Arthur Brain
Well-known member
If a recount doesn't prove to be productive or an investigation into fraudulent voting doesn't either, I think that the best thing that Judge Roy Moore could do is to shower several times and then delouse to get the stench of LGBTQueer flag wavers Donald Trump, Steve Bannon and the Republicrat Party off of him.
Aw, is that what you're hoping for?
Unlikely dude. The guy should just concede gracefully and accept his defeat. There should be investigations alright but not of the sort you're after.
Without a doubt you and your fellow TOL LGBTQ flag wavers are organizing a Doug Jones victory parade as we speak:
My apologies Art, that wasn't a real 'gay' pride parade, because there were no children present in the photo.
If you would like to discuss the smear campaign against Judge Roy Moore, I'd be more than happy to review the evidence.
I didn't think so.
Wow, any excuse to post an irrelevant pic of a pride parade with you ain't it?
Deal with it closet case, your guy lost, and lost big.
Let's just say that the LGBTQueer movement get's real nervous when someone like Roy Moore threatens their miserable existence.
You should be glad he lost then.
(You really do set yourself up for these things don't you?)