Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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New member
Which would make you and "most people" pro LGBTQueer (although "most people" don't put the effort into defending and promoting the LGBTQ agenda and the homosexual 'lifestyle' as you do Art).

Most people know that this "agenda" and "lifestyle" are just propaganda and they don't actually exist.


New member
Why do you lie and make up lurid innuendo about people who aren't sexually confused at all and obviously straight? Why would you, as a supposedly Christian man do that?

homosexuals aren't sexually confused any more than heterosexuals. "Sexually confused" is just a catchphrase used by those wanting to imply that there is some sort of disease process going on. The goal is to make the minority less human and make it easier to advocate prejudice, discrimination and persecution.


Sounds like a great comedy [the movie "God's Not Dead 2], I laughed through the whole trailer.

I can only imagine that the end of the movie (making way for Part 3) showing the Christian pastor being hauled off to jail in handcuffs for failing to turn over his sermons to a court brought squeals of glee to the LGBTQ movement.

I bet it brought back found memories of lesbian activist/Houston Mayor Annise Parker subpoenaing Houston area Christian pastors sermons for having the audacity to speak up against the LGBTQueer movements HERO (i.e. bathroom bill) legislation.

Houston mayor backs down but Bathroom Bill controversy still rages




One of the many things that I admire about Americans For Truth About Homosexuality's Peter LaBarbera, is that he takes the truth seriously.

With Presidential debates between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump starting tonight (which I will not watch, as 2 LGBTQ activists on the same stage doesn't appeal to me) people should keep this image and these words in mind when considering voting for Donald Trump:

Trump, RNC Sell ‘LGBTQ For Trump’ T-shirts – Trump Includes Homosexuals in His Child Care Plan

Sept. 26, 2016

By Peter LaBarbera
There are many Republicans in high places who are trying to remold the GOP into a “gay”-affirming party–sort of a “Democrat-lite” party on homosexuality and transgenderism. Donald Trump could be their ticket: the liberal New York Times reports that Trump’s accepting views on homosexuality set him apart from past GOP standard bearers.
So we were not shocked to learn that the Republican National Committee (RNC)*is joining with Donald Trump to market “LGBTQ for Trump” t-shirts.*Trump and the RNC are*calling his “gay”-rainbow apparel*“Trump Pride Men’s Tees.” The move comes after Trump shocked social conservatives by giving a primetime speaking spot at the Republican National Convention to homosexual businessman and “gay” advocate Peter Thiel.
In another*development, the Trump campaign announced that its child care plan will cover homosexuals. The proposal would provide*a series of government benefits and incentives for parents using child care, including tax deductions for child care expenses and a requirement that employers offer six weeks of paid maternity leave.
A*fact sheet on the plan states the following:
Q: Will Same-sex Couples Receive the Benefits?
A: The benefits would be available in the same way that the IRS currently recognizes same-sex coupes: if the marriage is recognized under state law, then it is recognized under federal law.

Read more: http://americansfortruth.com/2016/0...omosexuals-in-his-child-care-plan/#more-24917



LGBTQ ally, socialist, thank you Peter LaBarbera for reminding me why I'm not voting for Donald Trump!


But yet you're still all fawning over a guy who is voting for Trump...

Ted Cruz can do no wrong...



About how long will it take for your latest anal retentive obsession with Ted Cruz to pass Art?

I was hoping maybe you'd rent "God's Not Dead 2" and give us a God-hating secular humanist review of the movie. Any chance that might happen? It would be therapeutic to take your mind off of Phil Robertson Ted Cruz for a couple of hours.


aCW is fawning over Ted Cruz :rotfl:

Has fawning replaced "man crush"?

BTW, what size of t-shirt do you wear?

Sigh, only a year ago my little Libertarian friend was "fawning" over Rand Paul and talking about how much of a joke Donald Trump was.

Trump attacked Paul for no reason BEFORE giving his first answer, the guy is nuts. i wouldn't trust him with nuclear code - he keeps talking about money and business only - a joke -


What changed your mind, did Trump say something about legalizing recreational drugs or something else 'Libertarian like'?


