Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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"Patients. Patients were 352 children (276 girls and 76 boys)..."

It's too bad that that the 1993 study didn't ask thousands of victims of homosexual Catholic Priests or homosexual Boy Scout Leaders.


Sept. 2010

The conventional wisdom maintains there is a pedophilia crisis in the Catholic Church. Popular as this position is, it is empirically wrong: the data show it has been a homosexual crisis all along. The evidence is not ambiguous, though there is a reluctance to let the data drive the conclusion. But that is a function of politics, not scholarship.

Alfred Kinsey was the first to identify a correlation between homosexuality and the sexual abuse of minors. In 1948, he found that 37 percent of all male homosexuals admitted to having sex with children under 17 years old.


This lie was created by your hero Paul Cameron. (You remember Paul, the guy who was kicked out of the APA when he was caught making up research data.)

Cameron first told this lie in 1985 in court and under oath during his testimony in Baker v Wade. The judge went to look up Cameron's claim and found Cameron was committing purgery.


From the Americans For Truth About Homosexuality website:

Victim of Homosexualism: Jennifer Coutlee’s Husband of 17 Years Embraces Homosexual Lifestyle – She Fights to Protect Children

“On November 16, 2014, my husband of almost 17 years woke me up early in the morning to tell me some devastating news. For the past number of months he had been having adulterous affairs with numerous men.”…

“[A judge's order allows Wyatt] to take our children into a home he shares with his homosexual lover. Our 12-year-old son has repeatedly said he feels uncomfortable being in that house.

You are now talking about heterosexual perverts. I hope you realize perversion is no respecter of genders.

If Wyatt Coulee had numerous adulterous affairs with other men and moved in with one of his 'lovers', I'm thinking that makes him a homosexual.

You have become a little sloppy (just in my view) of your replies as of late. You seem uninterested in answering specific questions directly and sometimes honestly.
It is easier to throw mud when you consider yourself wronged and under attack.

As with other secular humanists, your issue is with God and in this case what the proper role of government is.

It is not my intention to attack you personally. I just believe in standing up for honestly and integrity whenever it is found in humanity. I don't like your ideas. But my fervent hope with all posters here is that I could get together with you individually in a restaurant that serves beer with hamburgers.

You, like GFR7 and so many others, were hurt as a child, something I can't begin to comprehend. While I can't comprehend why an adult would do something like that to a child, I do understand that it terribly twists that child's morality as they grow into adulthood. Save your burger and beer money and seek legitimate psychiatric and spiritual therapy.



Regarding the homosexual molestation of pre and post pubescent boys in both the Catholic Church and Boy Scouts of America.


This lie was created by your hero Paul Cameron. (You remember Paul, the guy who was kicked out of the APA when he was caught making up research data.)

Cameron first told this lie in 1985 in court and under oath during his testimony in Baker v Wade. The judge went to look up Cameron's claim and found Cameron was committing purgery.

Ah yes, Dr. Paul Cameron, the boogeyman that hides underneath every LGBTQueer's bed.

While his research is genuine, I don't believe he had anything to do with the 10's of thousands of young boys that were molested by homosexuals that snuck their way into the Priesthood of the Catholic Church or leadership roles in the Boy Scouts of America.

The Horn

There is no "movement to legalize pedophilia ". This is an urban legend created by right-wing extremist crazies and bigots .
NAMBLA is in no way typical of gay people and just a lunatic fringe group which doesn't even exist any more .
Saying that NAMBLA represents gays as a whole is as idiotic as saying that the Ku Klux Klan is typical of the way white people think or that all Germans are Nazis today .
"Americans for truth about homosexuality " does nothing but LIE about homosexuality . Its name is extremely Orwellian .

patrick jane

Regarding the homosexual molestation of pre and post pubescent boys in both the Catholic Church and Boy Scouts of America.

Ah yes, Dr. Paul Cameron, the boogeyman that hides underneath every LGBTQueer's bed.

