Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Why would you believe he's a cop? He makes things up all day long. He's created a weird fantasy world for himself at TOL where every guy here is a homosexual, there's a gay parade packed with leather-clad homosexual men on every block, and he's a vice cop assigned to patrol men's public restrooms.


He claims he's a vice cop, and...

As for him being rude, he doesn't claim to be a Christian. You do. This means that you should uphold higher standards than someone like him. As a Christian, the fruits of the spirit should be demonstrated in your life. "Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control." I don't think any of us here can see evidence of any of these in anything you say.

What acts of love have you done lately?

...he claims to be a Christian. Yet there is no evidence to back either of these claims. Most cops work a minimum of 40 hrs./wk., Yet if we survey his post times here there is no way he can write those posts here and fit in a work schedule (100+ posts since February 14). I suggest at best that he might fit in a minimal part-time job somewhere close to home, but since he lives in the woods it generally means a lengthier commute. And his claim to Christianity, considering his behaviors, can at best be explained by Jesus parable of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25. Can you imagine his ranting if he's told to move to Jesus left? Maybe he'll post in TOL, "Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?", followed by "End Trans."

As it is now he gets offended when it's pointed out that sin is sin, and that slander and bearing a false witness is just as heinous as murder, homosexuality and child molesting.

Matthew 15:10-20
10 After Jesus called the crowd to Him, He said to them, “Hear and understand. 11 It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man.”

12 Then the disciples *came and *said to Him, “Do You know that the Pharisees were [d]offended when they heard this statement?” 13 But He answered and said, “Every plant which My heavenly Father did not plant shall be uprooted. 14 Let them alone; they are blind guides [e]of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”

The Heart of Man
15 Peter [f]said to Him, “Explain the parable to us.” 16 [g]Jesus said, “Are you still lacking in understanding also? 17 Do you not understand that everything that goes into the mouth passes into the stomach, and is [h]eliminated? 18 But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile the man. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders. 20 These are the things which defile the man; but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile the man.”

Yet one sin is singled out as being more serious, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. When we consider all the times other Christians tell their witness of what the Spirit has done through them, only to have those witnesses ridiculed and told that they are going to Hell, that is really pushing the envelope of blasphemy of the Spirit.

Mark 3:28-30
28 “Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”— 30 because they were saying, “He has an unclean spirit.”


Eclectic Theosophist
O spare us.......

O spare us.......

(In pagan homosexualist talk that means so many homosexual child molestations/death from AIDS, murders and suicides ago).

Hi acw :)

My former posts, commentaries and resource links on homosexuality and the Bible stand. It has nothing to do with me being a neo-pagan homosexualist :angel:

You're wrongly equating the above 'items' with some misconceived preconceptions you've got going. (same ole tag line, broken record).

Drag queen'in aint my "thing" freelight, but I bet that you and your 'gay christian' friends would be a big hit at the Easter Drag Queen Ball in San Fransicko.

I don't know,...it might encourage or awaken a more creative, flamboyant side of you, one that is more liberal in a good way. Did you ever enjoy just being yourself? If that includes a creative way of expressing yourself, then so bit. You ever notice that many male birds (made by the Creator) are more beautifully 'feathered' and 'ornamental' than the females of their species...strutting around their wonderful plumage? Did you ever just let go and have fun?

Warning! Typical homosexual HATRED of God and all things decent.

You're generalizing, stereo-typing, blanket-couching every assumption of yours to degreade, malign and marginalize a particular community within our human family, using 'religion' as a 'weapon' and 'justification' of bigotry and hatred. That's 'criminal', if you want to use the word.



New member
I realise here that you must be very busy fending off singlehandedly fighting your "cause" aCW.
I've pointed out that Jesus rescinded the death penalty but not righteous laws when it came to horrific sins like homosexuality. So take up your gripe with the pro homosexual death penalty crowd in another thread Sandy, as you're blowing smoke in this one.
"Horrific" isn't a word attributed to Jesus. Correct me if I'm wrong but my understanding is that Jesus didn't express any personal opinion of homosexuality, never mind being horrified by it.
"Horrific" is your word aCW, you claim to be horrified by gay people, right?

