Anyone Who Thinks Another Person Deserves To Be Raped Is A Knob

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Hall of Fame
Now I understand why you won't explain the difference between an "eye for an eye" and "treat others how you want to be treated". You don't know.

Oh we know alright. There is double standard at work here.

A woman would be expected to dress modestly while a man needs his hand held and eyes shielded in order to NOT commit adultery or rape.


New member
You act like she could make a gay man straight by how she swaggers, dances, wears her clothes... nope.

If a man is burning with sexual frustration it's not the fault of a woman for being beautiful. He needs to marry or make peace with celibacy. Otherwise you'd have women sinning for just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. This kind of thing would have been spelled out in the Bible.

Why would a godly man burn with covetousness for something that he shouldn't have? He wouldn't. He wouldn't obsess and covet. He would praise God for beauty and move on, finding satisfaction where God provided it.

If you are saying a man should never become erect between sex events, that ignores the body design God gave. Men become erect during sleep and because they have to go to the bathroom. Men can become aroused by the sight of a fully clothed woman, too. It's not her fault.

But sexually repressed men can become hypersexual, as can women... This goes against Gods' design and makes men unusually distracted and dysphoric. A man used to being on a long-skirt-only compound has a harder time going out and seeing women in shorts and skirts. I've witnessed this phenomena as an ultra-conservative.

Then winning a competition or fighting a battle, even working out - all are proven to turbocharge the sex drive. If you blindfolded him and walked him through a room of ovulating women it would be supercharged.

If his desire is to make love to his wife and not the strippers, he's not coveting, and the wife gets a more healthy, fertile man and more heritage for the Lord, as a result. Good fruits from a higher libido.

Do you remember the rude flack you got on TOL over your ex-girlfriend in her beach picture? What happened to that guy who didn't judge women so harshly and quickly?

BTW, if God didn't want to entice men with the way women are naturally, he wouldn't have made them so enticing or he would have told them to hide their beauty, especially when ovulating.

Studies show that men with higher libidos are healthier and that men who are around beautiful/ovulating women have higher libidos. That's Gods' design.

There's no way to unnaturally enhance that, or we'd make gay men straight.

Do you realize you are setting the gossip wheel to start turning again? Do you realize how I was savaged almost two years ago by a lynch mob of whom some are already starting to get the gossip brewing? That set in motion several flame outs for me and several bannings. Why do you want me to be lynched again?


Hall of Fame
Do you realize you are setting the gossip wheel to start turning again? Do you realize how I was savaged almost two years ago by a lynch mob of whom some are already starting to get the gossip brewing? That set in motion several flame outs for me and several bannings. Why do you want me to be lynched again?

So you don't believe that those (including yourself) who denied your previous ID's are liars?

BTW, what kind of actual standard do you have when you are now buddying up with some that you previously accused of "lynching" you?

On the part of PM1, I don't believe she was intentionally outing you, but rather genuinely intrigued as to why your standards on modesty have done a complete one-eighty.

Here's an idea, Dolo: Instead of lying about your identity, why not quit blaming the past on everyone else and openly state who you are and ask for a fresh start?

When you start out lying, nothing you state is worthy of consideration.


New member
So she was being paid for sex,
No, she wasn't.
a bag of money was brought, etc,
Her husband is the one with the bag of money that he will bring when he returns from the long journey.
and harlots hid their faces, remember? Remember how that goes... just read how Judah had a harlot who was so covered he didn't recognize his own kin!
Women in burkas are harlots?
Have you told this to the Muslims in the Middle East?

Having nice bedsheets, no sin. Having nice clothes, no sin.
Preparing them for premeditated adultery?
That is a sin.

Playing the harlot while husband is away - sin.

What about playing the harlot while your husband is playing drums?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Oh we know alright. There is double standard at work here.

A woman would be expected to dress modestly while a man needs his hand held and eyes shielded in order to NOT commit adultery or rape.

It has always amazed me that woman must pay the price for a man's lack of self control. The best example is the burka. Personally, I advocate for men to excercise self control and discipline.


New member
Only a wicked fool judges a woman based on her outward appearance.
Good, then I am not a wicked fool.

I am judging the woman on her actions, which is exactly what God will do in the Judgment when the books are opened.

Her actions are choosing to dress like a modern day harlot (skin exposed rather than face covered) in order to entice fornication and adultery.


New member
Now I understand why you won't explain the difference between an "eye for an eye" and "treat others how you want to be treated". You don't know.
Your lack of understanding on the subject does not mean I lack understanding.

If you want to come back to the topic at hand, please do so.

If you only want to troll, then do it someplace else.


New member

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What about playing the harlot while your husband is playing drums?


It has always amazed me that woman must pay the price for a man's lack of self control. The best example is the burka.

I have a better example:

the victims of rape who behave in ways that increase their risk of being raped

you know, like acting like a drunken whore

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Missed this when it was written and caught it pulling together a spate of funnies from her in the Gazette. To be clear then:
Not so, Town.