While his research is genuine, I don't believe he had anything to do with the 10's of thousands of young boys that were molested by homosexuals that snuck their way into the Priesthood of the Catholic Church or leadership roles in the Boy Scouts of America.

Why DO gay men enjoy working with young boys ?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Hence the reason civilized nations have righteous laws and cultural mores'.

You mean like allowing women a vote along with the right to have a voice in their own home where abuse would have been swept under the carpet beforehand? Children having a voice in likewise manner and stringent laws in regards to terms of abuse and child labour? Black people now being allowed to sit on the front seat of a bus? Absolutely. The logical step was to stop vilifying homosexuals and society has now done that as well. :)

patrick jane

There is no "movement to legalize pedophilia ". This is an urban legend created by right-wing extremist crazies and bigots .
NAMBLA is in no way typical of gay people and just a lunatic fringe group which doesn't even exist any more .
Saying that NAMBLA represents gays as a whole is as idiotic as saying that the Ku Klux Klan is typical of the way white people think or that all Germans are Nazis today .
"Americans for truth about homosexuality " does nothing but LIE about homosexuality . Its name is extremely Orwellian .

I have a funny feeling ACW works closely with NAMBLA


If Wyatt Coulee had numerous adulterous affairs with other men and moved in with one of his 'lovers', I'm thinking that makes him a homosexual.

But my point was that perversion is no respecter of gender.

As with other secular humanists, your issue is with God and in this case what the proper role of government is.
Again, your mind-reading skills are lousy. Don't guess at my motives. Just ask me a direct question instead of "adding" to "the word."

My issue is, and continues to be, the passion and character of God as I recognize Him in Jesus.

I don't believe in a faith that requires its members to give their assent to a list of ancient, first-century theological interpretations like "Born of a virgin," "Son of God," etc.

I believe in an action-based faith, not a belief-based one. I believe in studying Jesus's preaching and mission and how it can be applied to a fallen world and anemic church.

You, like GFR7 and so many others, were hurt as a child, something I can't begin to comprehend. While I can't comprehend why an adult would do something like that to a child, I do understand that it terribly twists that child's morality as they grow into adulthood. Save your burger and beer money and seek legitimate psychiatric and spiritual therapy.
When people are still figuring out how their childhood treatment is responsible for their failed relationships, failed marriages, social retardation and a spotty job record, it is really inadvisable (cruel, even) to mock their journey while they are still working on themselves.

A spiritual therapy that is cognitive-based is probably the best way to go about getting help.

Humiliations, spankings and beatings, slaps in the face, betrayal, sexual exploitation, derision, neglect, etc. are all forms of mistreatment, because they injure the integrity and dignity of a child
(even if their consequences are not visible right away).

To be blunt, children raised in an obedience-based, authoritarian patriarchal family will suffer--and let others suffer--from these injuries.

The bully, the tyrant, the sarcastically cruel person are the way they are because of their childhoods.

A dynamic of violence can deform some victims into hangmen who take revenge even on whole nations and become willing executors to dictators as unutterably appalling as Hitler and other cruel leaders.

Beaten children (like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Saddam Hussein, etc.) very early on assimilate the violence they endured, which they may glorify and apply later as parents or world leaders, in believing that they deserved the punishment and were beaten out of love.

Largely we don't know that the only reason for the punishments they have ( or in retrospect, had) to endure is the fact that their parents themselves endured and learned violence without being able to question it. Later, the adults, once abused children, beat their own children and often feel grateful to their parents who mistreated them when they were small and defenseless.

This is why I think society's ignorance remains so immovable and parents continue to produce severe pain and destructivity - in all "good will", in every generation.

Most people tolerate this blindly because the origins of human violence in childhood have been and are still being ignored worldwide.

Almost all small children are smacked during the first three years of life when they begin to walk and to touch objects which may not be touched. This happens at exactly the time when the human brain builds up its structure and should thus learn kindness, truthfulness, and love but never, never cruelty and lies. Fortunately, there are many mistreated children who find "helping witnesses" and can feel loved by them.

Corporal punishment of children shows up as physical brain dysfunctions.