You then are obviously horrified but also clearly fascinated by what homosexuals do or may be doing. Why, when heterosexuals may often do the same or similar things, you are somehow less horrified is rather harder to understand, at least without supposing a substantial degree of homophobic bigotry.
What then specifically is it that you think, aCW, makes homosexuality so "horrific" compared to other "sins"?


New member
Lesbian,Gay,Bisexual and Transgender are unnatural,unorthodox,sinful acts,in my view.Nothing more,nothing less.And when the Day Of Judgement finally comes,they,like all of us,will have to answer for their sins.


New member
aCW: Since I have taken you at your word about being a cop - I had no reason to do otherwise - which is your proper address: 'Officer', 'Detective', 'Lieutenant', 'Sergeant' or other? :think: Work with me here instead of leaving me hanging in the breeze....

And why did you ignore the FDA ban youtube I asked you to review, you first class idjut?


New member
I think that gay historian David Starkey puts it very well....
I'm sorry, I was unclear in my question. I should have asked:
How is this "homosexual political movement" forcing the government to make laws?

I'm not personally a victim, yet. However, there have been many that are. Those who previously felt oppressed are now becoming the oppressors.
There is no way I can buy this. Christians are not living in fear of being arrested or forced into "treatment" to "cure" them. Christians can't be fired from their jobs just because they are Christian, neither can they be died housing or accommodation or even insurance. Christians are not being labeled 'perverts' they are not being accused either en mass or personally of harming children. Christians are not being oppressed.

It's happening all around us that Christians are being forced by law to do things against their conscience. One particular case soon to be in court which springs to mind is Asher's Bakery in Northern Ireland. The bakery were asked to bake a cake with the slogan 'support gay marriage' on it. They refused and they are now being taken to court by the Equality Commission, a government organisation. The homosexual activist who requested the cake would happily see the baker stripped of their right to refuse to write a political slogan which they disagree with because of their Christian faith. What the court will rule remains to be seen, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they rule against the bakery.

I'm sure you are aware of the many other cases of homosexuals suing Christians because they wouldn't go against their conscience. Any society which forces someone to conform to a certain orthodoxy and moral or political view is a dangerous society to live in.

not being able to treat a minority like second class citizens is not a religious right.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

(In pagan homosexualist talk that means so many homosexual child molestations/death from AIDS, murders and suicides ago).

My former posts, commentaries and resource links on homosexuality and the Bible stand. It has nothing to do with me being a neo-pagan homosexualist

I never used the word "neo".

You're wrongly equating the above 'items' with some misconceived preconceptions you've got going. (same ole tag line, broken record).

I don't recall our conversations from Part 1, but without a doubt they had to be entertaining.

Drag queen'in aint my "thing" freelight, but I bet that you and your 'gay christian' friends would be a big hit at the Easter Drag Queen Ball in San Fransicko.

I don't know,...it might encourage or awaken a more creative, flamboyant side of you, one that is more liberal in a good way. Did you ever enjoy just being yourself?

Since the thread's token drag queen Persephone66, aka Chuck hasn't made a reappearance, how about you fill in and tell us what it's like to "be yourself" when you go into the closet and borrow your sister's clothing? (silly me, freelight doesn't have to borrow anyone's clothing as he without a doubt has his own "fabulous" wardrobe).

If that includes a creative way of expressing yourself, then so bit. You ever notice that many male birds (made by the Creator) are more beautifully 'feathered' and 'ornamental' than the females of their species...strutting around their wonderful plumage? Did you ever just let go and have fun?

Leave it to a pagan homosexualist to compare this:


with this:


Warning! Typical homosexual HATRED of God and all things decent.

You're generalizing, stereo-typing, blanket-couching every assumption of yours to degreade, malign and marginalize a particular community within our human family, using 'religion' as a 'weapon' and 'justification' of bigotry and hatred. That's 'criminal', if you want to use the word.

And people like me should be incarcerated for such things shouldn't we freelight? Go ahead and be honest and admit it.


