Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If every political party and it's candidate is a strong proponent of LGBTQ 'rights' like Donald Trump was and still is, then no, you can't vote and still be a Christian, i.e. a follower of Christ.

However, it hasn't come to that yet.

So I will ask again. As a follower of Christ, who should I have voted for in 2016?

Let's do a quick (but not thorough) review of Donald Trump's past prior to and during the Presidential primaries and after being elected POTUS.

1). Donald Trump was one of the first well known public figures who believed that 'sexual orientation' should be added to the 1964 Civil Rights Act (he stated that when he was being interviewed by a homosexual periodical)

2). Prior to transgenderism going mainstream, as owner of the Miss Universe Pageant, Donald Trump overruled the pageant's Board and allowed a genitally mutilated man posing as a woman to compete.

3). During the Presidential primaries, Donald Trump spoke out against the North Carolina 'bathroom bill' which protected children and women from sexual predators and gender confused people.

4). At the Republican National Convention, Republican nominee Donald Trump had homosexual/LGBTQ activist Peter Thiel speak. During his primetime speech, Thiel belittled the 'culture wars'.

5). After being sworn in as President of the United States, Donald Trump stated that Obergell v Hodges is "the law of the land".

6). Trump nominated liberal Judge Neil Gorsuch for a Supreme Court position. Amongst other things, Gorsuch during his confirmation hearing acknowledged that Roe v Wade is "settled law".

That's just a quick review of the things that Donald Trump has done in the distant past, recent past and during his Presidency.

Explain how someone who claims to be a follower of Christ could have backed and can still continue to support Donald Trump.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If every political party and it's candidate is a strong proponent of LGBTQ 'rights' like Donald Trump was and still is, then no, you can't vote and still be a Christian, i.e. a follower of Christ.

However, it hasn't come to that yet.

Let's do a quick (but not thorough) review of Donald Trump's past prior to and during the Presidential primaries and after being elected POTUS.

1). Donald Trump was one of the first well known public figures who believed that 'sexual orientation' should be added to the 1964 Civil Rights Act (he stated that when he was being interviewed by a homosexual periodical)

2). Prior to transgenderism going mainstream, as owner of the Miss Universe Pageant, Donald Trump overruled the pageant's Board and allowed a genitally mutilated man posing as a woman to compete.

3). During the Presidential primaries, Donald Trump spoke out against the North Carolina 'bathroom bill' which protected children and women from sexual predators and gender confused people.

4). At the Republican National Convention, Republican nominee Donald Trump had homosexual/LGBTQ activist Peter Thiel speak. During his primetime speech, Thiel belittled the 'culture wars'.

5). After being sworn in as President of the United States, Donald Trump stated that Obergell v Hodges is "the law of the land".

6). Trump nominated liberal Judge Neil Gorsuch for a Supreme Court position. Amongst other things, Gorsuch during his confirmation hearing acknowledged that Roe v Wade is "settled law".

That's just a quick review of the things that Donald Trump has done in the distant past, recent past and during his Presidency.

Explain how someone who claims to be a follower of Christ could have backed and can still continue to support Donald Trump.

You're working awfully hard to avoid this question: Who should I have voted for in 2016?


Quote Originally Posted by glassjester

It's a pretty simple question...

If you are converted you wouldn't vote.

Welcome to the WHMBR! Part 4 thread Truster. As you can see, it is full of Libertarian/Donald Trump supporters who crossed party lines to elect the unrepentant sexual degenerate into office.

Now to address your statement:

You sound like an anarchist. Do you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh was an anarchist as well?


Explain how someone who claims to be a follower of Christ could have backed and can still continue to support Donald Trump.

You're working awfully hard to avoid this question: Who should I have voted for in 2016?

I must have missed your answer to my question.

That being said: It appears that you're comfortable with the fact that you voted for and continue to support Donald Trump; yes?


New member
Quote Originally Posted by glassjester

It's a pretty simple question...

Welcome to the WHMBR! Part 4 thread Truster. As you can see, it is full of Libertarian/Donald Trump supporters who crossed party lines to elect the unrepentant sexual degenerate into office.

Now to address your statement:

You sound like an anarchist. Do you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh was an anarchist as well?

