Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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High School Students Return To School To Find Chemistry Teacher A Woman Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4, Lk 17:2 :vomit:


Genital mutilation surgery: the new normal.


New member
Welcome back to the thread anna. I believe we left off talking about why Lot was a very wise man.

You were apparently claiming aCW that Lot was wise because he knew that all the men in the city of Sodom had somehow been converted to or had chosen homosexuality exclusively, but not him apparently, so his daughters were in fact quite safe?
But probably not quite as safe as they would have been if Lot hadn't mentioned them at all, right?
Then homosexuality is like an infectious disease as you see it, yes?
I wonder why God bothered destroying S&G since the population would have all died out in a few years anyway surely?
Presumably though the previous generation would have been reasonably straight, right?
What's with all the brimstone and fire anyway?
Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt right?
Why not turn the people of S&G into salt too?
Then Lot's daughters got him drunk in a cave so that they might be made pregnant by him.
A righteous man that Lot.
Perhaps drink absolves you of blame?
Where did they get booze from in a cave anyway?

Do you honestly really believe that that utterly daft story actually did happen?

If so then perhaps you might also like to think that the entire population of the US could all be turned gay inside a few years unless you crusade against it? :shocked:

Or perhaps you're just paranoid and the percentage of gay people has been and will always remain pretty constant, that you simply hate homosexuals and that even paranoid reasons to hate will do, and that you don't believe that daft S&G story was true any more than I do, right aCW? :plain:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Welcome back to the thread anna. I believe we left off talking about why Lot was a very wise man.

You were apparently claiming aCW that Lot was wise because he knew that all the men in the city of Sodom had somehow been converted to or had chosen homosexuality exclusively, but not him apparently, so his daughters were in fact quite safe?

According to "gotquestions.org, which seems to be a pretty reliable source:

" The first incident involving Lot’s daughters appears in Genesis 19:1–11. Two men who were really angels appeared in Sodom where Lot lived with his family. The wicked men of the city surrounded Lot’s house seeking to have homosexual relations with the angels. Lot begged the men of the city not to do this evil thing, and he offered up his two virgin daughters to them instead."

My comment to annab was that Lot was a wise man because he made an offer to a roaming pack of sodomites knowing that they wouldn't take him up on it (I'm surprised that the sodomites didn't offer to style the girls hair).

The gotquestions.org article continues with:

"The second incident (Genesis 19:30–38) occurs after Lot and his daughters had fled Sodom just before its destruction. Lot’s wife was destroyed for her disobedience during the journey, and Lot and his two daughters fled to live in a cave in a mountain. Afraid they would never have husbands or children in their hideout, Lot’s daughters plotted to make their father drunk so they could sleep with him and thereby assure that they would have children."

Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/Lots-daughters.html#ixzz3VMuCDvLp

Then homosexuality is like an infectious disease as you see it, yes?
I wonder why God bothered destroying S&G since the population would have all died out in a few years anyway surely?

As this article states the destruction was because of His wrath towards the people of the two cities who engaged in a behavior that He detests.

Presumably though the previous generation would have been reasonably straight, right?

Unless human biology was different back then and people of the same gender could reproduce, then I would say "yes, I assume so" to that answer Al.

Do you honestly really believe that that utterly daft story actually did happen?

If so then perhaps you might also like to think that the entire population of the US could all be turned gay inside a few years unless you crusade against it? :shocked:

The entire US population? Get real Al, we both know that the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement isn't interested in converting anyone over the age of 8 ("Get em before they're 8 or you're too late).



New member
Unless human biology was different back then and people of the same gender could reproduce, then I would say "yes, I assume so" to that answer Al.
Seems to me aCW that the process of mass conversion to the "gay side" must have been rather more rapid and easy then than any "reparative therapy" is today. :think:

The entire US population? Get real Al, we both know that the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement isn't interested in converting anyone over the age of 8 ("Get em before they're 8 or you're too late).
And you want me to get real, nice one aCW. :chuckle:

Apparently then you simply accept the whole nutty story totally uncritically, seeing only wisdom in offering up your virgin daughters to the entire sex-crazed male population of a whole city, who were all seemingly utterly overcome with desire and lust for two angels, despite their being disguised as humans.
Was it their aftershave perhaps?
Do angels shave?
(Michael Cadry will know. :idea:)

And they say romance is dead today. :rolleyes:


Here's an interesting article by Cliff Kincaid showing what kind of news organizations President B. Hussein Obama gives interviews to.