New member
I can only imagine that the end of the movie (making way for Part 3) showing the Christian pastor being hauled off to jail in handcuffs for failing to turn over his sermons to a court brought squeals of glee to the LGBTQ movement.

I bet it brought back found memories of lesbian activist/Houston Mayor Annise Parker subpoenaing Houston area Christian pastors sermons for having the audacity to speak up against the LGBTQueer movements HERO (i.e. bathroom bill) legislation.

Houston mayor backs down but Bathroom Bill controversy still rages



Except she didn't subpoena anything and it's blatant lie on the part of Christian today to say she did.

After the passage of Huston equal rights ordinance, opponents began to collect signatures to put a repeal measure on the ballot, they failed to collect enough signatures. Opponents of the equal rights ordinance are hoping to force a repeal referendum sued the city claiming that City Attorney David Feldman illegally threw out signatures. City attorneys issued subpoenas during the case's discovery phase, seeking, among other communications, "all speeches, presentations, or sermons related to HERO, the Petition, Mayor Annise Parker, homosexuality, or gender identity prepared by, delivered by, revised by, or approved by you or in your possession."

Were these ministers ashamed of what they said in their sermons? :think:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I can only imagine that the end of the movie (making way for Part 3) showing the Christian pastor being hauled off to jail in handcuffs for failing to turn over his sermons to a court brought squeals of glee to the LGBTQ movement.

I bet it brought back found memories of lesbian activist/Houston Mayor Annise Parker subpoenaing Houston area Christian pastors sermons for having the audacity to speak up against the LGBTQueer movements HERO (i.e. bathroom bill) legislation.

Except she didn't subpoena anything and it's blatant lie on the part of Christian today to say she did.

After the passage of Huston equal rights ordinance, opponents began to collect signatures to put a repeal measure on the ballot, they failed to collect enough signatures. Opponents of the equal rights ordinance are hoping to force a repeal referendum sued the city claiming that City Attorney David Feldman illegally threw out signatures. City attorneys issued subpoenas during the case's discovery phase, seeking, among other communications, "all speeches, presentations, or sermons related to HERO, the Petition, Mayor Annise Parker, homosexuality, or gender identity prepared by, delivered by, revised by, or approved by you or in your possession."

Thank you for acknowledging that the City of Houston, which lesbian activist/Mayor Annise Parker governs, subpoenaed Christian pastors for their sermons.

Were these ministers ashamed of what they said in their sermons? :think:

Christians are never ashamed of spreading God's Word. However, thoughts of Nazi Germany and other anti Christian totalitarian states had to have crossed their minds when they received the subpoenas.

Why do you think that homosexual activist Annise Parker backed down, could she have had a conversation with her puppet masters at HRC (founded by accused child rapist Terry Bean) and was told that 2014 was too soon to start openly persecuting Christians pastors?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I can only imagine that the end of the movie (making way for Part 3) showing the Christian pastor being hauled off to jail in handcuffs for failing to turn over his sermons to a court brought squeals of glee to the LGBTQ movement.

I bet it brought back found memories of lesbian activist/Houston Mayor Annise Parker subpoenaing Houston area Christian pastors sermons for having the audacity to speak up against the LGBTQueer movements HERO (i.e. bathroom bill) legislation.

Thank you for acknowledging that the City of Houston, which lesbian activist/Mayor Annise Parker governs, subpoenaed Christian pastors for their sermons.

Christians are never ashamed of spreading God's Word. However, thoughts of Nazi Germany and other anti Christian totalitarian states had to have crossed their minds when they received the subpoenas.

Why do you think that homosexual activist Annise Parker backed down, could she have had a conversation with her puppet masters at HRC (founded by accused child rapist Terry Bean) and was told that 2014 was too soon to start openly persecuting Christians pastors?
nice deflection. You posted a lie, man up about it an try posting the truth.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
About how long will it take for your latest anal retentive obsession with Ted Cruz to pass Art?