All liquored up, homosexualist Arthurrrrr Brain repeats the same monologue that he's used repeatedly throughout this thread and previous ones.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Hence the reason civilized nations have righteous laws and cultural mores'.

You mean like allowing women a vote along with the right to have a voice in their own home where abuse would have been swept under the carpet beforehand?

While the feminist movement is a subject unto itself (the murder of 58,000,000 unborn babies in a 42 year period, etc.), I'm glad that women like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann became involved in the political process and without a doubt would have made great Presidents.

Children having a voice in likewise manner and stringent laws in regards to terms of abuse and child labour?

Yet the movement that you defend, amongst other things, denies sexually and gender confused children the right to seek therapy. So much for stringent laws protecting children.

Black people now being allowed to sit on the front seat of a bus? Absolutely.

Clarence Thomas has been a great Supreme Court Justice, we could use several more like him.

The logical step was to stop vilifying homosexuals and society has now done that as well. :)

The only problem with your attempt at logic Arthurrr, is that when talking about homosexuality, we're not talking about a gender nor a race, but a changeable behavior, one that brings disease, misery and often times early death to those who engage in it.

Nice try Arthurrrrr.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If Wyatt Coulee had numerous adulterous affairs with other men and moved in with one of his 'lovers', I'm thinking that makes him a homosexual.

You might also take note that because of unrighteous laws, Wyatt Coulee has been able to destroy the lives of others: his wife and his children. In a righteous society Wyatt Coulee would not be able to leave his family for some guy he likely met in a public restroom toilet stall, he would get therapy for his sexual confusion.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As with other secular humanists, your issue is with God and in this case what the proper role of government is.

Again, your mind-reading skills are lousy. Don't guess at my motives. Just ask me a direct question instead of "adding" to "the word."

It's been well established throughout this and previous threads that you bastardize God's Word. I'm thoroughly convinced that it comes from childhood sexual abuse and without a doubt your HATRED of God for allowing that to happen.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You, like GFR7 and so many others, were hurt as a child, something I can't begin to comprehend. While I can't comprehend why an adult would do something like that to a child, I do understand that it terribly twists that child's morality as they grow into adulthood. Save your burger and beer money and seek legitimate psychiatric and spiritual therapy.

When people are still figuring out how their childhood treatment is responsible for their failed relationships, failed marriages, social retardation and a spotty job record, it is really inadvisable (cruel, even) to mock their journey while they are still working on themselves.

The more I study the sexual abuse of innocent children, the more I see how mentally and morally unstable they later become in life.

Your case is no different.

Beaten children (like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Saddam Hussein, etc.) very early on assimilate the violence they endured,...

While I know nothing of Stalin's, Mao's or Hussein's childhood, I had pointed out that Adolf Hitler came from a very dysfunctional home, which without a doubt later in life brought about his homosexuality.

patrick jane

All liquored up, homosexualist Arthurrrrr Brain repeats the same monologue

The only problem with your attempt at logic Arthurrr, is that when talking about homosexuality, we're not talking about a gender nor a race, but a changeable behavior, one that brings disease, misery and often times early death to those who engage in it.

Nice try Arthurrrrr.

Acw always starts with an unfounded false accusation and insult, and ends with the same rancor; akin to a troll.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
While the feminist movement is a subject unto itself (the murder of 58,000,000 unborn babies in a 42 year period, etc.), I'm glad that women like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann became involved in the political process and without a doubt would have made great Presidents.

So no comment to make about how society treat women in the past and how it's improved since draconian times? Figures.

Yet the movement that you defend, amongst other things, denies sexually and gender confused children the right to seek therapy. So much for stringent laws protecting children.

I don't defend any particular movement so that's a swing and a miss. Laws undoubtedly have tightened up in regards to protecting children from abuse, be that violence, molestation or quack 'therapy' centres. Good thing too.

Clarence Thomas has been a great Supreme Court Justice, we could use several more like him.

Until society accepted blacks as equals he wouldn't have had a chance of having a political career. Good that things change eh?

