Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The LGBTQueer movement does represent individuals who identify with that acronym Al.

Good for them, are all gay people aware that their interests are all taken care of by them?

The man/boy love faction of the LGBTQueer movement isn't happy that age of consent laws haven't been abolished, but the drag queens, fairies and bull dykes are doing their best to satisfy their brethren.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If I ever found myself defending perverts and perversion in an internet forum, then I'd seek some kind of therapy.

I might suggest that you do that anyway but not from a quack therapist.

Of course I should find one that is LGBTQueer approved?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Chuck wasn't really open when it came to talking about his perversion, he was just good about physically showing it (darn, all the evidence has been deleted).

He may not have reinforced your stereotypical presuppositions then aCW?

Chuck served his purpose here: he gave a face to the LGBTQueer movement.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Being that two people of the same gender cannot biologically reproduce, that would be literally impossible. Do you mean that if their trophy children should turn out to be sexually normal? I addressed that in an earlier post (God blessed them even though they were dealt a bad hand when it came to supposed "parents").

Gay people nevertheless have just the same ability to contribute biologically to a new human life as anyone else and can be just as good at being a parent as anyone else too.

Unless my 9th grade biology book is outdated, a member of the opposite sex is still needed for human reproduction.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Not that this little chit chat with my favorite Brit hasn't been nice, but it's that time again Al...

to move on.

A moving target gathers no moss?

By spending all of this time with you, Art and GFR7, my delousing bill is astronomical.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I didn't see the word "adults" in your original post Art. As I recall, the two children that you were supposed to babysit on New Years Eve were around 8 and 11? While that is a bit old for HRC standards, I bet that they'd give you a job as one of their child indoctrinators if you showed them your resume'.

You wouldn't have seen the word hexadecimal either and the context was obvious. Your usual nuttiness has been noted...

You had better brush up on your LGBTQueer child indoctrination skills Art, because the 8 and 11 year old might think that you're talking about a incestuous couple (i.e. all of the effort promoting the LGBTQueer cause would have been for nothing).

Either homosexuality is a perversion or it's not Art.

Or people simply have an inherent attraction to their own gender, not that that will compute with you of course...

Inherent would mean born with as in having some kind of genetic factor that causes that attraction.

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt when it comes to the 'gay gene' theory.

Poor Art, was your little feminazi feelings hurt by Phil Robertson's sense of humor? (my wife roared with laughter when she watched the video).

Hmm, making 'jokes' about marrying children has never struck me as particularly funny aCW, especially when there's nothing to suggest he didn't mean every word. Presumably the betrothal of minors is also something you have no problem with either. Telling.

....especially when the guy making the joke unapologetically speaks the truth about homosexuality and doesn't back down even when he's threatened to lose a handsome television show contract.

Oh, and I suspect it was your own 'roaring laugh' you heard as your "wife" is likely as imaginary as your cop badge.

Speaking of wives: how is yours Art? My bad...

How's your girlfriend Art? My bad...

Don't be shy Art, if you can tell innocent children that homosexuality is acceptable as long as there is "love and respect" involved, surely you can talk about out of wedlock heterosexual relationships too.

What relevance does this actually have to anything? This was about how Robertson's comments somehow show 'honour' to women so how about you explain just how that is?

You almost act like you're ashamed to talk about what your secular humanist doctrine has done to the young people of America and the UK Art.

Then you won't be posting in this thread in opposition to the recriminalization of homosexuality which will in turn cause the destruction of the so-called 'advances' that the LGBTQueer movement have made since homosexuality was decriminalized?

Well of course I will be, when I feel like it although we both know you'll never see the premise of your thread come to reality. You do know that don't you?

But the thought of you staying awake at night not knowing if it will really happen is most satisfying for me Art.

Are you prepared to be fitted with a millstone around your neck when you meet God? Matthew 18:6

Not especially.

The last time I heard God doesn't give you that choice (unless you first repent your sins and make Him your Lord and Savior).

We could talk about Robertson's faith in God and how he always holds up the Bible in practically every if not all speeches that he gives.

But then that wouldn't fit into your agenda would it Art?