I was hoping maybe you'd rent "God's Not Dead 2" and give us a God-hating secular humanist review of the movie. Any chance that might happen? It would be therapeutic to take your mind off of Phil Robertson Ted Cruz for a couple of hours.

If I'm gonna spend money on a film then I at least want it to be either entertaining or thought provoking, unlike what this looks like on first glance so I may give it a whirl when it airs for free. If I do watch it any review will be objective and not garnered with melodramatic hyperbole as you parade about.

Oh, and pointing out your moral relativism where it comes to folk like Cruz & Robertson isn't obsession doofus. In fact most of your heroes are selling out and siding with Trump aren't they?



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

About how long will it take for your latest anal retentive obsession with Ted Cruz to pass Art?

I was hoping maybe you'd rent "God's Not Dead 2" and give us a God-hating secular humanist review of the movie. Any chance that might happen? It would be therapeutic to take your mind off of Phil Robertson Ted Cruz for a couple of hours.

If I'm gonna spend money on a film then I at least want it to be either entertaining or thought provoking, unlike what this looks like on first glance so I may give it a whirl when it airs for free. If I do watch it any review will be objective and not garnered with melodramatic hyperbole as you parade about.

We have Redbox here in the US, if you have something similar in the UK, you can rent the movie for around $1.50 (about the price you pay for a bottle of wine I would imagine). We had a pretty good discussion about the movie "Audacity" as you might recall.

Back to "God's Not Dead Part 2": Part of the complaint that the God-hating secular humanists used was that the teacher "proselytized". I had to laugh out loud as in today's secular humanist public school system, "converting or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another" is used on a regular basis, especially when it comes to promoting the LGBTQ agenda and lifestyle.

Oh, and pointing out your moral relativism where it comes to folk like Cruz & Robertson isn't obsession doofus. In fact most of your heroes are selling out and siding with Trump aren't they?

It brought back fond memories of when you and patrick jane WizardofOz teamed up and tried to convince the readers of the thread that my former pastor (the late great) Ken Hutcherson was pro LGBTQ.

Here's a thought: Maybe you could help patrick jane WizardofOz write an email to Ted Cruz (like he did to Ken Hutcherson) asking what his stance on the recriminalization of homosexuality is?


Yet another innocent sexually/gender confused youth dead because of the LGBTQ movement.

Mother sues U.S. hospital for discriminating against dead transgender son

Sept. 26, 2016

NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The mother of a transgender boy filed a lawsuit against a U.S. hospital on Monday claiming its medical staff repeatedly addressed her son - who later committed suicide - as a girl.

In the landmark case, Katharine Prescott argues the Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego (RCHSD) in California discriminated against her transgender son based on his sex.

The civil complaint filed in a federal court in the state of California comes amid a raging debate in the United States about the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

The 14-year-old transgender boy, Kyler Prescott, committed suicide about five weeks after staying at the hospital in 2015 where he was treated for having suicidal thoughts and self-inflicted wounds. The suit claims the hospital violated anti-discrimination provisions in federal and state laws, including the Affordable Care Act, President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law.

The plaintiff's attorney, Alison Pennington, with the Oakland-based Transgender Law Center, said she believed it was the first case to claim an underage transgender person had suffered sex-based discrimination under the Affordable Care Act.

Less than half a dozen similar suits have claimed discrimination against adult transgender people since the law was enacted in 2010, she said.

Read more: http://z965fm.com/news/articles/201...-discriminating-against-dead-transgender-son/



"If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."

Matthew 18:6

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
We have Redbox here in the US, if you have something similar in the UK, you can rent the movie for around $1.50 (about the price you pay for a bottle of wine I would imagine). We had a pretty good discussion about the movie "Audacity" as you might recall.

I don't and wouldn't even pay that to watch it. Funny you should bring up 'Audacity' as it certainly was audacious to initially charge folk money to watch that 'cinematic' triteness fest...

Back to "God's Not Dead Part 2": Part of the complaint that the God-hating secular humanists used was that the teacher "proselytized". I had to laugh out loud as in today's secular humanist public school system, "converting or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another" is used on a regular basis, especially when it comes to promoting the LGBTQ agenda and lifestyle.