Obama Gives Interview to Gay Porn Outlet

March 25, 2015

President Obama’s interview with The Huffington Post (HuffPost) has been treated as if the on-line publication is somehow respectable and legitimate. The topics of the interview included budget sequestration, the Iran nuclear talks, presidential pardons, overtime pay, athletic scholarships and sleep. But here are some stories from the on-line outlet you may have missed (Be advised these articles may be offensive to some):
•Porn Stars Without Makeup
•This Map Shows Where America Loves....
•These Striking Portraits Of Porn Stars Shine A Different Light On XXX Actors

Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth notes that The Huffington Post’s “Gay Voices” section has run a video of movie scenes with full-frontal male nudity.

In addition to publishing and promoting pornography, The Huffington Post is a “progressive” platform for advocates of abortion, homosexual rights and marijuana legalization. It was named after Arianna Huffington’s ex-husband, Michael Huffington, who was born rich and then turned gay. (In this case, apparently, being gay was a choice). She used his money from a divorce settlement to start the on-line “news” service in 2005.

On foreign policy, the publication is pro-Arab, pro-Muslim and anti-Israel. One report documents how it works hand-in-glove with Al Jazeera.

The blog known as Huff-Watch has documented the publication’s “pathological, malicious incitement of hate against the U.S. military, Israel and Jews, the Tea Party and conservative individuals and organizations.”

But The Huffington Post really has a love for the homosexual movement. Indeed, it is sometimes difficult to separate the “Gay Voices” section from its “Religion” section. Here are some headlines and stories from the religion section:
•“Most Mainline Protestants Embrace Gay Marriage”
•“Presbyterian Church Votes To Allow Gay Marriage”
•“Evangelical Leader Apologizes To Gays”
•“Pope Will Break Bread With Gay, Transgender Inmates”
•“Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Embraces LGBT-Inclusive Definition Of Marriage.”
•“Prominent Megachurch Stops Asking Gay Christians To Be Celibate”
•“Queering the Way of the Cross: Meditations on a Queer Spiritual Journey”

On occasion, however, The Huffington Post reveals a disturbing truth in its rush to promote the “alternative lifestyle.” One such example is the piece, “How Gay Porn Helped Build the Gay Rights Movement.” The piece was actually quite informative.

The author, Mike Stabile, made a film about pornographer Charles M. “Chuck” Holmes titled, “Seed Money: The Chuck Holmes Story.” He said Holmes and other pornographers funded the homosexual rights movement directly and also lent “their mailing lists to fledgling organizations like the Human Rights Campaign Fund (HRC).” He notes that Holmes “was a prodigious donor to the HRC, and later served on its Board of Directors.”

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2015/03/25/0800-obama-gives-interview-to-gay-porn-outlet/


We're dealing with some very sick and evil people here.


Speaking of the porn rag Huffington Post:

They don't like Ted Cruz (GASP! Say it aint so!).

Ted Cruz Just Disqualified Himself for President


Ted Cruz, the junior senator from Texas the entire Democratic conference loves to hate, officially kicked off the 2016 Republican presidential primary season with his March 23 announcement on the campus of Liberty University. The Houston Chronicle broke the story two days prior to Cruz's formal declaration of a White House bid, but anyone who was remotely following U.S. politics over the past year could have safely assumed that he would make good on his presidential ambitions. As the Chronicle pointed out its in scoop, "Monday's... announcement will culminate two years of open musing about running for president that began nearly the moment voters elected him to the Senate in 2012."...

Announcing that you will run for president, of course, is not the same as convincing Republican primary voters across the country during a lengthy campaign that you are the best chance for the party to reclaim the White House after eight consecutive years of Democratic rule. And this is where Ted Cruz will face his toughest challenge: for many Americans in the center, Cruz is far too extreme...


There you have it from the pornographers at the Huffington Post:

The pro life, pro traditional family, pro Israel, pro free enterprise economist Ted Cruz is "too extreme" for the Republican Party (and here I thought that people like Jeb Bush who surrounds himself with proud and unrepentant homosexuals are the "extreme" ones).


Arthur Brain

Well-known member


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
key phrase: because there was a lack of evidence.

Back your LGBTQueer drawing board little Mattie.


If there had been sufficient evidence to convict the woman,

Being that the act of adultery (like homosexuality or incest) takes two people, in order to have sufficient evidence to convict the woman, a man would have had to come forward to acknowledge (or be accused by witnesses) that he was the other person involved.

are you saying Jesus would have allowed the woman to be stoned to death, and wouldn't have said anything like "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and wrote on the ground?


As I had (sarcastically) mentioned in the earlier post: if that were the case, why didn't Jesus go into the prisons and demand that all people convicted of crimes be released? Why didn't Jesus to go the civil magistrates and demand that no one be tried for a crime?

Either Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh was an anarchist who didn't believe in the rule of law (which He created) or He realized that He was being set up by the Pharisees.

