a whore for the republican party


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Hall of Fame
Yes, in fact only one establishment candidate has been able to break single digit support thus far and that is Rubio and even his support is waning.
While support thus far doesn't necessarily mean anything for the general election, you might be right. But the question is....are the people who support Bush or Rubio right now willing to vote for a Trump/Cruz/Carson if they'd end up winning? Or would they end up staying home or switching sides? And then you have the question of swing voters who might vote R if it's a moderate R but would never vote for T/C/C.

The two that will be duking it out for the nomination from my estimation will be Trump & Cruz. The notion that Jeb Bush, Kasich, or Christy are even in the game is a joke, they are all but done by the numbers but, Bush has a lot of money behind him so he will try to stay in till the convention but, I don't see him ever breaking 10% support, he is unelectable, nobody will get behind him except party elites.
I agree that Kasich and Christie have no shot and should just drop out. It's hard to see how Bush is still viable but I'd trust his chances to rise more than the others.


New member

They should have stood their ground & fought this inept imperial president by shutting down everything until he was willing to work on a budget everyone could live with, heck that is why they won the senate back to begin with, to stop this man. Instead they just laid down, now nobody trusts them, nor can any establishment candidate get traction because of their appeasement on these fronts. The elite establishment republicans are not conservatives, they are progressive liberals at heart just like the democrats, and they despise their conservative base there is no other explanation why they don't stand & fight when their base gives them a mandate at the ballot box.

i tend to agree

dont get it why they won't stand up to this lawless liberal pres who couldn't care less about the American people (who are mostly Right and Center-right)

i thought we fought a war to avoid monarchy?



New member
hillary is unelectable

she will never get the turnout necessary

she is only unelectable to INFORMED voters. The uninformed just vote Dem all the time out of ignorance. No truly informed person (who cares about the direction in which this country is going) would vote for someone like that. But the weird thing is that even Dems know she is a liar--and will vote for her just the same!!!! Well, like someone said, "we" get the "leader" we deserve



New member
the only poll you can trust
trump losing to hillary by 10 points

i tend to agree. The Independents are 60% against Trump

Women are only somehting like 14% for him

Blacks are like 90% or more against him

Hispanics are against him

Frankly, i dont get the thing about T being a racist. Racist?

Oh, yeh, i forgot, that's what the liberals are always calling peple who disagree w/ t hem. It means nothing. But in any case, my problem with T is that he is just as willing to go against the Constitution and the American people as our current president is!




Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
i tend to agree. The Independents are 60% against Trump

Women are only somehting like 14% for him

Blacks are like 90% or more against him

Hispanics are against him

Frankly, i dont get the thing about T being a racist. Racist?

Oh, yeh, i forgot, that's what the liberals are always calling peple who disagree w/ t hem. It means nothing. But in any case, my problem with T is that he is just as willing to go against the Constitution and the American people as our current president is!



I agree to some extent but, I do not agree that Trump's support is a fluke nor do I believe that 60% of independents are against him. Chrys is right about one thing, you cannot trust the polls, and I personally feel that Trump & Cruz have far more support than the polls are capturing or the media is willing to report. The cracks in Trump's armor are beginning to show, and we will see by super Tuesday who the real frontrunner is, it certainly won't be Jeb Bush, Kasich, Rubio, or Christy that I am willing to wager on that. I would venture to say you will not see an establishment candidate, even in the rear view mirror by March, the establishment has been the inventor of their own demise, the people won't elect them to dog catcher any more, furthermore i would expect to see a whole new crop of Republicans in the House and Senate as the seats become available to take. The people are on to the progressive establishment crony crapitalists they can't sell that crap any more, nobody is listening.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Trump is a giant baby attention whore

Gotta give the man credit though, he knows how to play the media like a Stradivarius and I have so enjoyed watching him do so, if anybody takes away anything positive from Trumps candidacy it should be that, and the fact he has ground political correctness into a fine powder as it should be, and trashed every establishment RINO politician & candidate for the lying hypocrites they are...I thank him for that. :thumb:


like marbles on glass
Gotta give the man credit though, he knows how to play the media like a Stradivarius and I have so enjoyed watching him do so, if anybody takes away anything positive from Trumps candidacy it should be that, and the fact he has ground political correctness into a fine powder as it should be, and trashed every establishment RINO politician & candidate for the lying hypocrites they are...I thank him for that. :thumb:

No, I don't have to give him credit for anything except being the orangest embarrassment on current offer from the GOP, and for highlighting how many gullible, nativist, and xenophobic morons there are out there.


New member
Gotta give the man credit though, he knows how to play the media like a Stradivarius

Not like a Stradivarius. He doesn't 'play' the media, he just presents a target rich environment for journalists.

It takes no skill, just a lack of care and no real desire to produce a coherent set of policies in advance of media events.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
it wouldn't have made any difference
they had

it's all about charisma and energizing the base

reagan had energy
carter didn't

reagan had energy
mondale didn't

bush senior had energy
dukakis didn't

clinton had energy
bush senior didn't

clinton had energy
dole didn't

bush junior had energy
gore didn't

bush junior had energy
kerry didn't

obama had energy
mccain didn't

obama had energy
romney didn't

x will have to have more energy than hillary

which isn't much of a challenge, because hillary will not energize the base


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
x will have to have more energy than hillary

which isn't much of a challenge, because hillary will not energize the base

you don't have a clue

the base are feminists
most of the women are feminists
they are energized
they will elect hillary
not without the help of trump

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
you don't have a clue

the base are feminists
most of the women are feminists
they are energized
they will elect hillary
not without the help of trump

hillary will not get the youth vote, even the feminists - they'll stay home in droves

the youth vote, coming as it does from morons, will vote trump

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
look for hillary to increasingly paint trump as ancient

and watch them scramble to try to keep it from backfiring on them