Whether or not he holds a bible up or not is irrelevant but rather the words he spoke.

He also reads what is inside of that Bible and does his best to live by it's doctrine (respecting women is part of biblical doctrine...but then you don't known anything about the Bible or women do you Art?).

GASP! Marry a woman that knows how to cook and clean your ducks for you?"

Bigot! Racist! Homophobe!

Now that I've jumped on your feminazi bandwagon, do you approve of me now?

I think like you the word 'crank' would sum him up rather aptly. Thanks for confirming you support the marriage of minors though. Ya gotta get em when they're 15' right Connie?

Personally I think a guy should marry before he turns 42 (or at least have a girlfriend) or else people might get the impression that the guy might not be interested in people of the opposite sex.


On that note:

Art Brain's lastest smokescreen has come to an end and it really is time to...

move on.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While I know that this is yet another one of your drive-by rants and you won't return to continue this conversation, I'll keep it short.

In the event that you do return to continue this so-called conversation: show us where Jesus Christ rescinded what He said in the Old Testament and made homosexuality an acceptable sexual behavior in the New Testament.

Oh and jgarden:

Hey to little Mattie Vines:

God clearly points out what His expectations for sexual relations are beginning in Genesis. Throughout the Old Testament and even in the New Testament He continues to talk about that theme.

Don't forget God (remember that Jesus was "born to die").

So somewhere in that rant are we to believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh rescinded the moral code against not only homosexuals but adulterers, robbers and thieves?

Back to little Mattie Vine's school of perversion for you jgarden, as you need to work on your con.
You can run but you can't hide "aCultureWarrior."

The story of "The Woman Caught in Adultery" and Jesus' response in John 8:1-12 refutes you and everything you stand for.

If Christ, who was sinless, refused to punish this woman under the Mosaic Law, who are you to "cast the first stone!"


New member
The man/boy love faction of the LGBTQueer movement isn't happy that age of consent laws haven't been abolished, but the drag queens, fairies and bull dykes are doing their best to satisfy their brethren.
Something tells me that drag queens and bull dykes aren't exactly your kind of people aCW, at least that is what you try to make out here.;)

Of course I should find one that is LGBTQueer approved?
Personally I wouldn't organise my life around them aCW. :nono:

Chuck served his purpose here: he gave a face to the LGBTQueer movement.
Yes, it's a shame he's gone.

Unless my 9th grade biology book is outdated, a member of the opposite sex is still needed for human reproduction.
Well remembered aCW, clearly there's no fooling you.
However, gay people are of both sexes I've noticed aCW, so all the necessary organic parts are available. With a bit of mutual organising gays could be just as much biological parents as anyone else if they wanted. ;)
Of course they may then pass on their gay genes perhaps? :think:

By spending all of this time with you, Art and GFR7, my delousing bill is astronomical.
I think you'll find that the internet is a rather effective barrier to organic life aCW, so any lice or parasitic insects you have are probably your own.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

...Back to little Mattie Vine's school of perversion for you jgarden, as you need to work on your con.

You can run but you can't hide "aCultureWarrior."

None of us can, as we all have to stand before God someday and answer to Him. I pity the poor soul who mocks His Word while claiming that he believes in Him.

The story of "The Woman Caught in Adultery" and Jesus' response in John 8:1-12 refutes you and everything you stand for.

If Christ, who was sinless, refused to punish this woman under the Mosaic Law, who are you to "cast the first stone!"

But wait, there's more!

And after Jesus refused to punish the woman accused of adultery because there was a lack of evidence, He went into the prisons and demanded that all of the adulterers, homosexuals, thieves and robbers be released.

And and and after that He went before the magistrate and demanded that no one be charged with any crime because according to fools like you...

God is an anarchist.

Back to your LGBTQueer drawing board jgarden.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You had better brush up on your LGBTQueer child indoctrination skills Art, because the 8 and 11 year old might think that you're talking about a incestuous couple (i.e. all of the effort promoting the LGBTQueer cause would have been for nothing).
Considering a conversation never actually took place and that I have zero interest in 'indoctrinating' children I'll chalk this up to yet more bat crazy delusion on your part.

Inherent would mean born with as in having some kind of genetic factor that causes that attraction.

