Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So the movie "Audacity" whose theme was repentance of sinful behavior by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior doesn't represent Christianity in general?
Its 'theme' was homosexuality above all else.
A "soft core" theme at that. It's too bad that Ray Comfort didn't show the truth behind homosexual behavior (rampant disease, disorders, early death) and the child indoctrinating-jack booted thug agenda that stomps to the ground anyone that dares to get in their way.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Why on earth would anyone ever get an idea that you were either Art? [anti-Christian or a homosexual].
No idea. I could care less on either count as I'm neither.
I'm baffled that the subject even came up as it's never crossed my mind once that you are a God-hating homosexual.
(cue to the song "Liar liar, pants on fire!").
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
It's a wakeup call for many Art, but this alarm clock doesn't always come with a snooze button.
So, once again, it is just luck of the draw then?
I wouldn't put it that way as it sounds like God is playing a game with humanity.
That being said: Wouldn't you agree that people who are given a 2nd chance at life and don't take full advantage of it are fools?
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
While I've never claimed to be a missionary in the sense that I go out and share the gospel with unrepentant sinners (my "missionary work" involves teaching people about the righteous role of civil government), I have done my fair share of showing homosexuals that there is a better way through spiritual and psychological therapy.
What you've "done" has probably achieved more to alienate people and drive them into that falling elevator in the film aCW if such were real.
(It's my....
not my message).
How about we do a review of two short documentaries and you can show me what these Christians did to "alienate people"?
Between the two videos we're talking about 15 minutes of viewing time.
While you're thinking about what these soft spoken Christians did to deserve such HATRED from members of the LGBTQueer so-called "community", ponder on the meaning of these verses said by Jesus:
"You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."
Matthew 10:22
"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first."
John 15:18
You know fine well that referring to people as faggots and dykes isn't going to draw anyone but push them away, so what excuse do you have for such pathetic name calling?
Two things that need to be said (again) in all fairness:
1). I only mock proud and unrepentant homosexual activists, not those who are struggling with homosexual desires and youth that have been tricked into believing by LGBTQueer adults that they are 'gay' and were born that way.
2). I frequently use the terms "moral degenerates", "child molesting sexual deviants" and such, so please in your next victimization post do include those terms.
How is that love? Love may not remain silent but you'd be better off being so. If there is a judgement day then how are you going to fare if people have been driven off because you valued your apparent "mockery" as opposed to the example that Peter showed in the film you admire so much? What excuse do you have for that along with your sexual slurs to those who just happen to disagree with you in general?
(Isn't it amazing how atheists and pagans all of the sudden use Christianity when they think that it will benefit their cause?).
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I would hope that Ray Comfort would acknowledge the important role that God gave civil government and like myself, knows that righteous laws are an act of love, not hate.
Do you think he'd support your insults and sexual slurs in general?
Let's ask him that question when the day comes (and it's not far away) when it's illegal for Ray Comfort to make a movie like "Audacity".
That being said: You've shown your HATRED of Ray Comfort even though he's a soft spoken Christian, how could his mockery of proud and unrepentant homosexual activists like I do warrant even more hatred from people like you?
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
How soon you forge the "tolerance" homosexuals have towards Christians who refuse to bake homosexual 'wedding' cakes, arrange homosexual 'wedding' bouquets, take photos at homosexual 'weddings" or issue a homosexual 'marriage' license.
Oh cry me a river. These 'martyr' aspects are really getting old.
So much for your earlier statement where you said:
Quote: Originally posted by Arthur Brain
I rather suspect it's [hatred by homosexuals towards Christians] only towards those who would force them back into the closet on pain of death or incarceration.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Righteous legislation, which recriminalizing homosexuality is, only "oppresses" immoral and extremely harmful behavior as well as extinguishing an extremely harmful agenda.
So let me know when you'll be cracking down on tobacco companies etc, else - horse...feathers...
Do you really want to talk about how homosexuals disproportionately smoke cigarettes (some estimates as high as 200% more than heterosexuals)?
BTW Art, how is your nicotine habit coming along?
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I hope and pray that you find yourself sitting in front of your computer again and again viewing that "fourth rate amateurish trash" of a movie and realize what Jesus did for you and can do for you.
Dude, I'm not in the habit of sitting through crap films if I can avoid it even the once in general. It's safe to say - as audacious as it may appear - that 'Audacity' will not be in my 'to watch list' again any time ever.
If I didn't know better, based on your last statement alone I'd get the feeling that HATRED is oooozing out every pour in your body.
That being said: I look forward to your new assignment where you'll be pointing out what...
soft spoken Christians used to draw the HATRED of LGBTQueer activists.