Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Now you went and did it Chuck, the little dweeb is going to want a fake pair of his own.

Absolutely NOT. You don't know me very well, Dad. :AMR1:

I'm making an attempt to catch up on the table of contents and ran across this post back on page 262.

NYC Passes Bill To Allow Transgender People To Change Sex On Birth Certificate Without Surgery


Maybe you can kill two proverbial birds with one stone and convince your new BFFL to move to New York City (you can admire Chuck's fake boob job up close and his boyfriend won't have to go through messy genital mutilation surgery in order to call himself a "woman").


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Now you went and did it Chuck, the little dweeb is going to want a fake pair of his own.

I'm making an attempt to catch up on the table of contents and ran across this post back on page 262.

NYC Passes Bill To Allow Transgender People To Change Sex On Birth Certificate Without Surgery


Maybe you can kill two proverbial birds with one stone and convince your new BFFL to move to New York City (you can admire Chuck's fake boob job up close and his boyfriend won't have to go through messy genital mutilation surgery in order to call himself a "woman").


Did you read my other post?

You getting the D&G suit? :think:



Did you read my other post?

You getting the D&G suit? :think:

Easy little fella; if you keep acting like a fag I'll end up speculating out loud and Art Brain will go on one of his hissy fit rants and DEMAND an apology from me (and the last thing that this thread needs is more drama from Art Brain).


New member
Easy little fella; if you keep acting like a fag I'll end up speculating out loud and Art Brain will go on one of his hissy fit rants and DEMAND an apology from me (and the last thing that this thread needs is more drama from Art Brain).
I only wanted you to be part of the First Things website's pro-traditional
Dolce and Gabbana bash. :AMR1: I am ordering a suit online now.....

I don't much care for the black, nor the etching, though..... :think: YUCK :nono:



I only wanted you to be part of the First Things website's pro-traditional
Dolce and Gabbana bash. :AMR1: I am ordering a suit online now.....

I don't like the black, nor the etching, though..... :think:

This one has GFR7 written all over it.


Maybe Chuck can help you pick one out?


New member
Thanks for pointing out that there's enough immoral acts in this world without making an inherently perverse act (homosexuality) something that society should openly embrace.
I wonder if you don't happen to find Gore Vidal's sex life rather more interesting than I do aCW. Your opinion that homosexuality is inherently perverse isn't inherently a fact you know.

You're now acting like that "highly intelligent and articulate" man is someone that should be scoffed at Al. He's just doing his own "thing"; surely you're not against someone doing their own "thing" just because he has a taste for little boys?
I actually don't give a rat's what people think, that's their business. If your God exists and is troubled by what people think, or in what turns them on, then perhaps He should be respecting the privacy of other sentient beings rather more.
If what individuals do after thinking however would cause harm to others then of course that would be another matter entirely.

Then what should be done with this terribly confused youth who has desires for not only 11 year old boys, but very possibly 2 year old boys as well?

I'm sorry to burst the bubble in your ever so morally confused world Art, but a 15 year old that attempts to "lure" a younger boy away from his home and a year later attempts to kidnap a 2 year old boy is "terribly confused".
I think it's you who is confused aCW ...my name is Al. :rolleyes:

So this 15 year old's same sex desires would be grounds to "keep him away from others"?
No, I'm not about to restrain anyone because of what they might be thinking.
If say some utterly confused homophobic moron fundamentalist thinks that all homosexuals are only ever thinking about actually having sex with underage boys, or indeed with any non consenting third party, then I don't want him criminalised aCW for thinking such stupid thoughts, but I can at least try to make him see some sense and rationality. :plain:

As I told your fellow homosexualist Brit: Why not address the problem when the criminal is a young age instead of "keeping him away from others" and having him be a monster as an adult?
Perhaps in your mind if all gays were somehow taken away from society then all would be well, that there would be no more paedophiles? Children would no longer be at risk from adults who would harm them?
Is that what you think aCW?


New member
A sad comment on your dedication to ignorance.

You care enough about it to not only deny it but to go to great lengths to refuse/avoid learning even the basics about the topic.
All you really know is what I reveal in the content of my posts.

You know that I know, that you -- and Matthew Vines -- aren't reading Romans 1 right.
You don't know anything about what I know or do not know about genetics.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Careful GFR7, with words like that you might give people the impression that you're something that you and Art Brain adamantly deny that you are.

Hmm, if being truthful about being straight equates to 'adamantly denying' being homosexual then have at it, I guess...

Easy little fella; if you keep acting like a fag I'll end up speculating out loud and Art Brain will go on one of his hissy fit rants and DEMAND an apology from me (and the last thing that this thread needs is more drama from Art Brain).

Eh, hissy fit rants and drama queen antics are more your stock in trade Connie. Furthermore nobody 'DEMANDED' an apology from you as I doubt anyone expected you to have the decency to offer one regardless.


Obviously lawyer Matt McLaughlin didn't get the memo that Jesus rescinded the death penalty for those caught and convicted of engaging in homosexual acts.