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt when it comes to the 'gay gene' theory.

Indeed it would and it's patently obvious that such occurs - unless that is your own particular worldview won't allow reality to encroach on it.

....especially when the guy making the joke unapologetically speaks the truth about homosexuality and doesn't back down even when he's threatened to lose a handsome television show contract.

His comments on homosexuality are irrelevant, your usual attempt at deflection notwithstanding. Apparently you think his 'joke' about marrying fifteen year old girls is amusing which is all that needs to be said, sadly enough.

Speaking of wives: how is yours Art? My bad...

How's your girlfriend Art? My bad...

Your 'bad' is how you think you have any insight into my personal life, along with the sleazy implications that you continue with further in. Why does a Christian do that aCW?

You almost act like you're ashamed to talk about what your secular humanist doctrine has done to the young people of America and the UK Art.

More deflection to avoid answering the question, an absolute shock I must say. Is it because you can't actually answer as to how Robertson's comments were actually honouring women/girls?


But the thought of you staying awake at night not knowing if it will really happen is most satisfying for me Art.

Well, delusional fantasies do seem to satisfy you a great deal if not reality.

The last time I heard God doesn't give you that choice (unless you first repent your sins and make Him your Lord and Savior).

Oh, maybe if I advocate/support wedding 15 year old minors as well?

He also reads what is inside of that Bible and does his best to live by it's doctrine (respecting women is part of biblical doctrine...but then you don't known anything about the Bible or women do you Art?).

Hmm, I know enough to realize there isn't anything respectful about Robertson's remarks to young women and the unsavoury reasoning for 'getting them' while they're still a child. Perhaps you can actually finally explain just how they amount to 'honouring' the fairer sex?

Personally I think a guy should marry before he turns 42 (or at least have a girlfriend) or else people might get the impression that the guy might not be interested in people of the opposite sex.


On that note:

Art Brain's lastest smokescreen has come to an end and it really is time to...

move on.

Well, as this is yet another blatant reference to me I'll inform you once again that the likes of you have no idea about my private life, ever have nor ever will.

Please don't 'wink' as that's rather creepy coming from someone who has a track record of sleazy innuendo on here also.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

...Back to little Mattie Vine's school of perversion for you jgarden, as you need to work on your con.

None of us can, as we all have to stand before God someday and answer to Him. I pity the poor soul who mocks His Word while claiming that he believes in Him.

But wait, there's more!

And after Jesus refused to punish the woman accused of adultery because there was a lack of evidence, he went into the prisons and demanded that all of the adulterers, homosexuals, thieves and robbers be released.

And and and after that He went before the magistrate and demanded that no one be charged with any crime because according to fools like you...

God is an anarchist.

Back to your LGBTQueer drawing board jgarden.
"The Woman Caught in Adultery" was put in the Bible for a purpose but "aCultureWarrior" can't address that purpose because it would challenge everything he believes in.

How Christ conducted Himself in this situation provides a model as to how we should live our lives but "aCultureWarrior" would rather emulate the chief priests, the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees - the very ones who felt most threatened by His message and demanded His crucifixion.

By "casting the first stone" and demonstrating a total lack of compassion toward his fellow man, "aCultureWarrior" has completely misunderstood Christ's message to the world - how sad!
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Now that a few of TOL's proud and unrepentant homosexualists have had their say:

I found this article written by Dr. Lori Handrahan informative. While we've all heard of the despicable acts of homosexual pedophile/pederast Jerry Sandusky at Penn St. University and homosexual pedophile Frank Lombard at Duke University (not to mention the attempts at cover-up by university officials), it appears that our country's "institutions of higher education" are full of perverts.

The Real ‘Rape Culture': U.S. Universities Hotbeds for Child Rape, Trafficking

March 20, 2015

In 1990, American University’s president, Richard Berendzen, was calling day cares seeking sex with children when he contacted Susan Eva Allen; a mother operating a home-based day care whose husband was a detective with Fairfax County Police Department. A search warrant was obtained.

