I'd guess that there are a couple of Brits you'd like to be free of right now aCW.![]()
There are a couple of Brits whom I would love to see set free of their sinful behaviors (homosexuality and alcoholism).
I'll keep praying for them.
I'd guess that there are a couple of Brits you'd like to be free of right now aCW.![]()
What a great guy you are aCW!There are a couple of Brits whom I would love to see set free of their sinful behaviors (homosexuality and alcoholism).
I'll keep praying for them.
What a great guy you are aCW!
You deserve a big hug and wet kisses from the man of your dreams.lain:
There are a couple of Brits whom I would love to see set free of their sinful behaviors (homosexuality and alcoholism).
I'll keep praying for them.
Who are these then?
My prayers are between God and me.
Since you're here Art, I need some advice on the upcoming new table of contents format.
When I talk about homosexual pedophilia/pederasty should I put it under the letter "P", or "C" for child molesters or be politically correct and put it under "M" for "man boy love"? Heck, since children are such a huge part of LGBTQueer culture, I should put it under "H" for homosexuality.
I suppose that I could cross reference it (not to be confused with cross dressing, which will be put under the letter "T" for transvestites/transsexuals...or should I put it under the letter "G" for genital mutilators?).
Decisions decisions.
As you lack the brains to differentiate between homosexuality and paedophilia it doesn't really matter what letter you file it under, although B for bollocks would be my suggestion...
I'll have you know that I go out of my way to be fair to homosexuals in this thread:
Some of them like children as young as 8 (Hay, Kameny, etc. etc. etc.), others a tad bit older at 15 (Bean, Milk, etc. etc. etc.) and I do hear tell that there was one homosexual who actually liked em above the age of consent! (strictly rumor, so I won't defame his name until it's confirmed).
Not particularly respectful of the homosexuals that you want to criminalise imo, however...Now Al, try to keep your fantasies in the 'gay' bathhouses that you frequent, I'm trying to run a respectful joint here.
You'd probably need to be a deeply repressed gay male to get that hot under the collar about it I'd say.On that note:
The more I think about Part 4 the more excited I am about it, not only because of the new topics I'll be covering extensively, but also because of the table of contents format that I'll be using.
Clearly you take the whole "gay scene" very seriously indeed, if you want a job done properly you have to do it yourself, right aCW?I'll be alphabetically categorizing it, mostly with internet links, so that people can find out about perverts like Dan Savage by going to "P" (People) and locate his name and find out all of the great things he's done for the LGBTQueer movement by reading the various articles on him (licking a doorknob while having influenza, 3 ways with his 'husband', talking about "good pedophiles", etc. etc. etc.).
Oh Yes aCW, I positively relish the idea of continuing this whole train wreck of a thread well into the foreseeable future. :jump:I hope you're excited as well Al, as you've taken good care of yourself by not expiring at the 46.6 year mark and thus have been a valuable asset as to "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"
Tell us again about your deep Christian concerns for all of God's children aCW, I enjoy a good laugh.I was in another thread talking about the recent marriage ruling by SCOTUS and wrote something that I'd like to share here (and as always, open it for debate to those who disagree) :
Marriage has become a joke. Since adultery was decriminalized, no fault divorce laws were put in place and laws allowing cohabitation, sodomite 'marriage' is only putting the final nail in the proverbial coffin.
One issue that I'd like to talk about... is the term we all heard so much about during the sodomite marriage debate: "Slippery Slope", i.e. that allowing sodomites to marry would lead to incestuous and other sexual deviant behavior marriages.
In order for there to be a "slope", homosexuals would first have to stand on a higher ground than those who engage in incest, sex with animals or pedophilia. They don't, like all of the behaviors that I just mentioned, those who engage in homosexuality are just as much perverts as the rest of them.
Tell us again about your deep Christian concerns for all of God's children aCW, I enjoy a good laugh.![]()
I think it's John Adams in the middle of that picture, isn't that a typical gay stance? :sherlock: