Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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While we await the return of ...Dante to supply a link to his earlier post plus explain CDC BRFSS 2016...(please come back ...Dante, as I have many many questions about the phone calls that the CDC made to homosexuals who are mocking God's institution of marriage during it's supposed "study").

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding "improved access to health care" : I've pointed out that healthcare has been readily available for those who engage in homosexuality, yet their health (as you pointed out) hasn't improved.

And the problems with that was pointed out.

Yes, it's been pointed out that even though healthcare is available to those who engage in the extremely unnatural and unhealthy act, disease still runs rampant amongst those who partake in homosexual behavior.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So God is going to redesign the human body so that it does take kindly to homosexual acts?
Placing a band aid over a cancerous tumor never has been the answer.

Not relevant to my point. Even if a bandaid is not a cure it does prevent you from bleeding to death or getting worse infections until you can get around to a cure.

Since there doesn't seem to be evidence that the human body will be redesigned so that it will be healthy to engage in unnatural and extremely harmful behaviors such as homosexuality , it appears that your answer is "no".

Regarding the band aid analogy: Superficial remedies don't get to the heart of the matter. Ask any EX homosexual, they knew that they were living a lie and had to do something about it.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Just say NO! to homosexuality (and the diseases, misery and death that comes with it).

Problem solved.

History says otherwise. Homosexuality has existed in every recorded Human civilization even those that just said NO!

Sin has been with mankind since the Fall of Adam and Eve and will be until Jesus returns. That doesn't make homosexuality any less of an unnatural and extremely harmful behavior.

Kit the Coyote

New member
Tell me CW do you get all your health care from free clinics and hospital emergency rooms? If not, don't pretend that in any way means that adequate healthcare was available to all homosexuals prior to same-sex marriage laws.


Tell me CW do you get all your health care from free clinics and hospital emergency rooms? If not, don't pretend that in any way means that adequate healthcare was available to all homosexuals prior to same-sex marriage laws.

The term "adequate healthcare" when applied to those who engage in homosexuality is a lie, as it doesn't get to the root of the problem. By not addressing that those who engage in homosex need spiritual and often times psychological help to understand and address their same sex desires and behavior, medical professionals are giving those lost souls "inadequate healthcare".

Kit the Coyote

New member
Because if you get spiritual and psychological treatment, all physical ailments are magically cured.

Medical professionals understand that if you ignore the symptoms the patent can die of them before the root of the problem is dealt with.


Because if you get spiritual and psychological treatment, all physical ailments are magically cured.

Physically you will reap what you sowed even after you've accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior (although miracles do happen).

Medical professionals understand that if you ignore the symptoms the patent can die of them before the root of the problem is dealt with.

Yet medical professionals aren't afraid to tell a cigarette smoker or an alcoholic that they need to quit before they die of tobacco related/alcohol related diseases.


I've had several posts throughout this 5 Part thread exposing Fox/Faux News and their pro homosexual stance (see AFTAH articles exposing Fox News: https://americansfortruth.com/issues/media-promotion/fox-news/ )
Lifesitenews.com out did themselves by sharing the truth about Faux News:

The gaying of Fox News

July 18, 2018

Once regarded by conservatives as the country’s sole red, white and blue national television news network, Fox News is increasingly showing its rainbow colors.
While the network still appeals to conservatives and takes plenty of flak from liberals, there has been a decidedly pro-gay uptick in on-air talent, editorial content and signaling.
When Fox News political analyst Guy Benson announced his engagement to another man on Twitter in May, Bret Baier tweeted back:

Guy — congratulations! It takes guts to ask in a wobbly boat — all the best. Thanks for sharing the moment. Love is cool.