That's not to say that if it can be proven that a sodomite is responsible for the death of another (like raping or indoctrinating young children who "experiment" with homosex and end up contracting AIDS and dying from it) that they shouldn't pay the ultimate penalty.


Boy Chuck, based on the number of sodomites that I've shown that have no problem with kiddy sex (Harry Hay, Frank Kameny, Terry Bean, Harvey Milk, Dan Savage, Peter Tatchell, Gore Vidal, Allen Ginsberg, James Baldwin, Larry Kramer etc. etc. etc.), there wouldn't be a lot of sodomites left in your so-called "community" would there?

I wonder if that 9 year old boy who witnessed the assault was "introduced" to homosex by that same man? (and the choir in unison said..."Duh!").

That being said: An assault is an assault. If it's a group of homosexuals who throw hot coffee in the faces of Christian women and kick them while they're spreading the gospel in the Castro District of San Fransicko (no one was arrested for the crime by the way)


or if it's a bunch of bruthas who beat up someone that proudly engages in sodomy, they've both committed assaults and there are laws that deal with those kind of people.

Regarding the cherry picking:

My proposal calls for the creation of "California LGBT Police Departments" throughout the Golden State. These police departments, funded by the state, would be staffed exclusively by gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender police officers. The goals of these proposed "LGBT Squads" are to better serve communities while minimizing troubling incidents of anti-gay violence.

I believe that Matt Barber said the same thing that was written above in the HuffPo article, correct me if I'm wrong Chuck.

You should take something for your butthurt.


Now you went and did it Chuck, the little dweeb is going to want a fake pair of his own.

Yeah not everyone can be so lucky to have a pair like this naturally. Though the right one is considerably smaller. This annoys me.

Does accusing me of getting implants make me easier for you to deal with?


Mayhap I will nix even the cologne......the two Sicilians are backpedaling......:dog:

Dolce & Gabbana Respond To Backlash Over Their Remarks About Gay Families


I pointed out in this post


back on January 15th of this year that there are proud and unrepentant sodomites who for reasons of their own are against their fellow perverts being allowed to partake in the institution of marriage.

I don't believe you responded to that post GFR7, here's your chance.


New member
I pointed out in this post


back on January 15th of this year that there are proud and unrepentant sodomites who for reasons of their own are against their fellow perverts being allowed to partake in the institution of marriage.

I don't believe you responded to that post GFR7, here's your chance.
I don't understand that post. When did I say I was concerned with the children? I am, of course, but in the sense that traditional and biological families are the best havens for them.

Gay people can have rights without infringing on biology and tradition.

I am not a proud and unrepentant homosexual, and you know it.
How can I be a gay against gay marriage if I'm not gay?????????
What are you on about now, aCW? :confused:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thanks for pointing out that there's enough immoral acts in this world without making an inherently perverse act (homosexuality) something that society should openly embrace.

I wonder if you don't happen to find Gore Vidal's sex life rather more interesting than I do aCW.

Let's just say that I enjoy exposing the lifestyle of "brilliant and highly articulate" homosexual icons like Gore Vidal.

Your opinion that homosexuality is inherently perverse isn't inherently a fact you know.

It depends on whose moral code that you're going by Al. If you're using the moral code of secular humanist man, you can't say that having sex with corpses, animals, one's parents, etc. etc. etc. is "inherently perverse".

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You're now acting like that "highly intelligent and articulate" man is someone that should be scoffed at Al. He's just doing his own "thing"; surely you're not against someone doing their own "thing" just because he has a taste for little boys?

I actually don't give a rat's what people think, that's their business. If your God exists and is troubled by what people think, or in what turns them on, then perhaps He should be respecting the privacy of other sentient beings rather more.
If what individuals do after thinking however would cause harm to others then of course that would be another matter entirely.

Thank you for addressing the core of this 3 part thread.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Then what should be done with this terribly confused youth who has desires for not only 11 year old boys, but very possibly 2 year old boys as well?

I'm sorry to burst the bubble in your ever so morally confused world Art, but a 15 year old that attempts to "lure" a younger boy away from his home and a year later attempts to kidnap a 2 year old boy is "terribly confused".

I think it's you who is confused aCW ...my name is Al.

My apologies, I get the avid defenders of perversion from the UK confused on occasion. Would you care to address my above response Al?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So this 15 year old's same sex desires would be grounds to "keep him away from others"?

No, I'm not about to restrain anyone because of what they might be thinking.

Try again Al. The 15 year old boy from Sprague WA who a year ago attempted to "lure" an 11 year old boy away from his home and this year attempted to kidnap a 2 year old boy wasn't "thinking" about doing those acts, he actually did them.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As I told your fellow homosexualist Brit: Why not address the problem when the criminal is a young age instead of "keeping him away from others" and having him be a monster as an adult?

Perhaps in your mind if all gays were somehow taken away from society then all would be well, that there would be no more paedophiles? Children would no longer be at risk from adults who would harm them?
Is that what you think aCW?

I think I would like one of the avid defenders of perversion from the UK to answer my question as to what should be done with a terribly confused 15 year old boy in Sprague WA who very well might be having homosexual desires and acts them out by attempting to "lure" and kidnap a little boy and a toddler.
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