You’re no longer beneath my contempt.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

That being said: It appears that you're comfortable with the fact that you voted for and continue to support Donald Trump; yes?

I did vote for him - who should I have voted for instead?

So it took 2 threads and numerous posts for you to say that you did vote for Donald Trump?

Were you knowledgeable of his pro LGBTQ stance when you voted for Donald Trump?

Now let's address the 2nd part of my statement/question:

Do you currently support proud and unrepentant/homosexual activist Donald Trump?


Well-known member
So it took 2 threads and numerous posts for you to say that you didn't vote for Donald Trump?

But I did vote for him. What are you talking about?

Now let's address the 2nd part of my statement/question:

Do you currently support proud and unrepentant/homosexual activist Donald Trump?

Until you explain to me who I should have voted for instead, then yes - I believe I made the right choice.

That doesn't mean I think he's infallible, by the way. Just that I think he was the better choice, relative to Clinton. Should I have voted for Clinton?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

That being said: It appears that you're comfortable with the fact that you voted for and continue to support Donald Trump; yes?

So it took 2 threads and numerous posts for you to say that you did vote for Donald Trump?

Were you knowledgeable of his pro LGBTQ stance when you voted for Donald Trump?

Now let's address the 2nd part of my statement/question:

Do you currently support proud and unrepentant/homosexual activist Donald Trump?

*cough* Castle *cough*


But I did vote for him. What are you talking about?

I edited my response (I originally misread your post thinking that you stated that you didn't vote for Donald Trump).

Were you knowledgeable of his pro homosexual/pro transgender past, including his pro homosexual/pro transgender stance during the Presidential primaries when you voted for him?

Until you explain to me who I should have voted for instead, then yes - I believe I made the right choice.

That doesn't mean I think he's infallible, by the way. Just that I think he was the better choice, relative to Clinton. Should I have voted for Clinton?

If you call yourself a Christian, i.e. a follower of Christ, it is God, based on what is written in Holy Scripture on the subject of civil government and leaders who decides if you "made the right choice".

Please provide evidence out of The Holy Bible showing that God would approve of your vote and currently approves of your support for sexual degenerate Donald Trump.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Better have that cough checked out Art.


Now that you've returned to the thread that has given you nightmares for several years (the same thread that you left a short time ago and have vowed never to return to) :

I believe I asked what pro LGBTQ/abortion politician you supported in homosexual friendly England?

I never vowed any such thing, so you're as delusional about that as you are these 'nightmares' you think your thread induces. I ain't hanging about this joke though, as desperate for attention as you are over it.

I voted for a battery powered clown if you must know.

Have fun!



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I believe I asked what pro LGBTQ/abortion politician you supported in homosexual friendly England?

I voted for a battery powered clown if you must know.

And such a colorful clown former London Mayor and LGBTQueer activist Boris Johnson is:



patrick jane

I edited my response (I originally misread your post thinking that you stated that you didn't vote for Donald Trump).

Were you knowledgeable of his pro homosexual/pro transgender past, including his pro homosexual/pro transgender stance during the Presidential primaries when you voted for him?

If you call yourself a Christian, i.e. a follower of Christ, it is God, based on what is written in Holy Scripture on the subject of civil government and leaders who decides if you "made the right choice".

Please provide evidence out of The Holy Bible showing that God would approve of your vote and currently approves of your support for sexual degenerate Donald Trump.
You seem genuinely shocked when people don't think like you


Well-known member
Please provide evidence out of The Holy Bible showing that God would approve of your vote and currently approves of your support for sexual degenerate Donald Trump.

I will continue to discuss my vote as soon as you tell me which candidate I, as a Christian, should have voted for.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If you call yourself a Christian, i.e. a follower of Christ, it is God, based on what is written in Holy Scripture on the subject of civil government and leaders who decides if you "made the right choice".

Please provide evidence out of The Holy Bible showing that God would approve of your vote and currently approves of your support for sexual degenerate Donald Trump.

You seem genuinely shocked when people don't think like you

While I know this is yet another one of your drive-by troll posts, if I'm misinterpreting Holy Scripture when it comes to God's expectations of civil government and it's leaders, please correct me.

Romans 13:4

1 Peter 2:13-17

Ex. 18:21

Deut. 1:13

Prov. 29:2

Etc. etc. etc.
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