Bret Baier apparently values sodomy over the tenets of his Catholic faith. And although Baier most likely wouldn’t see it that way, that message comes across loud and clear to Catholic viewers occupying the vast world outside the beltway.
Other Fox News personalities, including Jonah Goldberg, also offered congratulations to Benson, as did folks at The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Examiner, and National Review.
In so doing, they reveal they are not true conservatives, and that the Catholics among them are not fully dedicated to Catholic teaching. They have a soft spot for romantic sodomy.
Our conservative urban elites – once reliable brethren and fellow travelers – have drifted into libertarianism in order to more comfortably accommodate their sophisticated secular values.

… In addition to Benson and [lesbian Tammy] Bruce, there are others leading active gay lifestyles at Fox News.
Amy Walter, national editor of The Cook Political Report who is often part of Baier’s Special Report panel, has been “married” to a woman since 2013.
Shepard Smith, who officially came out in a speech at his alma mater last year, said being gay is “not a thing. I go to work. I manage a lot of people. I cover the news. I deal with holy hell around me. I go home to the man I’m in love with.” His longtime “boyfriend,” a former production assistant on his show, was less than half the middle-aged network anchor’s age when they began dating.

Fox News on-air talent: Libertarians, not social conservatives
Libertarian, pro-LGBT views pretty much fully saturate Fox nowadays, yet the infiltration began long ago.
As far back as 2002, former Fox News heavyweight Bill O’Reilly said in an interview with gay-oriented The Advocate that he, “couldn't care less, to tell you the truth … You want to get married? Knock yourself out. Go to Vegas; have a good time.” Asked if he would oppose homosexual “marriage” if it were legalized, O’Reilly said, “If you can get that changed, I'm not going to jump up and down and say I think it's wrong, because I don't.”
Elsewhere, he explained, “I take a libertarian position on issues like gay marriage.”
O’Reilly, like Baier, is Catholic, yet LGBT ideology has lived more loudly in him, too, than his Catholic faith.
The Fox News’ talent stable –– past and present –– remains packed with pro-gay libertarians (and some admittedly are self-proclaimed liberals) who often enjoy, at least for a time, reputations as conservatives: Margaret Hoover, Megyn Kelly, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Jamie Colby, Chris Wallace, Kelly Wright, and even Fox & Friends weatherman Rick Reichmuth.
Of all the Fox News Channel programming, “The Five” has the highest density of pro-gay sentiment among its regulars: former host Eric Bolling, Dana Perino, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Greg Gutfeld, and Geraldo Rivera.

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/the-gaying-of-fox-news


Faux News honors the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association

Kit the Coyote

New member
Physically you will reap what you sowed even after you've accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior (although miracles do happen).

Yet medical professionals aren't afraid to tell a cigarette smoker or an alcoholic that they need to quit before they die of tobacco related/alcohol related diseases.

Yes but they don't deny them medical care in the meantime or if they choose not to follow that advice.

Kit the Coyote

New member
You know CW is starting to sound very McCarthy like with his condemnation of Fox and Trump. "Are you now or have you ever been a gay sympathizer?!" I think he would have been quite at home running the Salem Witch Trials. *laughs*


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Physically you will reap what you sowed even after you've accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior (although miracles do happen).
Yet medical professionals aren't afraid to tell a cigarette smoker or an alcoholic that they need to quit before they die of tobacco related/alcohol related diseases.

Yes but they don't deny them medical care in the meantime or if they choose not to follow that advice.
Rapists and murderers aren't denied medical care, so what's your point?

By not telling those who engage in homosexual acts that they're partaking in an extremely dangerous behavior, physicians and medical professionals aren't abiding by their Hippocratic Oath.

"I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure."
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You know CW is starting to sound very McCarthy like with his condemnation of Fox and Trump.

Have I mentioned that I just love watching liberals squirrrrrmmmm when it's pointed out that Donald Trump and Faux News are really their allies?

Are you now or have you ever been a gay sympathizer?!" I think he would have been quite at home running the Salem Witch Trials. *laughs*

Be sure to tell them that you only look at pictures of males in underwear in the Sears catalogue and maybe they'll go easy on you out of pity.

