Anyone Who Thinks Another Person Deserves To Be Raped Is A Knob

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Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I have a better example:

the victims of rape who behave in ways that increase their risk of being raped

you know, like acting like a drunken whore

I have been to a few parties where there were women drunk and dressed in clothing designed to show off. Why is it when you see these women your first thoughts are of rape and my first thoughts are of how to get her home safely?


New member
I have been to a few parties where there were women drunk and dressed in clothing designed to show off. Why is it when you see these women your first thoughts are of rape and my first thoughts are of how to get her home safely?

Get her home safely?
What do you believe she is in danger of that a drunk man is not in danger of?

Are you going to claim everything except the possibility of some random man or woman sexually assaulting her never crossed your mind?


Hall of Fame
I have been to a few parties where there were women drunk and dressed in clothing designed to show off. Why is it when you see these women your first thoughts are of rape and my first thoughts are of how to get her home safely?

That's a good question. Inquiring minds want to know ... :think:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I have been to a few parties where there were women drunk and dressed in clothing designed to show off.


Why is it when you see these women your first thoughts are of rape

sorry dude - your crazy train just went off the rails

in that situation, if i was foolish enough to go to these drunken parties you frequent with half-naked women, my first thought would be "what a disgusting drunken whore"


Hall of Fame
Trashing people from other threads on your own thread that you close when you like is dishonest and dispicable. He is downright evil.

Pfffttt .... you have a history of saying people are despicable and evil. You know what is actually evil? Making excuses for rapists by blaming their VICTIMS.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Get her home safely?
What do you believe she is in danger of that a drunk man is not in danger of?
Men like you, men who think that she is getting what she deserves. It is a very short jump from thinking she deserves it to your the one justified doing it.

Are you going to claim everything except the possibility of some random man or woman sexually assaulting her never crossed your mind?
There have been enough stories in the news to prove that parties with lots of alcohol can end badly.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Are you really so delusional that you believe that?

Of course, that is to be expected.

It's not trolling, it's on point. Your answer to that question would reveal much about your mind set and why it's not Christian to say that she deserves to raped.


New member
Men like you, men who think that she is getting what she deserves.
And this is a classic example of a strawman argument, which can only come from some idiot that completely ignores the actual arguments of the opposition.

Here, refresh yourself on my arguments, then come back after wiping the egg off your face:

The problem with trying to set up rape as a punishment for an individual's sins is that rape happens to innocent victims as well as people that truly deserve it.

This is because of a false belief that only wicked individuals are punished.

However, the Bible is full of accounts where the wicked societies are punished severely for the wickedness in them, and the victims of the punishment of the wicked society include people we see as innocent.

In the case of rape as a punishment in the Bible, it is only decreed on a wicked society.

Trying to blame the individuals that get raped and claim that those victims brought the punishment of rape on themselves is foolishness, since the increase in rape is a punishment on the entire society, and they are victims because they are part of a wicked society, whether they contributed to the wickedness of the society or not.

Trying to excuse the wickedness of the women in our society and blaming it only on the men is also foolishness, since the wickedness of the women and men in the society is what makes the society wicked and deserving of punishment, including the punishment of rape.

Each and every one of us in this society is responsible for the rapes you listed if we aid in the wickedness of this society or if we stand idly by and do nothing.

The only way to absolve ourselves of responsibility is to speak out against the wickedness.

If the wicked turn from their wicked ways, that is a good thing.
If they do not, then we are not held responsible because we took the time to speak out.

Ezekiel 3:18-19
18 When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
19 Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.​



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame

sorry dude - your crazy train just went off the rails

in that situation, if i was foolish enough to go to these drunken parties you frequent with half-naked women, my first thought would be "what a disgusting drunken whore"

A truly un-Christ like response. Christ sees somebody that is in desperate need and you see somebody who needs to punished. It is only a very short jump to you thinking you're the justified in punishing her.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
And this is a classic example of a strawman argument, which can only come from some idiot that completely ignores the actual arguments of the opposition.

Here, refresh yourself on my arguments, then come back after wiping the egg off your face:

You still think that some woman deserve it. Your position has not improved.
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