Why should God accept you?


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Please post your answers below, being as brief but precise as possible: Why should God accept you? What have you done to be accepted by Him?


Proverbs 31:10
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He shouldn't accept me, based on what I've done in my life. I have done nothing worthy of His love. Without Christ, I am nothing!
I don't like that word "should" too much, don't believe in a concept of what God should do: He is God. I feel it is far beyond the fallen creature to dictate anything of the Creator. But God accepts me, because I believe in Jesus Christ, because of His word and sure promises.

John 6:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

That is, believe in His work on the cross, His death and resurrection, believe in the grace and righteousness of Christ that comes by faith in His finished work.

As for me, I've done nothing nor could do anything to save myself, owe all to the love, grace and mercy of God, owe all to the work and righteousness of my good Lord Jesus. And we must all come to God, clothed in His righteousness, not our own. I would say, in a real sense, of myself, there's nothing a Holy God should accept.


Please post your answers below, being as brief but precise as possible: Why should God accept you? What have you done to be accepted by Him?
The God incarnated in Jesus accepts all. No favorites, everyone's invited to the banquet.


Well-known member
He shouldn't accept me, based on what I've done in my life. I have done nothing worthy of His love. Without Christ, I am nothing!

I don't like that word "should" too much, don't believe in a concept of what God should do: He is God. I feel it is far beyond the fallen creature to dictate anything of the Creator. But God accepts me, because I believe in Jesus Christ, because of His word and sure promises.

John 6:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

That is, believe in His work on the cross, His death and resurrection, believe in the grace and righteousness of Christ that comes by faith in His finished work.

As for me, I've done nothing nor could do anything to save myself, owe all to the love, grace and mercy of God, owe all to the work and righteousness of my good Lord Jesus. And we must all come to God, clothed in His righteousness, not our own. I would say, in a real sense, of myself, there's nothing a Holy God should accept.

Amen to both posts. The only reason He "should" is because He said He would....not because of what I have done but because I believe what the LORD Jesus Christ did for us.


Well-known member
God doesn't accept ANY of us in ourselves. He accepts us only in Christ, or not at all.

If you're not 100% sure you're saved and safe in Christ forever, you're probably not.