That being said: You are aware that the Venona Intercepts proved that Joseph McCarthy was right aren't you?

To be sure, intercepts of secret Soviet communications that were part of the VENONA program eventually revealed that Soviet espionage operatives in the government numbered in the hundreds—far more than was thought in the 1950s. In that sense, McCarthy was right, but so were dozens of other anti-Communists of the time like FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Link please

Its the study you are pretending to have read

LIfesitenews.com read the study and posted their findings. Since you copy and pasted a rebuttal, I would like a link please.

BTW, are you going to explain the CDC's BRFSS 2016? I assume that their study was done via phone calls and went something like this:

Ring Ring: "Hello, I'm calling from the pro LGBTQ Centers for Disease Control and want to apologize for not sending a wedding gift when hearing about how you and whatshisname 'married'. A gift is
on the way compliments of the American taxpayer. The reason I called is because I'm going to put you and your 'husband' as respondents to a study which we here at the pro homosexual CDC are conducting. I'm going to say that since you and whatshisname 'married', that you're extremely happy and that your health has improved. Thanks for your time."

Does that sound about right ...Dante? If I were conducting a truly scientific study on the health of homosexual males that are mocking God's institution of marriage, I'd stand outside a HIV/AIDS clinic or one of the many 'gay' health clinics and ask the boyz what their marital status is when they come in for their weekly/bi-weekly/monthly check up.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Have I mentioned that I just love watching liberals squirrrrrmmmm when it's pointed out that Donald Trump and Faux News are really their allies?

Be sure to tell them that you only look at pictures of males in underwear in the Sears catalogue and maybe they'll go easy on you out of pity.

That being said: You are aware that the Venona Intercepts proved that Joseph McCarthy was right aren't you?

To be sure, intercepts of secret Soviet communications that were part of the VENONA program eventually revealed that Soviet espionage operatives in the government numbered in the hundreds—far more than was thought in the 1950s. In that sense, McCarthy was right, but so were dozens of other anti-Communists of the time like FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

Sure have gotta thing for "Sears Catalogues" going on there...


Kit the Coyote

New member
By not telling those who engage in homosexual acts that they're partaking in an extremely dangerous behavior, physicians and medical professionals aren't abiding by their Hippocratic Oath.

What makes you think that doctors don't advise patients of the risk of certain sex acts? Nobody implied that. In fact, the advantage of the increased access to medical care and resources is they will get that advice sooner rather than later.

Kit the Coyote

New member
That being said: You are aware that the Venona Intercepts proved that Joseph McCarthy was right aren't you?

To be sure, intercepts of secret Soviet communications that were part of the VENONA program eventually revealed that Soviet espionage operatives in the government numbered in the hundreds—far more than was thought in the 1950s. In that sense, McCarthy was right, but so were dozens of other anti-Communists of the time like FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

Why does it not surprise me that you would excuse the evil of MaCarthian witch hunts with a 'well, there were a few real witches' excuse. There was one slave girl who might have been involved in voodoo in the Salem Community, I'm sure that completely justified all the other innocent girls who were hanged.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
By not telling those who engage in homosexual acts that they're partaking in an extremely dangerous behavior, physicians and medical professionals aren't abiding by their Hippocratic Oath.

What makes you think that doctors don't advise patients of the risk of certain sex acts?

Specifically homosexual acts. The pro LGBT American Medical Association won't tell those who engage in homosexual acts that they're involved in a physical, emotional and spiritual death style. In their own words:

"The American Medical Association (AMA) supports the equal rights, privileges and freedom of all individuals and opposes discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, religion, disability, ethnic origin, national origin or age.
Sexual orientation and gender identity are integral aspects of the AMA communities and AMA policies on LGBTQ issues that work to inform individuals about LGBTQ discrimination and abuse. AMA’s policies for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people’s rights represent a multiplicity of identities and issues.

Read more: https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering...n-gay-bisexual-transgender-queer-lgbtq-issues
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