Lesbian,Gay,Bisexual and Transgender are unnatural,unorthodox,sinful acts,in my view.Nothing more,nothing less.And when the Day Of Judgement finally comes,they,like all of us,will have to answer for their sins.

Thanks for sharing "your view" zorba. Now open a Bible and see what God's "view" on homosexuality is.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've pointed out that Jesus rescinded the death penalty but not righteous laws when it came to horrific sins like homosexuality. So take up your gripe with the pro homosexual death penalty crowd in another thread Sandy, as you're blowing smoke in this one.

"Horrific" isn't a word attributed to Jesus. Correct me if I'm wrong but my understanding is that Jesus didn't express any personal opinion of homosexuality, never mind being horrified by it.

Paraphrasing the recent words of a defender of sodomy:

"Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt." (I have to admit Al, you had me roaring with laughter with that one).

Check out the very first word that is listed in the tha tha tha thesaurus Al under horrific.


If you're still having problems go back to Leviticus where God uses that word (remember that Jesus is the Son of God/God in the flesh).


aCW: Since I have taken you at your word about being a cop - I had no reason to do otherwise - which is your proper address: 'Officer', 'Detective', 'Lieutenant', 'Sergeant' or other? :think: Work with me here instead of leaving me hanging in the breeze....


And why did you ignore the FDA ban youtube I asked you to review, you first class idjut?

Because I know how you become when you're not the center of attention.



Say what? I thought the Fins were right up there with the Sveeeeeeds and legalized kiddy porn, homosexual 'marriage' and all that good stuff long ago?

(From Part 1) "I wish we could be more like...Sweden, the pervert's paradise" (the decade long legalization of child porn, amongst other things), page 179, post #2674; "the child's right to sexuality" post #2675

The re-re-recriminalization of child porn in Sweden; Gonorrhoea and syphilis are making a comeback in Sweden (dontcha just love comeback kid stories?) page 179, post #2681, "SMBLA", page 180, post #2690

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Even if that were the case (and it's not, it's just another LGBT smokescreen that is used as a scaremongering tactic). wouldn't prison be better than dying from AIDS or being murdered by another homosexual? After all Pete, many a morally confused person comes out of prison a changed person (thanks to prison ministries etc.).

It already happens with drug users, so why wouldn't it happen here to? Also, prison rape is a massive problem, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if being exposed to such creates homosexuals.

Biblical law includes no prisons, and while you might say that's because they were traveling nomads, I think there is another important reason for this to (indeed, God commands cities of refuge after they reach the Promised Land, but no prisons), and that is that prison is the absolutely moronic idea of locking criminals up with other criminals, which leads to simply learning more crime, all paid for by the victim (as well as the other victims of government taxation.)


New member
It already happens with drug users, so why wouldn't it happen here to? Also, prison rape is a massive problem, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if being exposed to such creates homosexuals.

Biblical law includes no prisons, and while you might say that's because they were traveling nomads, I think there is another important reason for this to (indeed, God commands cities of refuge after they reach the Promised Land, but no prisons), and that is that prison is the absolutely moronic idea of locking criminals up with other criminals, which leads to simply learning more crime, all paid for by the victim (as well as the other victims of government taxation.)
Yes, prison increases and perpetuates criminality. Young people with drug or relatively minor felony offenses would do better with some form of stringent education, community service and work. Why put them in with rapists and murderers which association increases all and lets it grow by what it feeds on?


The world has moved on since the Enlightenment. This is a global culture that stresses human rights, fair treatment for all and a growing sense that the first-century theological maxims are no longer attractive or believable.

The bigotry, hypocrisy, patriarchy, elitism and prejudice of Islam and Christianity are on their way out. This is exactly why both sides scream so loud and play the victim.

We all need to clean up our own rooms and go outside where true reality is.


While I'm sure that most of you are dying to know if incarcerating murderers, rapists and drug addicts is biblical (many of them move about freely inside Libertarian Party Headquarters), I got to thinking about what many of the threads homosexualists have complained about when it comes to not exposing those who are heterosexual for things like child abuse and only picking on proud and unrepentant homosexuals.

While I have talked extensively about the allies of the LGBQueer movement who aren't practicing sodomites themselves, I thought I would talk about the lowest of the low vermin that slitttther the face of the earth who take advantage of a system that is attempting to help children in need:

Foster care parents.