Susan Allen recorded more than 30 hours of conversation with Berendzen. He asked Susan Allen if “she and her husband included their children in sex” and begged to have sex with Susan Allen’s children. He told her he masturbated while talking with her and offered to procure a child for her to use as a “sex slave.”...

Professor Berendzen never spent a day in jail nor has he yet been investigated for child sex crimes...

The reports I share here are, by no means, a complete account of professors and staff arrested for child porn. These are, simply, what appears to be a very small representative sample. A snap-shot in time. This provide a sense of the scale of child porn use among professors and staff. I use the terms college and university interchangeably, for simplicity sake.

Many university and college students are also being arrested on trading child sex abuse charges. Arrest of students for child pornography will be detailed in a separate posting.

University & College Professors

• Michael Morris, a 50 year old Assistant Dean at the McIntire School of Commerce at University of Virginia (UVA) and father of two teenage daughters, was arrested and charged, 6 November 2013, on child porn charges.

• Alan Clyde More, a professor at George Mason University, was arrested and charged, 3 October 2014, with ten felony counts of child porn possession. He was trading in child sex abuse from university computers

• Gary Spring, a 61 year old professor and Chair of the Civil Engineering Department at Merrimack College in Massachusetts, was arrested, 19 September 2014, and charged with one count child porn possession. He is currently free on $30,000 bail pending his sentencing. His next court date is scheduled for 24 March 2015.

• Christopher Haynes, a 64 year old retired geography professor at Humboldt State University, was arrested, 29 August 2014, and charged with four child pornography counts. He was sentenced, 24 February 2015, to 90 days in jail and three years probation

• William Merrill, a 58 year old professor who specialized in internet censorship at Central Michigan University (CMU), was arrested, November 2012, and charged with a four felony counts including possession of sexually abusive material, distributing/promoting child sexually abusive activity and using a computer to commit a crime. In a deal, Merrill plead guilty to one count of receiving child porn and prosecutors dropped the other charges. He was sentenced, 24 July 2013, to 5.8 years in jail. Upon his arrest, investigators found more than 6,000 images/videos of child sex abuse on Merrill’s university computer depicting extreme violence against children. In total, at home and work, Merrill had “more than 100,000 images and 1,600 videos involving bondage, bestiality and children in noticeable anguish.”...

• Micah Maurio, a 28 year old part-time music professor at the University of Southern Maine (USM), was arrested, 5 December 2014, and charged with dissemination of sexually explicit material of someone under the age of 12.

• Larry Gene Peppers, a 67 year old retired sociology professor from Clemson University, was arrested, 12 February 2015, and charged with two felony counts of second-degree sexual exploitation of a minor and four felony counts of third-degree sexual exploitation of a minor. He was released on $60,000 surety bond. His next court date is 29 May 2015.

• Kirk Nesset, a 57 year old award-winning, creative writing professor at Allegheny College in Pennsylvania, was arrested and charged, 1 October 2014 with one count each of child porn distribution, receipt and possession. Upon his arrest he had over 500,000 videos/images of child sex abuse...

Etc. etc. etc.

Read more: http://barbwire.com/2015/03/20/the-...versities-hotbeds-for-child-rape-trafficking/


Maybe homosexualist Art Brain can comment on how "laws have become tougher when it comes to the protection of children" (he's an expert on children's safety don't cha know).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Now that a few of TOL's proud and unrepentant homosexualists have had their say:

Ah, so you're going to run away and decline to answer as to why you think it's amusing to "joke" about 15 year old girls being married and also just plain acceptable for minors being wed? Standard aCW MO when called out on subjects he can't defend, a bit like explaining how 'good ole' Phil's comments were 'honouring' women/girls eh Connie?

Maybe homosexualist Art Brain can comment on how "laws have become tougher when it comes to the protection of children" (he's an expert on children safety don't cha know).

Can you point me to where this bizarre word you keep coming up with actually exists in the English lexicon? Otherwise I'm nothing of the sort and unless you think there's been no change throughout the decades where it comes to the protection of children then you're a total dingbat.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that a few of TOL's proud and unrepentant homosexualists have had their say:

Ah, so you're going to run away and decline to answer as to why you think it's amusing to "joke" about 15 year old girls being married and also just plain acceptable for minors being wed?