The only problem with your attempt at logic Arthurrr, is that when talking about homosexuality, we're not talking about a gender nor a race, but a changeable behavior, one that brings disease, misery and often times early death to those who engage in it.

Nice try Arthurrrrr.

Your empty rhetoric aside it's still their business regardless and nothing to do with you, just like it isn't if heterosexuals cohabit or sleep around etc. Society doesn't put a limit on how many big macs an obese person can eat or how many cigarettes a smoker can buy a day by way of.

People don't want busybodies controlling their private lives so the sooner you get used to that the sooner you could get a life. :)
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Acw always starts with an unfounded false accusation and insult, and ends with the same rancor; akin to a troll.

but it's his thread

i'm inclined to think that those who come in here just to attack him (like artie) are the real trolls

and honestly artie - how many times do you intend to comment on his lack of "wit" before you realize how retarded you look?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While the feminist movement is a subject unto itself (the murder of 58,000,000 unborn babies in a 42 year period, etc.), I'm glad that women like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann became involved in the political process and without a doubt would have made great Presidents.

So no comment to make about how society treat women in the past and how it's improved since draconian times? Figures.

Because women for the most part stayed in the home and did the invaluable job of raising children, doesn't mean that they were sub-human Art.

BTW: Of those 58,000,000+ unborn babies murdered in the womb in the past 42 years, do you feminazi's realize that more than 1/2 of them would have grown up to be women if the were allowed to live?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet the movement that you defend, amongst other things, denies sexually and gender confused children the right to seek therapy. So much for stringent laws protecting children.

I don't defend any particular movement so that's a swing and a miss. Laws undoubtedly have tightened up in regards to protecting children from abuse, be that violence, molestation or quack 'therapy' centres. Good thing too.

Once the Queen of Denial, always the Queen of Denial.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Clarence Thomas has been a great Supreme Court Justice, we could use several more like him.

Until society accepted blacks as equals he wouldn't have had a chance of having a political career. Good that things change eh?

If you liberals quit calling people like Clarence Thomas an "Uncle Tom", that would be a good start.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The only problem with your attempt at logic Arthurrr, is that when talking about homosexuality, we're not talking about a gender nor a race, but a changeable behavior, one that brings disease, misery and often times early death to those who engage in it.

Nice try Arthurrrrr.

Your empty rhetoric aside it's still their business regardless and nothing to do with you, just like it isn't if heterosexuals cohabit or sleep around etc. Society doesn't put a limit on how many big macs an obese person can eat or how man cigarettes a smoker can buy a day by way of.

People don't want busybodies controlling their private lives so the sooner you get used to that the sooner you could get a life.

Tell us again how you're a heterosexual Art. I just love that story.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Because women for the most part stayed in the home and did the invaluable job of raising children, doesn't mean that they were sub-human Art.

BTW: Of those 58,000,000+ unborn babies murdered in the womb in the past 42 years, do you feminazi's realize that more than 1/2 of them would have grown up to be women if the were allowed to live?

Nobody has in any way said that women who choose to be stay at home mothers are in any way 'subhuman' anyway. I'm talking about a time where women didn't have anything like the choices they have now, something you seem desperate to avoid with deflection and bunny trails.

Once the Queen of Denial, always the Queen of Denial.

Then stop denying that which is obvious. Only an idiot would be so obtuse as to think that laws protecting children haven't increased through the years or do you think we still live in the Victorian era or something?

If you liberals quit calling people like Clarence Thomas an "Uncle Tom", that would be a good start.

Can't stop what I've never done doofus.

(Note how Arthurrrr compared the consumption of Big Macs and smoking cigarettes with that of faggotry).

Hence the reason civilized nations have righteous laws and cultural mores'.

Where it comes to your "supposed" health concerns then the comparisons are valid as the principle holds up. You just don't like it because you can't address the double standard.

Civilized nations do indeed which is why homosexuals are no longer persecuted outside of fundamentalist cranks like yourself. :)
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