John 8:2-6

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Being that the act of adultery (like homosexuality or incest) takes two people, in order to have sufficient evidence to convict the woman, a man would have had to come forward to acknowledge (or accused by two witnesses) that he was the other person involved.

Well, still hardly sufficient evidence for taking a life based on that exactly, or do you think it is?

As I had (sarcastically) mentioned in the earlier post: if that were the case, why didn't Jesus go into the prisons and demand that all people convicted of crimes be released? Why didn't Jesus to go the civil magistrates and demand that no one be tried for a crime?

Either Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh was an anarchist who didn't believe in the rule of law (which He created) or He realized that He was being set up by the Pharisees.

John 8:2-6

So is this a roundabout way of you saying Jesus would have let the woman be stoned to death by the mob if there were sufficient evidence/witnesses? Why do you suppose Jesus said and wrote what he did and why were the people convicted to leave?


New member
Being that the act of adultery (like homosexuality or incest) takes two people, in order to have sufficient evidence to convict the woman, a man would have had to come forward to acknowledge (or be accused by witnesses) that he was the other person involved.
In the case of "righteous" Lot, whether through drunkenness or not, he had sex with both of his daughters apparently (incest). Given that intoxication is no excuse, Lot should have, by law, been put to death perhaps, but instead went on to father a whole tribe, it seems, with 3/4 of his own genes.
A shining example of the kind of person that God favours in founding a nation? Really?

Yet two men, who are never going to found a nation together, by having any amount of gay sex together, are the particular target for your single minded attention, as apparently being a much more urgent issue for your theoretically inspired intervention.
If not simply hate based homophobic bigotry then why? :idunno:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Being that the act of adultery (like homosexuality or incest) takes two people, in order to have sufficient evidence to convict the woman, a man would have had to come forward to acknowledge (or accused by two witnesses) that he was the other person involved.

Well, still hardly sufficient evidence for taking a life based on that exactly, or do you think it is?

Remember that in the New Testament Jesus rescinded the penalty of death for sexual sins such as homosexuality and adultery, but not punishment in general.

As I had (sarcastically) mentioned in the earlier post: if that were the case, why didn't Jesus go into the prisons and demand that all people convicted of crimes be released? Why didn't Jesus to go the civil magistrates and demand that no one be tried for a crime?

Either Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh was an anarchist who didn't believe in the rule of law (which He created) or He realized that He was being set up by the Pharisees.

John 8:2-6

So is this a roundabout way of you saying Jesus would have let the woman be stoned to death by the mob if there were sufficient evidence/witnesses? Why do you suppose Jesus said and wrote what he did and why were the people convicted to leave?

Turning over a person to a mob so that they can do their own form of "justice" is anarchy as well Art. The Roman's had their own criminal justice system with magistrates and juries to try the accused, and if found guilty, decide what punishment should be given.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Being that the act of adultery (like homosexuality or incest) takes two people, in order to have sufficient evidence to convict the woman, a man would have had to come forward to acknowledge (or be accused by witnesses) that he was the other person involved

In the case of "righteous" Lot, whether through drunkenness or not, he had sex with both of his daughters apparently (incest). Given that intoxication is no excuse, Lot should have, by law, been put to death perhaps, but instead went on to father a whole tribe, it seems, with 3/4 of his own genes.
A shining example of the kind of person that God favours in founding a nation? Really?

Yet two men, who are never going to found a nation together, by having any amount of gay sex together, are the particular target for your single minded attention, as apparently being a much more urgent issue for your theoretically inspired intervention.
If not simply hate based homophobic bigotry then why? :idunno:

Doesn't that make you want to HATE God even more than you do already Al?
He forgave a man based on the circumstances at the time for what we refer to as the act of incest, yet not once condoned homosexuality.

I really should start the segment soon called "The 3 Tenets of Atheism"

1). There is no God
2). I HATE Him
3). I HATE Him so much that I'll redefine His Word as seen in Holy Scripture to meet my selfish desires.

as the LGBTQueer movement is moving full steam ahead on redefining Holy Scripture.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Being that the act of adultery (like homosexuality or incest) takes two people, in order to have sufficient evidence to convict the woman, a man would have had to come forward to acknowledge (or be accused by witnesses) that he was the other person involved

Doesn't that make you want to HATE God even more than you do already Al?
He forgave a man based on the circumstances at the time for what we refer to as the act of incest, yet not once condoned homosexuality.

I really should start the segment soon called "The 3 Tenets of Atheism"

1). There is no God
2). I HATE Him
3). I HATE Him so much that I'll redefine His Word as seen in Holy Scripture to meet my selfish desires.

as the LGBTQueer movement is moving full steam ahead on redefining Holy Scripture.

Why would you hate something that you don't believe exists
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