I make it a habit of not having extended conversations with people who should either be confined to a penal institution or a mental health facility.

Standard aCW MO when called out on subjects he can't defend, a bit like explaining how 'good ole' Phil's comments were 'honouring' women/girls eh Connie?

Regarding the above article entitled

"The Real ‘Rape Culture': U.S. Universities Hotbeds for Child Rape, Trafficking" :

How about I put the blame where it really should go?

If only Phil Robertson hadn't made that comment about 15 year old girls marrying...

Maybe homosexualist Art Brain can comment on how "laws have become tougher when it comes to the protection of children" (he's an expert on children safety don't cha know).

Can you point me to where this bizarre word you keep coming up with actually exists in the English lexicon? Otherwise I'm nothing of the sort and unless you think there's been no change throughout the decades where it comes to the protection of children then you're a total dingbat.

Well then, I strike my earlier statement and revise it with this:

"Maybe the guy who indoctrinates children to the ways of perverse sexual behavior can comment on how "laws have become tougher when it comes to the protection of children" (he's an expert on child indoctrination don't cha know).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I make it a habit of not having extended conversations with people who should either be confined to a penal institution or a mental health facility.

Well that's all well and good aCW but nobody was inquiring as to how long you talked to yourself. Is it really that hard to say that condoning marrying 15 year old girls is wrong?

Regarding the above article entitled

"The Real ‘Rape Culture': U.S. Universities Hotbeds for Child Rape, Trafficking" :

How about I put the blame where it really should go?

If only Phil Robertson hadn't made that comment about 15 year old girls marrying...

But yet you endorse it by your continual silence. You obviously have no problem with 'getting girls' when they're 15. You've had ample opportunity to say otherwise.

Well then, I strike my earlier statement and revise it with this:

"Maybe the guy who indoctrinates children to the ways of perverse sexual behavior can comment on how "laws have become tougher when it comes to the protection of children" (he's an expert on child indoctrination don't cha know).

Considering I'm opposed to indoctrinating children and have never spoken about anything sexual with any your "revision" is about as on the mark as per usual.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I make it a habit of not having extended conversations with people who should either be confined to a penal institution or a mental health facility.

Well that's all well and good aCW but nobody was inquiring as to how long you talked to yourself. Is it really that hard to say that condoning marrying 15 year old girls is wrong?

Your infatuation with Phil Robertson is ...

..rather creepy


Wait, you're not "into" older guys with long hair and beards are you?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding the above article entitled

"The Real ‘Rape Culture': U.S. Universities Hotbeds for Child Rape, Trafficking" :

How about I put the blame where it really should go?

If only Phil Robertson hadn't made that comment about 15 year old girls marrying...

But yet you endorse it by your continual silence. You obviously have no problem with 'getting girls' when they're 15. You've had ample opportunity to say otherwise.

Yep, it's all Phil Robertson's fault, this mentality has nothing to do with the sexual anarchy that is running amuck in our once God fearing nation:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Well then, I strike my earlier statement and revise it with this:

"Maybe the guy who indoctrinates children to the ways of perverse sexual behavior can comment on how "laws have become tougher when it comes to the protection of children" (he's an expert on child indoctrination don't cha know).

Considering I'm opposed to indoctrinating children and have never spoken about anything sexual with any your "revision" is about as on the mark as per usual.

If that's the case, your services won't be required in this thread Art as I'm talking about a lifestyle and movement that takes quite an interest in the physical, mental and spiritual molestation of children.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your infatuation with Phil Robertson is ...

None existent. My revulsion at his sentiments however...the ones you're all okay with and can't comment on remember?

Wait, you're not "into" older guys with long hair and beards are you?

Projection again? I'm not attracted to guys in any shape whether bearded, clean shaven or otherwise. OTOH you can't seem to bring yourself to criticize one of your hero's no matter what he says. What if he'd said '14' or '13'? You'd be all okay still as long as the girls were post pubescent?

Oh, and still waiting for how any of his comments in that speech were actually honouring women/girls?


