ECT Why I prefer the KJV.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I prefer the nab because I think we are being tested
-your bible doesn't even have that word
-dan 12:10 nab

Many shall be refined, purified, and tested, but the wicked shall prove wicked; the wicked shall have no understanding, but those with insight shall.


Well-known member
Good! I am happy for you. However, did I say ALL???? Here, for clarities sake:

"Read it in a just about any other modern supposedly more "accurate" translations and see what you come up with".. It was an invitation, not an accusation.

Do the same with Matt 18:11 KJV."

I see you didn't handle Matt 18:11. Why not?

Would you prefer to have things you like included in the bible, or would you rather have the text as originally written?


Well-known member
How come there are so many variations of the "originally written"?

Can you answer that? Wanna take a guess?

If you're referring to manuscripts, it's because they were copied by hand for 1500 years or so, and scribes aren't perfect.

If you're referring to the current condition of the original, there is agreement among textual scholars on the current text, with 11 places where a word is unclear, and none of them affect the theology of the passage.

So, there aren't "so many variations." There's a text we've discovered, which is far more accurate than the KJV.


Well-known member
Yes it is, isn't it. You should better note that fact to better undrstand why it stands out above the rest.

It doesn't. It wasn't the first English translation. It isn't accurate. The only thing that sticks out about the KJV is that it was introduced into an environment where it could be widely distributed, and it became popular.


New member
It doesn't. It wasn't the first English translation. It isn't accurate. The only thing that sticks out about the KJV is that it was introduced into an environment where it could be widely distributed, and it became popular.

People also forget that King James controlled the presses and it was the only Bible he would allow printed in his empire.

Cross Reference

New member
I am not forgeting anything nor mean to leave anything out. However, you make your choice for your reasons, I'll stick with my reasons.



New member
I'm not seeing your point. NASB reads the same.

56 for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them."] And they went on to another village. NASB

I agree there are some bad newer versions but not all. The KJV is merely a word for word translation from the original Greek into English but it's not the only one. While I think it's a great version I don't solely rely on it because the Kings English is different than what we use today. There are some that base their version of truth on the KJV because to use a modern version would destroy their “truth”. For example:

2 Tim. 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. KJV

15…. accurately handling the word of truth. NASB

Is Paul telling Timothy Christ is divided or study to accurately handle the word?

The Greek word used means to cut straight not divide. There is a Greek word for divide but it’s not used here.
orthotomeó: to cut straight
Original Word: ὀρθοτομέω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: orthotomeó
Phonetic Spelling: (or-thot-om-eh'-o)
Short Definition: I cut straight, handle correctly
Definition: I cut straight; met: I handle correctly, teach rightly.

The word ORTHOdontics has to do with the issue of straightening out or making aright, unstraightened teeth.

While the word TricoTOMY has to do with making a three-fold cut.

Though he is basically saying, cut to the chase; give it to them straight; don't deviate from the truth in your word or message to them, that unavoidably implies and relies on noting distinctions between that and not that.

He even relates an example of the other side of all that - a division between them.

But you are ever determined to see what you see.

It can't be helped; you are determined to divide one aspect of this two fold issue away from it and out of your mind.

You are, in short, dividing between things you agree with and those staring you right in the face unawares, but for your division.

Go figure...


New member
People also forget that King James controlled the presses and it was the only Bible he would allow printed in his empire.

The Romans built vast roads to intended glory of their own vanity.

Despite THEIR intent, God made use of those roads to HIS glory through His Word resident in men who traveled those very roads.

What ever King James' intended 'road' may or may not have been, said road was paved with the bricks and mortar that are the passages in the KJB.

God saw fit not to throw out that vast road system the Romans built, with them.

The KJB issue is better understood when viewed in a similar manner.

Regardless of a man's intent, or that of a publishing house - regardless, for that matter, of manuscripts found in a dumping ground - what has mattered is that bricks and mortar when resident in the hearts of men.

In the same way He made use of the wicked hands of men to save them that believe on Him Who those wicked hands had had nothing but the worst of intentions for.

It is amazing how utterly stupid men can be about this "Bible issue" in their ever focusing on every issue but the one that solves for all its' fool notions...

Philippians 1:18 What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.


New member
The Romans built vast roads to intended glory of their own vanity.

Despite THEIR intent, God made use of those roads to HIS glory through His Word resident in men who traveled those very roads.

What ever King James' intended 'road' may or may not have been, said road was paved with the bricks and mortar that are the passages in the KJB.

God saw fit not to throw out that vast road system the Romans built, with them.

The KJB issue is better understood when viewed in a similar manner.

Regardless of a man's intent, or that of a publishing house - regardless, for that matter, of manuscripts found in a dumping ground - what has mattered is that bricks and mortar when resident in the hearts of men.

In the same way He made use of the wicked hands of men to save them that believe on Him Who those wicked hands had had nothing but the worst of intentions for.

It is amazing how utterly stupid men can be about this "Bible issue" in their ever focusing on every issue but the one that solves for all its' fool notions...

Philippians 1:18 What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.

FYI.. where is the Roman Empire now that built those roads?... God saw fit to destroy it.

Wow.. the old it must be accurate because there are more of them reasoning.

I thought people understood that fallacy of that reasoning a long time ago..

More != better.

The KJV is a horrible translation.. and has caused irreparable damage to Christendom... for many reason.

Given your reasoning.. you must also be Roman Catholic.. right? Since there are more of them?

Seriously, that argument is laughable.

The way is narrow.. not wide.