Woman in Germany dragged into Subway by crowd of Muslims and brutally raped.


New member
The difference is one group has a religion giving them cart blanche with the women their "right hands" possess.

I personally find the one with a permissive religion to be more frightening.

I wouldn't accept any form of religious or non religious reasoning as being a legitimate excuse for barbaric lowlifes to rape women ... or children ... or men.

Yes, the Muslims in question are scum of the earth. IF the earth were to open up and swallow them as well as all other rapists, I would not mourn them.

Bravo to you both!


New member
:rolleyes: Granite....Take a hike...You trot that out whenever you get the opportunity thinking it's going to silence your opposition. I'm not impressed.

If you don't want to be compared to the murderous thugs; then don't do their work for them....And yes, you self-righteous dink, advocating for the destruction of the evidence of ANY atrocity is DOING THEIR WORK FOR THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hard to argue with that.


New member
What's right with the Palestinians is to pursue peace, not terrorism, like walking into someone's house in broad daylight and knifing a mother of 6 children to death in front of her daughter. This isn't pursuing peace. The BDS movement supports this kind of atrocity and doesn't in any way support what is right for Palestinians. The BDS movement is yet another anti-semitic hate orgy, thinly disguised as a political movement.
Couldn't agree more.


Since this was in 2011, I'll bet the woman feels a lot better about Muslim gang rape now.

She's had like five years to get over it.

Actually, it was 2013.

From Wikipedia on the widespread rape of Okinawan women by American servicemen:

" It has been claimed that the rape was so prevalent that most Okinawans over age 65 around the year 2000 either knew or had heard of a woman who was raped in the aftermath of the war"


New member
During WWII 10,000 Okinawan women reported being raped by American soldiers.
This is total idiocy.

There weren't 10,000 women on Okinawa after the invasion.
Lets listen to someone who was there:


The TOTAL and final number of male prisoners (resisters) was 8,000 at the end of the battle of Okinawa.

The 90,000 combatants who died (90% of the population) were killed by distant pounding of big naval guns.
There weren't 10,000 horny US soldiers on the ground until the battle was over,
and by then Okinawa was all but wiped out, man woman and child.

The women in the video describe a group of about 50 women who fled to the mountains.

ONE sugar cane field was burned, which may have supported a few hundred fugitives for a week.




New member
Actually, it was 2013.

From Wikipedia on the widespread rape of Okinawan women by American servicemen:

" It has been claimed that the rape was so prevalent that most Okinawans over age 65 around the year 2000 either knew or had heard of a woman who was raped in the aftermath of the war"

And 74 US servicemen that committed rape in WW2 were executed for it.

How many perps were executed for the crimes in Cairo?


Are you familiar with the My Lai Massacre?

In Vietnam, 26 American soldiers were charged with gang raping, and then killing dozens of women.

Not only did they gang rape the women, they mutilated their bodies before they killed them, and then they killed a total of around 400 men, women, children, and infants from the village.

During WWII 10,000 Okinawan women reported being raped by American soldiers.

A total of 14,000 civilian women in England, France and Germany were raped by American GIs during World War II.

It doesn't really bode well for Islam and for Muslims that you are having to compare Islamic refugees to military combatants. :p

Rape exists, it always had, and it always will.

May the death penalty, and the longing of men for the State to exact vengeance, last as long! :D


There weren't 10,000 women on Okinawa after the invasion.

It's what Wikipedia said.

The Wikipedia source is:

Sims, Calvin (1 June 2000). "3 Dead Marines and a Secret of Wartime Okinawa". New York Times (Nago, Japan). Retrieved 6 April 2015.


New member
During WWII 10,000 Okinawan women reported being raped by American soldiers.

You're aware that Saltpeter in the food was standard practice for armies in WW2 right?

You know why they put that in the food don't you?

Lets not forget that Okinawa was a military base area for the JAPANESE before the US took it.

It is unlikely that there were anywhere near as many women as men occupying those bases.

The estimate of the Japanese combatants male and female was about 100,000.
of which only 8,000 survived.

Lets be generous and say that maybe there were 3,000 women and a few children in that number.

That means the "10,000" exaggeration is probably in the order of 5 to 10 times the actual number of women even available,
for such sport, and most of them would be in internment camps supervised by the US army,
who would be watching their own soldiers closely, with discipline threats appropriate to WW2,
and while the war was still on elsewhere.
It would not have been time for a tropical recreational stopover like on Star Trek fantasies under Kirk..


Why draw the contrast, then?

My point is that the Muslims aren't the only people to ever rape women who are different than they are.

It has happened throughout history, and even happens here in the USA

Once again, from Wikipedia:

"In the United States, Native American women are more than twice as likely as White women, Asian women, and Black women to experience sexual violence. 78% of the perpetrators of sexual assault and rape committed against Native American women are White"