ECT Why shouldn't I convert from Evangelical Protestant to Catholic?

God's Truth

New member
Join if you feel called. Being Catholic or Protestant won't save you nor does it condemn you.
Knowing God's Truth does save.
If you are being hindered from knowing God's Truth because of the false teachings of the Catholics, then it does matter.

The Catholics kept my dad and mom from knowing God's Truth.

They died without knowing.

I spent much of my life without knowing the Truth because of the Catholics.

I find this infighting mostly counterproductive and trivial.

You are badly mistaken.

Apostle Paul argued and debated many publicly.

We are to contend for the faith. Think about what a contender is.

God's Truth

New member
Never knew that. Don't know if I could believe it either.

The infighting has been constant throughout the thread, but mostly seems to be most vehement from fundamental KJV types for some reason.

I genuinely did start off the thread wanting to hear opinions, but by the end of the first page or so had heard so much anti-Catholic rhetoric I may as well have been back in Belfast during the troubles. Catholics and Protestants killed eachother everyday.
Debating wise, we are still doing the same as Belfast, except this time it is Protestant attacking Protestant who might become Catholic, but who becomes more Catholic as more Protestants post the same old topics over and over and he discovers most of those topics when researched (not all, but most) to be false claims based on misunderstanding and rhetoric.

Was refreshing to read your post though. People listen when they aren't told they are joining the whore of Babylon from page 1. (I've actually been to Babylon in Iraq anyway lol)...or to be told they deserve to go to hell, are cursed etc etc etc....

Anyway, the Catholic Church has warts, but so does the Protestant Church. Maybe I should just go and live with a tribe in the Atlas mountains for a few months like I did a few years ago, helped me understand humanity and respect those with various beliefs...not to mention no rat race, just contentment to be alive and well.

Thanks for posting :)

My conscience is clear on how I speak God's Truth.

As for you saying maybe you should go live with a tribe in the Atlas mountains... That will not do you any good. The kingdom of God is within you.

Luke 17:31 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

God's Truth

New member
We agree that they are not praying to the corpse. Personally, I would not go and pray in front of a Saint's body/relic laid out before me. That's my choice and having checked the Cathecism of the Catholic Church references to saints I can find nothing to say I must. Seems to be a take it or leave it, up to you attitude, which is fine then. Personally, I'll leave it and wont bs going out of my way to find the few Church buildings in Europe that have this.
There are parts of Catholicism which are hard to accept or understand, which is why I have until next Easter (at least) before I would be able to join the Church. It is a time of discernment and reflection for me, giving me chance to learn about their faith and beliefs.

Let me tell you something about the Catholic cannot put down any part of "her" and it be all right, according to the Catholic teachings.


New member
Catholics venerate, and pray to the dead bodies for intercession and healing.
We venerate (honor) the bodies of the Saints, but we do not pray TO the body. Rather, we ask for the intercession of the saint whose body we venerate. Again, get your facts straight.


My conscience is clear on how I speak God's Truth.

As for you saying maybe you should go live with a tribe in the Atlas mountains... That will not do you any good. The kingdom of God is within you.

Luke 17:31 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

I'd go to the doctor's if I were you, seems you have a bad case of Keyboard Diarrhea.

God's Truth

New member
Hang on just a little moment lady. You said earlier in this thread you were not protestant either, but now you say you are born again? You also said you don't believe in the doctrine of the trinity. Out of interest, how can this be if you are born again, as you say?

I am born again. Being born again happens when you are given a new life, and that happens when you are saved and all your sins are washed away…you are then born again and have a new life to live. You then live your life through the Spirit that Jesus gives you, his own Spirit, the Spirit of God Himself. You live through His Spirit, which is confirmed by how you live, and it can be verified and strengthened according to what Jesus says in the written word.


