deny the New Covenant is in place right now, then you deny what Jesus accomplished on the cross… The New Covenant was implemented with the shed blood of Christ Jesus.If you deny the NC, then you deny what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross..”- Craigie/Corky Tet. The Clown

"If you deny the NC, then you deny what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross"-Tellalie

"they are also embarrassed by what they believe."-Tellalie

I am not embarrassed, punk. Now, punk: I deny the NC. Thus, you assert that I " deny what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross," am "slapping Christ,""deny what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross."

Am I lost, Craigie, the wimp? Can one deny the NC, and be saved, even though the denier denies "what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross?" Can one be in this state of denial,never rescind it, and be saved?

Aren't you embarrassed, slanderer, to also be known as the wimp of TOL, refusing to rebuke perverting the gospel of Christ, if you are saved, Wimpy?

The wimp won't touch this-I've asked him over 100 times.


"Not to mention, Darby followers deny that Christ Jesus' one time sacrifice for sin was good enough. They claim people in the future will have to sacrifice animals for sin atonement."-Craigie Tet.

Are Darby followers lost, since, according to you, they "deny that Christ Jesus' one time sacrifice for sin was good enough?"

Can one "deny that Christ Jesus' one time sacrifice for sin was good enough," and be saved, you spineless punk?



"It is you, and your fellow Darby Followers who claim Christ Jesus is going to come back to planet earth and go back to the old things that have passed away. "-Tellalie

He is coming back to put an end to the evil issue, you wicked child of Satan, Hank Hanegraaf follower/plagiarizer, who asserts that the Roman army in AD 70 was the second coming, and asserts that we are in the greatest time ever, where there is no evil.

You serpent, perverter.

Slander of us, and God:
"You deny that all things are new, you claim God still has plans for certain fleshly people."-Craigie

This child of the devil, associates literal people, events, prophecy, being fulfilled as "fleshly," and thus asserts that the Lord Jesus Christ, while on earth, was fleshly-on record.

You satanic punk. The opposite of "spiritual," mutt, is not literal, but "natural." You satanically made up this "fleshly" definition, loser.

More slander, sophistry, devious ploy/debating tactic:

"All dispensationalists as Darby followers...."-Tella Slander