Eh, just the usual hyperbole melodrama eh?

It brought back fond memories of when you and patrick jane WizardofOz teamed up and tried to convince the readers of the thread that my former pastor (the late great) Ken Hutcherson was pro LGBTQ.

Here's a thought: Maybe you could help patrick jane WizardofOz write an email to Ted Cruz (like he did to Ken Hutcherson) asking what his stance on the recriminalization of homosexuality is?

Why in the name of sanity you think PJ & Wiz are one and the same is anyone's guess. You're as bonkers as SD in regards to her loony associations in her signature. They're blatantly not the same poster at all you dingbat.

Still, if it adds to the drama eh aCW?



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

We have Redbox here in the US, if you have something similar in the UK, you can rent the movie for around $1.50 (about the price you pay for a bottle of wine I would imagine). We had a pretty good discussion about the movie "Audacity" as you might recall.

I don't and wouldn't even pay that to watch it. Funny you should bring up 'Audacity' as it certainly was audacious to initially charge folk money to watch that 'cinematic' triteness fest...

I should go back to the table of contents (I believe it was in Part 3) to review our conversation about the movie "Audacity". That being said: When it comes to movie critics, you're the Rex Reed of the thread.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Back to "God's Not Dead Part 2": Part of the complaint that the God-hating secular humanists used was that the teacher "proselytized". I had to laugh out loud as in today's secular humanist public school system, "converting or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another" is used on a regular basis, especially when it comes to promoting the LGBTQ agenda and lifestyle.

Eh, just the usual hyperbole melodrama eh?

Yeah, nothing to see here folks, just Christians' being persecuted for standing by their faith (being incarcerated and threatened with losing their job, teaching license and house).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
It brought back fond memories of when you and patrick jane WizardofOz teamed up and tried to convince the readers of the thread that my former pastor (the late great) Ken Hutcherson was pro LGBTQ.

Here's a thought: Maybe you could help patrick jane WizardofOz write an email to Ted Cruz (like he did to Ken Hutcherson) asking what his stance on the recriminalization of homosexuality is?

Why in the name of sanity you think PJ & Wiz are one and the same is anyone's guess. You're as bonkers as SD in regards to her loony associations in her signature. They're blatantly not the same poster at all you dingbat.

Still, if it adds to the drama eh aCW?

You two make quite the team. Funny though, he claims to be a Christian (but then, if you're going to be a Christian, you might as well be Art's kind of Christian).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

We have Redbox here in the US, if you have something similar in the UK, you can rent the movie for around $1.50 (about the price you pay for a bottle of wine I would imagine). We had a pretty good discussion about the movie "Audacity" as you might recall.

I should go back to the table of contents (I believe it was in Part 3) to review our conversation about the movie "Audacity". That being said: When it comes to movie critics, you're the Rex Reed of the thread.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Back to "God's Not Dead Part 2": Part of the complaint that the God-hating secular humanists used was that the teacher "proselytized". I had to laugh out loud as in today's secular humanist public school system, "converting or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another" is used on a regular basis, especially when it comes to promoting the LGBTQ agenda and lifestyle.

Yeah, nothing to see here folks, just Christians' being persecuted for standing by their faith (being incarcerated and threatened with losing their job, teaching license and house).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
It brought back fond memories of when you and patrick jane WizardofOz teamed up and tried to convince the readers of the thread that my former pastor (the late great) Ken Hutcherson was pro LGBTQ.

Here's a thought: Maybe you could help patrick jane WizardofOz write an email to Ted Cruz (like he did to Ken Hutcherson) asking what his stance on the recriminalization of homosexuality is?

You two make quite the team. Funny though, he claims to be a Christian (but then, if you're going to be a Christian, you might as well be Art's kind of Christian).

Yeah Connie, you're being persecuted to martyrdom and Wiz is not only PJ but TH, anna and Letsargue combined.

You are flat out bonkers.
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