New member
Those are the remains of one of your blessed saints. Instead if reporting it, you should be identifying the saint by name and start venerating them. By reporting the pictures you sound as if you are embarrassed by the Catholic tradition. If you are, well then, might think twice about converting.
Why in the world would you assume that one's subjective comfort (or its lack) would have anything whatsoever to do with whether or not Catholicism is in fact true?

God's Truth

New member
We venerate (honor) the bodies of the Saints, but we do not pray TO the body. Rather, we ask for the intercession of the saint whose body we venerate. Again, get your facts straight.

You are in denial.

The Catholics believe there is power and healing IN THE RELIC, which is the remains and personal belongs of the "Saint".

As for Catholics praying in front of the cross, or statues and pictures...

God tells us NOT to do that.

As for Catholics saying we are not praying to the stature we are praying to the person the statue represents...that is what pagans say about what they are doing when they pray to their gods.


New member
Straw Man Fallacy. Try again.

Inability or refusal, it's all the same to me. :idunno:

Let's not split hairs. You'd rather link to RCC sites than engage in dialogue. I'd rather engage in dialogue than chase links around.

That's why I am on a forum. To have :idea: discussions.


New member
Man those are terrible justifications of an absurd and pagan practice!
TRANSLATION: "I'm emotionally uncomfortable with this because my chosen man-made non-Catholic sect has conditioned me to perceive it in a certain (decidedly distorted) way. Therefore, it must be inappropriate and wrong!"

Gaudium de veritate,



I am born again. Being born again happens when you are given a new life, and that happens when you are saved and all your sins are washed away…you are then born again and have a new life to live. You then live your life through the Spirit that Jesus gives you, his own Spirit, the Spirit of God Himself. You live through His Spirit, which is confirmed by how you live, and it can be verified and strengthened according to what Jesus says in the written word.

You aren't even Christian, let alone born again, you let us know this by your denial of the trinity doctrine. You advice is not valid on a Christian forum.

God's Truth

New member
I'd go to the doctor's if I were you, seems you have a bad case of Keyboard Diarrhea.

You will never know God's Truth with a heart like that.

Try to humble yourself.

Become as a child, not a mischievous child, but a child that you know is being sweet and vulnerable. Make yourself vulnerable to God's Truth.

God's Truth

New member
You aren't even Christian, let alone born again, you let us know this by your denial of the trinity doctrine. You advice is not valid on a Christian forum.

There are three, the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

The three are One and the same God.

The Catholic's trinity doctrine says they are three distinct. Distinct means different.

However, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are NOT different/distinct from God.

Jesus says he only says and does what the Father says and does. Jesus says that when you see him you have seen the Father.

You do not even know if you should join the Catholic religion. How do you think you are qualified to make such decisions about me? Keep your personal attacks to yourself.


New member
Inability or refusal, it's all the same to me.
We'll have to alert the publishers of the Oxford English Dictionary that Wizard says the concepts of "inability" and "refusal" are identical. :doh:

You'd rather link to RCC sites than engage in dialogue.
In some cases, absolutely. I'm not here for a brunch party where we can all sit around drinking tea, giggling, and gabbing. This is a theological forum where information is shared and debated. There are times when it is a more prudent use of my time to cite a source which accurately represents my own position on an issue, rather than spending a half hour composing a post that contains essentially the same information. You can do with the information whatever you like. That's between you and God. But whining about having to click on a citation strikes one as disingenuous at best.

Gaudium de veritate,



There are three, the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

The three are One and the same God.

The Catholic's trinity doctrine says they are three distinct. Distinct means different.

However, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are NOT different/distinct from God.

Jesus says he only says and does what the Father says and does. Jesus says that when you see him you have seen the Father.

You do not even know if you should join the Catholic religion. How do you think you are qualified to make such decisions about me? Keep your personal attacks to yourself.

All Catholics and Protestants agree on the doctrine of the Trinity, it is the core teaching of the Christian faith. You do not agree with it, therefore you are not a Christian, simple. The end, you're welcome.