Rape is wrong......PERIOD. Everyone agrees to that.
So the first funny thing is that nothing that precedes the "Not so" is actually contradicting anything in my quote. Rather, she joins in the condemnation of rape, while holding out the larger notion that rape is a punishment for sinners. Not all sinners, apparently. I don't think she'd find rape a fitting punishment for, say, someone who steals a pack of gum...or maybe she does. I hope not.

So that leaves you defending a stripper....claiming she deserves no consequences for her immoral behavior.
See, that's not true and she knows it. I've written, repeatedly, that we all bear responsibility for our sins, absent grace, and that we will meet the consequences of it in this life or the next.

What I've actually said about the stripper, or the PTA mom who is raped in her home or the woman who is date raped, or the child abused by an adult, they don't bear the responsibility for that moral act. It isn't just deserts and we can't infer God's punishment from it without overstepping our paygrade.

And it leaves you insisting YOU are the decider of what God will or will not allow as a consequence for that immoral behavior.
That's not true either. I say leave it to God and don't assume, following the error of Job's friends.

Some scripture would be nice, but so far you've offered none. :think:
And that's not true either. So three for thee.

I've spoken to and referenced Matthew, Job and other scripture in rebutting her. The way she likely justifies being less than truthful with that is that I literally didn't quote it, only referenced it, as in when I spoke to the response of Job's friends to what they assumed was God's judgement for transgression, or how Job himself is a story that contradicts the idea of hardship being punishment as a rule. And I paraphrased Jesus rejecting the claims of religious leaders who tried to say his miracles were of the devil (Matthew 3:25). I did a few more like that.

A person with an honest, defensible position doesn't need to do what daze keeps attempting. It's the sort of tactic, like the humanist label she's started slapping around, of someone who on some level understands that she needs to keep the opposition on the defensive, cleaning up her distortions and misdirections, to keep the focus off her narrative and the wrongness at its heart.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Missed this....

and if you had continued missing it, the world would have been a better place

but, no, you just must have the last word in your insane effort to demolish a woman who you once counted as a friend

oh well, at least you'll get a few pithy quotes to paste up on your mommy's refrigerator

pulling together a spate of funnies from her in the Gazette.


is it any wonder so many people dislike you?


New member
she joins in the condemnation of rape, while holding out the larger notion that rape is a punishment for sinners. Not all sinners, apparently. I don't think she'd find rape a fitting punishment for, say, someone who steals a pack of gum...or maybe she does. I hope not.
The problem with trying to set up rape as a punishment for an individual's sins is that rape happens to innocent victims as well as people that truly deserve it.

This is because of a false belief that only wicked individuals are punished.

However, the Bible is full of accounts where the wicked societies are punished severely for the wickedness in them, and the victims of the punishment of the wicked society include people we see as innocent.

In the case of rape as a punishment in the Bible, it is only decreed on a wicked society.

Trying to blame the individuals that get raped and claim that those victims brought the punishment of rape on themselves is foolishness, since the increase in rape is a punishment on the entire society, and they are victims because they are part of a wicked society, whether they contributed to the wickedness of the society or not.

Trying to excuse the wickedness of the women in our society and blaming it only on the men is also foolishness, since the wickedness of the women and men in the society is what makes the society wicked and deserving of punishment, including the punishment of rape.

What I've actually said about the stripper, or the PTA mom who is raped in her home or the woman who is date raped, or the child abused by an adult, they don't bear the responsibility for that moral act. It isn't just deserts and we can't infer God's punishment from it without overstepping our paygrade.

Each and every one of us in this society is responsible for the rapes you listed if we aid in the wickedness of this society or if we stand idly by and do nothing.

The only way to absolve ourselves of responsibility is to speak out against the wickedness.

If the wicked turn from their wicked ways, that is a good thing.
If they do not, then we are not held responsible because we took the time to speak out.

Ezekiel 3:18-19
18 When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
19 Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.​



New member
and if you had continued missing it, the world would have been a better place

but, no, you just must have the last word in your insane effort to demolish a woman who you once counted as a friend

oh well, at least you'll get a few pithy quotes to paste up on your mommy's refrigerator


is it any wonder so many people dislike you?

I love TH and call him friend.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Your lack of understanding on the subject does not mean I lack understanding.

If you want to come back to the topic at hand, please do so.

If you only want to troll, then do it someplace else.

I am discussing the subject at hand but you can't grasp that. I do note that you are continuing to evade my question though.


New member
and if you had continued missing it, the world would have been a better place

but, no, you just must have the last word in your insane effort to demolish a woman who you once counted as a friend

oh well, at least you'll get a few pithy quotes to paste up on your mommy's refrigerator


is it any wonder so many people dislike you?

Trashing people from other threads on your own thread that you close when you like is dishonest and dispicable. He is downright evil.
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