You wern't speaking of abolishing age of consent laws you were just making false claims.
Now that we've once again discussed the pro pedophile/pederast Peter Tatchell in the United Kingdom, we'll head back to the United States and see what's going on with one of the United States most famous pederasts:
HRC founder and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean (seen here with a huge smile on his face after B. Hussein Obama invited him to tour the Executive Restroom on Air F
arce One).
It appears that Terry and the drag queens, dykes and fairies of the LGBTQueer movement have paid off Terry's little "boy toy" so that his problem (being charged with sodomy/sexual abuse/statutory rape) will just...POOF...go away.
Alleged victim in Terry Bean case is now AWOL, prosecutor says; trial can’t begin without him
August 1, 2015
A prosecutor handling gay-rights activist Terry Bean’s sexual abuse case said Friday that investigators don’t know the alleged victim’s whereabouts.
Bean’s trial, scheduled for later this month, can’t take place unless the 17-year-old boy is found and issued a subpoena that would require his appearance in court, the prosecutor said.
“We’re continuing to put all available resources toward” finding the youth, Clackamas County Deputy District Attorney Scott Healy said after a pretrial hearing in the case in Lane County Circuit Court.
Bean, 66, and his former boyfriend, 25-year-old Junction City resident Kiah Lawson, face sodomy and sexual abuse charges in connection with an alleged sexual encounter involving them and the then-15-year-old boy at Valley River Inn in Eugene in September 2013. They could be sentenced to prison if convicted.
A joint trial for the two suspects is scheduled for Aug. 11. But Healy said it will be delayed or canceled if the alleged victim isn’t tracked down in time to bring him to court.
An attorney for the youth reiterated Friday in a telephone interview with The Register-Guard that her client does not want to testify against Bean and Lawson.
“He is not interested in pursuing the criminal prosecution,” Portland attorney Lori Deveny said.
The teenager had wanted to get the case dismissed via a proposed civil financial settlement between him and Bean, but Judge Charles Zennaché rejected that plan last month. Zennaché said he was unwilling to endorse a deal that would allow an adult to sidestep child sexual abuse allegations by compensating a victim.
Details of the settlement proposal — which attorneys said included a monetary payment from Bean and other conditions — have not been made public.
Deveny said it’s her under*standing that her client is “on vacation,” but she did not disclose the location. She said she did not know whether the youth plans to return before the trial is scheduled to begin.
Healy said his investigators have until Friday to find the teen and subpoena him, unless Judge Jay McAlpin agrees to delay the trial.
Bean’s attorney, Derek Ashton of Portland, said Friday in court that he will ask McAlpin to dismiss the case if Healy requests a continuance.
“We strongly oppose” any delay, Ashton said. “The state has had months and months and months to put its case together.”
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For those of you that aren't familiar with the criminal justice system: If the victim doesn't show up in court to testify against the accused, then the case will be dismissed.