While there are many many good foster care parents out there, those who aren't need to be exposed.

Here's a good article talking about the abuse that goes on inside foster care homes:

Foster Care System Traps Children into Vicious Cycle of Sex Abuse

August 1, 2013

The FBI raid that rescued 105 sexually exploited children from a sex trafficking ring last weekend has highlighted the vulnerability of foster children.

Sixty percent of runaways who are victims of sex trafficking had been in the custody of child protective services.

Many times when children are rescued from sex traffickers they are put right back into the foster care system to repeat the same vicious cycle.

Victims may even recruit other children into the very abuse they had just left.

With the “child protectors” snatching even more children into the system to get more federal funding, there has become a serious shortage of good foster parents to handle the surplus of children, which means the bar has been set really low for people who can qualify to foster.

A 2011 audit of Sacramento Foster Care facilities found the addressees of more than 1000 registered sex offenders matched the addresses of licensed foster-care facilities and homes.

Almost 600 of those offenders were considered high risk.

The report identified a number of factors endangering these children, including a failure to thoroughly and promptly investigate reports of neglect.

Those who are paid to protect children couldn’t care less about their safety so long as the feds come through with the big bucks.

Sex traffickers prey on helpless children who feel abandoned by their families and lost in a system of providers that don’t bother to follow up on reports of neglect.

These are the type of children that are easily groomed for child sex slavery and prostitution.

The demand for child sex trafficking is even greater now that sex-trafficking and pedophila have moved out of isolation and into a worldwide internet-based community of people who share images and techniques.

According to the International Center For Missing And Exploited Children (ICMEC), of the millions of pornographic images on the internet, 10% are of infants and toddlers, while 76% are of pre-pubescent children.

Let that sink in....
Read more: http://www.infowars.com/foster-care-system-traps-children-into-vicious-cycle-of-sex-abuse-2/

And one can only specualte that the vast majority of the time it's the foster daddies that are doing the abusing.



Since lovemeorhateme hasn't returned to address Traci's post, I thought that I'd take a shot at it.

Originally Posted by lovemeorhateme
I think that gay historian David Starkey puts it very well....

I'm sorry, I was unclear in my question. I should have asked:
How is this "homosexual political movement" forcing the government to make laws?

I'm not personally a victim, yet. However, there have been many that are. Those who previously felt oppressed are now becoming the oppressors.

There is no way I can buy this. Christians are not living in fear of being arrested or forced into "treatment" to "cure" them. Christians can't be fired from their jobs just because they are Christian, neither can they be died housing or accommodation or even insurance. Christians are not being labeled 'perverts' they are not being accused either en mass or personally of harming children. Christians are not being oppressed.

It's happening all around us that Christians are being forced by law to do things against their conscience. One particular case soon to be in court which springs to mind is Asher's Bakery in Northern Ireland. The bakery were asked to bake a cake with the slogan 'support gay marriage' on it. They refused and they are now being taken to court by the Equality Commission, a government organisation. The homosexual activist who requested the cake would happily see the baker stripped of their right to refuse to write a political slogan which they disagree with because of their Christian faith. What the court will rule remains to be seen, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they rule against the bakery.

I'm sure you are aware of the many other cases of homosexuals suing Christians because they wouldn't go against their conscience. Any society which forces someone to conform to a certain orthodoxy and moral or political view is a dangerous society to live in.

not being able to treat a minority like second class citizens is not a religious right.

While Traci does play the 'denial card' quite frequently in this thread (to put it mildly), this post is hilarious because he's denying that elected leftwing LGBTQ activist politicians and judges legislate and enforce laws that punish people of faith for not going against God's Word when it comes to dealing with people who proudly and unrepentantly engage in homosexual behavior.

I've shown post after post (and dedicated an entire segment to the subject in Part 1) where people were punished for speaking out against homosexuality, yet Traci denies that this is happening?

Traci, go back to LGBTQueer school and learn a better technique when it comes to defending homosexuality and it's AGENDA, as you're embarrassing yourself.
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