Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Come on ...Dante, you can do better than that.

Surely you can explain why those who have been persecuted for having sex with underage boys (like Seattle Mayor Ed Murray is currently being accused of and HRC founder Terry Bean has been accused of) should be afforded the same protections as women and racial minorities?

The protections of the law are for everyone, even someone like Joseph Nicolosi. It's a shame he died of AIDS before this ruling came down.

It's a Circuit Court of Appeals ruling, we'll see if it's overturned (highly unlikely in the pro LGBTQueer Trump administration).

Regarding the protections that are for "everyone":

We're talking about special protections for those who engage in a sick and twisted, yet changeable behavior.

Regarding the late great Joseph Nicolosi dying of AIDS: Is that the best lie that the LGBTQueer movement can come up with?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Wittle patrick jane created a thread where the boyz can scratch each others eyes out with immunity. Would you two kindly take your catfight there?

Do you even realize how daft ya sound when writing this type of stuff?


You're right at home in a thread like that Art, a thread where gossip runs amuck and crybaby woodshed complaints are reported every few minutes. Keep it there, not here.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Wittle patrick jane created a thread where the boyz can scratch each others eyes out with immunity. Would you two kindly take your catfight there?

You're right at home in a thread like that Art, a thread where gossip runs amuck and crybaby woodshed complaints are reported every few minutes. Keep it there, not here.

Yeah, well look at how many posts I've reported there and elsewhere for that matter doofus. You talking about gossip after your dumb as anything insinuations about other people's private lives and sexual orientations would be almost priceless if not so cheap.

Stop whining about your infractions as well. Ultimately you're the one responsible for what gets yourself banned on here. Try staying within the rules.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Wittle patrick jane created a thread where the boyz can scratch each others eyes out with immunity. Would you two kindly take your catfight there?

You're right at home in a thread like that Art, a thread where gossip runs amuck and crybaby woodshed complaints are reported every few minutes. Keep it there, not here.

Yeah, well look at how many posts I've reported there and elsewhere for that matter doofus. You talking about gossip after your dumb as anything insinuations about other people's private lives and sexual orientations would be almost priceless if not so cheap.

Yes, this thread is about the private and public lives of those who engage in homosexuality and push the child molesting/indoctrinating agenda, hence the latest posts about 'Ed the Ped' Murray, Mayor of Sodomy and Gonorrhea North.

This thread is also about what needs to be done to help these terribly sexually confused people and a nation that has turned itself over to sexual immorality.

Stop whining about your infractions as well. Ultimately you're the one responsible for what gets yourself banned on here. Try staying within the rules.

It's an honor to stand up for God's Word and be persecuted for it Art. I'll be in God's Kingdom for eternity, those who embrace sexual sins won't.

In any event, I appreciate your cooperation on keeping your drama queen antics down to a minimum in this thread, as there are plenty of others where you can ply your trade in (i.e. do what you do best).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yes, this thread is about the private and public lives of those who engage in homosexuality and push the child molesting/indoctrinating agenda, hence the latest posts about 'Ed the Ped' Murray, Mayor of Sodomy and Gonorrhea North.

This thread is also about what needs to be done to help these terribly sexually confused people and a nation that has turned itself over to sexual immorality.

Oh please, it's a train wreck penned by someone with an incredibly bizarre fixation who tends to project that very same fixation more than anything else.

It's an honor to stand up for God's Word and be persecuted for it Art. I'll be in God's Kingdom for eternity, those who embrace sexual sins won't.

In any event, I appreciate your cooperation on keeping your drama queen antics down to a minimum in this thread, as there are plenty of others where you can ply your trade in (i.e. do what you do best).

Oh stop playing the martyr you silly crank. You're not being persecuted when you get banned for slimy innuendo and whatever else you've been banned for. I don't whine about my own so quit being a drama queen yourself ya big pompous goof.

Oh, and it is not 'standing up for anything' when you lie about people and invent up lurid innuendo about them either.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
...In any event, I appreciate your cooperation on keeping your drama queen antics down to a minimum in this thread, as there are plenty of others where you can ply your trade in (i.e. do what you do best).

Oh please, it's a train wreck penned by someone with an incredibly bizarre fixation who tends to project that very same fixation more than anything else.

Oh stop playing the martyr you silly crank. You're not being persecuted when you get banned for slimy innuendo and whatever else you've been banned for. I don't whine about my own so quit being a drama queen yourself ya big pompous goof.

Oh, and it is not 'standing up for anything' when you lie about people and invent up lurid innuendo about them either.

Definition of cooperation

1: the actions of someone who is being helpful by doing what is wanted or asked for.

Since you won't seek spiritual and psychological counseling so that you can become a follower of Jesus Christ as well as being able to look at yourself in the mirror and call yourself a man, is keeping your drama queen antics in this thread down to a bare minimum too much to ask?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Definition of cooperation

1: the actions of someone who is being helpful by doing what is wanted or asked for.