Yep, it's all Phil Robertson's fault, this mentality has nothing to do with the sexual anarchy that is running amuck in our once God fearing nation:

I don't think anyone's blaming Robertson for any 'sexual anarchy' but simply for his own moronic words aCW.

If that's the case, your services won't be required in this thread Art as I'm talking about a lifestyle and movement that takes quite an interest in the physical, mental and spiritual molestation of children.

In that case I'll await your condemnation of cranks who think 'getting girls at 15' is all fine and dandy then. :)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Your infatuation with Phil Robertson is ...

...rather creepy

None existent. My revulsion at his sentiments however...the ones you're all okay with and can't comment on remember?

Just out of curiousity Art, what size of a straight jacket do you wear...extra wimpy?

Wait, you're not "into" older guys with long hair and beards are you?

Projection again? I'm not attracted to guys in any shape whether bearded, clean shaven or otherwise. OTOH you can't seem to bring yourself to criticize one of your hero's no matter what he says. What if he'd said '14' or '13'? You'd be all okay still as long as the girls were post pubescent?

Me thinkz Art goes for the young Phil look.


Oh, and still waiting for how any of his comments in that speech were actually honouring women/girls?

I'm told that they have drugs that can help with your obsession Art.

Yep, it's all Phil Robertson's fault, this mentality has nothing to do with the sexual anarchy that is running amuck in our once God fearing nation:

I don't think anyone's blaming Robertson for any 'sexual anarchy' but simply for his own moronic words aCW.

Then perhaps we should put the blame for child porn and rape where it really belongs: on the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchy movement.

If that's the case, your services won't be required in this thread Art as I'm talking about a lifestyle and movement that takes quite an interest in the physical, mental and spiritual molestation of children.

In that case I'll await your condemnation of cranks who think 'getting girls at 15' is all fine and dandy then.

I never thought I'd hear my self saying this, but you're sicker than the guy who wrote this post:


Seriously Art, seek some psychological and spiritual help.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Just out of curiousity Art, what size of a straight jacket do you wear...extra wimpy?

My jackets made of leather dude. What size of gay jacket do you wear to return the 'banter'?

Me thinkz Art goes for the young Phil look.

Well no, wrong gender for a start and I happen to prefer long hair on women but your continuing projection is noted.

I'm told that they have drugs that can help with your obsession Art.

A shame you didn't avail yourself of them before starting part one of this joke of a blog then really.

Then perhaps we should put the blame for child porn and rape where it really belongs: on the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchy movement.

But if you support 'getting girls when they're 15' then you're already part of that 'sexual anarchy' movement. That must rub...

I never thought I'd hear my self saying this, but you're sicker than the guy who wrote this post:


Seriously Art, seek some psychological and spiritual help.

Oh dear, your obsession with Wiz comes back to the fore...

He had you bang to rights with that as it's conclusively shown all over this three part exploding nuke of a 'thread' along with other gormless gaffes of yours.

If it's 'sick' of me to be averse to 'getting girls at 15' then I'll live with that quite easily thanks Connie. You're the one that needs help, and probably something approaching an education in thinking as well...



With those words of wisdom from Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson, this concludes this segment on "Why Art Brain MUST Be Institutionalized!"

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

With those words of wisdom from Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson, this concludes this segment on "Why Art Brain MUST Be Institutionalized!"

Wow, who can argue against such intellectual reasoning and insight as that? Flabbergasting no less. Seriously aCW, your powers of deduction never begin to astound, well done...


New member
aCW: I know you're ignoring me but i have some important things to tell you:

1. Here is a perfect story for you, including an "I've been mentally ill all my life" confession: :think:


2. Goodness, I really do think you were right about Dolce and Gabbana, egads~! :jawdrop: : Papa-Daddy, what say you of this ad?????????????????????????? :cry:
*warning graphic dolce & gabbana ad*



aCW: I know you're ignoring me but i have some important things to tell you...

I was busy attempting to do an intervention on a guy who is obsessed with a reality tv personality.

1. Here is a perfect story for you, including an "I've been mentally ill all my life" confession: :think:

I know you have been, the question is: when are you going to do something about it?

2. Goodness, I really do think you were right about Dolce and Gabbana, egads~! :jawdrop:

But they're "traditionalists".
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