Since you won't seek spiritual and psychological counseling so that you can become a follower of Jesus Christ as well as being able to look at yourself in the mirror and call yourself a man, is keeping your drama queen antics in this thread down to a bare minimum too much to ask?

Ok, first off, stop whining for the plethora of bans you've accrued since joining here, either as aSC or aCW. I haven't reported you as the woodshed will attest to so go whinge on to those who have.

Secondly, I have no reason to seek counselling. If you think inventing up lies and sexual innuendo about me makes you a "man" then you're about as far from the definition as you can get. All you ever 'succeed' in doing is just putting another '?' over your own orientation with that crap and that's all on you, nobody else.

So, stop acting like a persecuted martyr, because you aren't, and stop lying about people being gay.



New member
It's a Circuit Court of Appeals ruling, we'll see if it's overturned (highly unlikely in the pro LGBTQueer Trump administration).
This has been a rough couple weeks for you hasn't it?
Your hero and champion of child abuse Joseph Nicolosi died of complications from AIDS.
Tony Perkins, the man who says any natural disaster are sent by God to punish people far thinking homosexuals are human beings lost his house to a natural disaster.
Courts in Washington state said that custody battles must be decided on the fitness of the parents not the prejudices of the judge.
The courts in Colorado ruled that bigots, no matter how small or petty, cannot refuse to sell a house or rent property to minorities.
Transsexuals in Europe can no longer be forcibly sterilized.
North Carolina looked at the bottom line and realized its Bathroom bill wasn't doing anything but promote prejudice.
And now, horrors of horrors, sad and hateful employers can't discriminate in hiring and promotion.

I know what will make you feel better. Go Photoshop something and post it here and claim it's from a gay pride parade.


New member
Regarding the late great Joseph Nicolosi dying of AIDS: Is that the best lie that the LGBTQueer movement can come up with?

Nicolosi's cause of death was "complications from the flu" and you have taught us here all about code words used to hide the fact that someone had AIDS.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

...Since you won't seek spiritual and psychological counseling...

...Secondly, I have no reason to seek counselling...

I suppose I should look at the bright side of you posting in this 4 part thread:

Hopefully some of the 200-300 people who follow this thread on a daily basis will see how spiritually and emotionally broken you are (i.e. you're one messed up individual Art) and seek spiritual and psychological help for themselves or a loved one knowing what they're doing is a lost cause.

I would say "moving on", but with the shower thing being fixated in your head, I'll just say...

onward to the next point to be made.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

It's a Circuit Court of Appeals ruling, we'll see if it's overturned (highly unlikely in the pro LGBTQueer Trump administration).

This has been a rough couple weeks for you hasn't it?
Your hero and champion of child abuse Joseph Nicolosi died...

While I'm saddened that Dr. Nicolosi passed at the relatively young age of 70, I am extremely happy that he helped so many sexually confused individuals overcome their confusion. God made good use of Joseph Nicolosi while he was here on earth, now he's been called away for whatever reason God decided.

Regarding the rest of your post: Aside from Tony Perkins losing his house in a flood (maybe you shouldn't have supported Donald Trump Tony), thanks for showing how much work needs to be done to defeat the child molesting-indoctrinating/institution destroying LGBTQueer agenda; i.e. you've pointed out that people like me have...

'job security'.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Nicolosi's cause of death was "complications from the flu" and you have taught us here all about code words used to hide the fact that someone had AIDS.

He's hardly convincing in this interview and associated with Stephen Fry although I'd be hesitant to say AIDS was a conclusive part unless proven.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

...Since you won't seek spiritual and psychological counseling...

I suppose I should look at the bright side of you posting in this 4 part thread:

Hopefully some of the 200-300 people who follow this thread on a daily basis will see how spiritually and emotionally broken you are (i.e. you're one messed up individual Art) and seek spiritual and psychological help for themselves or a loved one knowing what they're doing is a lost cause.

I would say "moving on", but with the shower thing being fixated in your head, I'll just say...

onward to the next point to be made.

Hmm, I'm not the one who's been banned on multiple occasions for lurid homosexual innuendo towards other posters. You have been.

Most of the people who "follow" this thread will likely think you're a gay obsessed crank and in the closet. Even on here alone, many of those on the far right distance themselves from you.

It seems more and more apparent that you're the one who needs some sort of counselling to cope with your own issues going on. Straight people do not obsess over homosexuality. They don't project fantasies onto straight people and concoct all manner of innuendo or imaginary constructs whereby they're homosexual.

I'd have nothing to lose or gain on here by admitting being homosexual if it were the case. The opinions of zealots on internet forums ain't gonna impact on my life one way or the other overall.

You need to get out more, even if it's just out of the closet you've imprisoned yourself in by your own doing.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Hopefully some of the 200-300 people who follow this thread on a daily basis will see how spiritually and emotionally broken you are (i.e. you're one messed up individual Art)...

Your audience is mostly outraged gays that despise you


Mark 2:17


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